Wednesday 24 February 2010

Israel Matzav: My non-standard questions to flush out support for Israel

My non-standard questions to flush out support for Israel

As I noted in my previous post, I have put together a list of questions that are designed to measure support for Israel that go beyond the usual litmus-test softball questions. I developed these questions for a congressional candidate who is working on them now, and I am going to send them to the Campbell campaign in California as well (and to the Fiorina and Devore campaigns if someone can put me in touch with a contact there).

These are the questions I asked:

1. Do you believe that there is a solution to the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, and if so what is it?

2. If you believe that solution is what is commonly referred to as the 'two-state solution,' why do you believe it hasn't happened to date? Do you anticipate any change in the circumstances that have prevented the two-state solution from happening and if so, what and when?

3. What do you think the United States ought to be doing to help Israel live in peace and security with its neighbors, and do you believe that the Obama administration is doing it? If not, what should they be doing differently?

4. Do you believe that the United States should be pressuring Israel not to build on the West Bank? In East Jerusalem?

5. What do you believe the United States ought to be doing about Iran?

6. Do you support sanctions against Iran? If so, what types of sanctions should the United States pursue? Should sanctions be imposed in cooperation with the United Nations? Would you support them being imposed unilaterally?

7. Would you support Israel taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?

8. Would you support the United States taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?

9. Would you be willing to work with the pro-Israel, pro-peace J Street lobby?

If you have comments, please pipe up. My deal with the congressional candidate is that I can ask follow-up questions.

Israel Matzav: My non-standard questions to flush out support for Israel

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