The day America stopped being a superpower

You can mark on your calendar the day that America stopped being a superpower:
June 4, 2009. The day Barack Hussein Obama addressed the world from al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt:
The address, however, was more than a puerile and pathetic exercise in political correctness. It will be remembered as the pivotal moment in history when the United States ceased to be a superpower. Sapped of its self-confidence and sense of grandiose destiny, America chose the policy of appeasement over confrontation, lies over truth, illusion over reality. At the heart of Mr. Obama's speech as well as his foreign policy is the notion that we are not "at war" with Islam. But the real issue is the very opposite: Political Islam is at war with us - or to be more precise, radical fundamentalists are bent on destroying America, Israel and the West.
The liberals' mantra is that the majority of Muslims are nonviolent moderates. This is undeniably true. But it misses the point.
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Israel Matzav: The day America stopped being a superpower