Friday, 29 May 2009
Israel Matzav : US to proimpose terms
US to proimpose terms

Israel Matzav: US to proimpose terms
Israel Matzav: Hezbullah talking to EU, IMF
Hezbullah talking to EU, IMF

The talks this month reflected concerns here about a possible drop in international donor and investor confidence should the political alliance led by Hezbollah — considered a terrorist group by the United States and Israel — gain a majority for the first time. Many analysts believe that outcome is likely, though the race is considered too close to call.
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Israel Matzav: Hezbullah talking to EU, IMF
Israel Matzav: Lautenberg: US expects Israel to hit Iran if all else fails
Lautenberg: US expects Israel to hit Iran if all else fails

Interviewed during a short visit, Lautenberg - a consistent backer of Israel who is also a Democratic Party supporter of Obama - said, "Israel didn't ask us permission to drop bombs twice on Syrian nuclear facilities. I didn't hear America scolding Israel for what it did then. Hypothetically, if Israel were able to get rid of Iran's nuclear bomb-making capability, I'm sure that America would not send Israel a chastising e-mail message. We have to give Israel the courtesy of [allowing it to] make its own decisions."
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Israel Matzav: Lautenberg: US expects Israel to hit Iran if all else fails
Israel Matzav: Amnesty: The sky is falling in Gaza
Amnesty: The sky is falling in Gaza

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Israel Matzav: Amnesty: The sky is falling in Gaza
Israel Matzav: 'Democracy' in the Arab world
'Democracy' in the Arab world

Who’s the most popular ruler across the Arab world? It isn’t Mubarak, who enjoys skyrocketing sympathy that is erasing hatreds and clashes at this time, in the wake of the tragic death of his eldest grandson. It also isn’t Lebanon’s president, with everyone tense in the face of the large-scale terror attack feared ahead of the Lebanese parliamentary elections. It is certainly not Gaddafi either, the most veteran ruler, who enjoys cheers that are orchestrated from above through threats and bribes.
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Israel Matzav: 'Democracy' in the Arab world
Israel Matzav: Could today be the day that Iran gets smacked?
Could today be the day that Iran gets smacked?

President Clinton visits Saddam Hussein to talk about the UNSCOM inspections in Iraq. As he sits down he sees three buttons in the armrest of Saddam's chair. When Saddam sits down, Clinton immediately asks, "Why the three buttons in the armrest?" "You'll see," says Saddam. After 10 minutes, Saddam presses the first button and WHACK, a boxing glove hits Clinton in the face. Clinton grabs his nose while Saddam just laughs. Clinton manages to remain calm until, after another 10 minutes, Saddam presses the second button, and another boxing glove hits Clinton in the stomach. While Clinton's gasping for air, Saddam falls out of his chair from laughing. Clinton is highly annoyed by now, but remains outwardly calm. After another 5 minutes, Saddam presses the third button, and from under the table another boxing glove hits Clinton, this time right in the crotch. Clinton is really fed up by it now and breaks off the talks. "We'll continue this next week in the White House," says the President. Saddam has tears in his eyes from laughing, and can only nod in agreement.
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Israel Matzav: Could today be the day that Iran gets smacked?
Israel Matzav: Sanitizing Abu Mazen
Sanitizing Abu Mazen

The Washington Post is cooperating with the White House in its effort to make Abu Mazen appear to be something that he is not: a peacemaker.
Israel Matzav: Sanitizing Abu Mazen
UN: No, We Won't Investigate War Crimes
The idea that there's anything impartial about the UN, in any direction, takes yet another blow. It's a club of interested parties which make proclamations according to their interests. Just as you'd expect... and totally in contradiction to the sanctimonious ideologues of some international community as a source of justice and moral legitimacy.
Who is Israel Killing?
As of last month, Halevi has a list of 171 people the PCHR defines as
civilians that he claims he can prove are actually combatants affiliated
with Hamas or other terrorist groups. His contention is based on a simple
principle: When fighters die, they don't just leave behind a body, a family,
and eyewitnesses--they leave a paper trail. Martyrdom posters, photographs
of funerals, articles celebrating heroes' exploits, lists of payments to
families--these sources help Halevi disprove that a particular fatality was
a civilian as opposed to a fighter. Intelligence analysts around the world
are following this paper trail, and they don't just work for the Shin Bet or
CIA. In fact, in the era of the Internet, vast amounts of intelligence are
available to anyone with fluent Arabic, a little training, and a lot of time
and patience...
But even facts can be subjective. For example, Halevi accuses Shaheen's
organization of mislabeling Hamas cleric Nizar Rayan as a civilian. Shaheen
explains that Rayan was killed in an Israeli airstrike on his home. There are
jihadist posters of Rayan all over Gaza, and yet, "I cannot count him as a
militant or fighter," Shaheen says. Rayan was unarmed with his wives and
children when he was killed, Shaheen explains. "I cannot count this case as a
fighter because he didn't participate as a fighter in the offensive. He was a
civilian the whole time--going to the mosque, praying, coming back to his
None of this is petty. The case against Israel, broadcast the world over at high intensity, is that in its callousness it kills large numbers of innocent civilians. Looking closer at the facts, it appears that in order to say this you have to disregard what many of the casualties or their families themselves say: we're proud soldiers in the war against Israel.
DECEIT 101 - (Betrayal of a sacred trust)
The Defense Minister takes pride in threatening the continued existence of many small Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria. At least now we know how much “spine” was shown in Washington. The bitter truth of the current Israeli government surfaces, like scum on a pond. It is sadly funny how one by one, each party head proves to be a true politician, all except the defense minister, who remains true to his words.
We are taught, everything is for the good, and so it is with at this stage also. For anyone who was unsure as to the stand of the Likud leadership, now knows. Whoever thought the Ministry of Defense is about protecting the Jewish State now knows better, whoever thought that the left cares about a Jewish State now should know better. They have buried themselves politically for the future, as they have proven, their loyalty lies only within themselves. The numbers of those that believe in a safe and strong Jewish state continue to grow higher, the opponent’s days are numbered. Honestly, how long can this weak union last. I had hoped for at least a little political savvy from our Prime Minister, I had hoped that he would respect the democratic process and the will of a people, but, c'est la vie, he had his chance to be a real leader, a world leader.
As we get ready for Chapter 2 in “Bibi’s Believe It or Not” we must rejoice that the true face of these actors have surfaced. At least now we know whom else we can’t trust, again. Now I know that what the Prime Minister sees, we don’t. Who are we but the small citizen? But what do we see? We see that Jews may be evicted again from their homes, we see that the those that asked us to vote for Likud were wrong, again, and we see that the lack of unity among the right wing parties once again shoots us in the foot. We see weakness in our leaders, again, and treachery in their midst.
When will we learn? Each party and their rhetoric about who is more true to the “cause”, who loves Israel more, who will put up a fight. In the end, because they can’t even get along, we of Yehuda and Shomron and all of the Jewish people in the world will suffer. They love to yell more than they love to do, and in the end they lost out. Now all they have left is to demonstrate and make noise, shout and wave their fists…. big deal.
As they are busy fighting amongst themselves, the left rejoices and plots against the continued existence of the Jewish State. Wake up boys, the game started years ago. Time is not on our side.
Still, one cannot understand the hatred of the left, how they despise our heritage and identity. A law is about to be passed claiming that the celebration of “Nakba” or the Catastrophe of Israel, will be forbidden, makes sense to most normal people. But those on the left say it is a limitation on the democratic right of free speech. Of course they play by a double standard, if it is against anything Jewish in character it is all right, if it causes displeasure and harm to the religious part of Israeli society, it is good, and if it helps the sworn enemies of Israel, then it is democratic. Of course, the opposite is considered fascist and racist.
The rumor mill has it that Obama’s upcoming speech in Egypt will have some of the most damaging elements towards Israel that our people have yet to hear from any US Administration, and we in Israel will once again be asked (or told) to agree to an imaginary peace process, that will almost definitely take its toll in bloodshed.
The Obama Government is proving to be the most arrogant, ignorant and threatening administration Israel has known for quite some time. How they can ignore the reality of Abbas and his ilk is truly an insult to the American people. The “chutzpah” the US shows towards Israel, who are they to dictate how many children we may bear, how many children may live alongside their parents. In the end, we have our own to thank for that, for they too believe the lies and are responsible for this travesty. I doubt they will wake up soon, isn’t “change” wonderful?
How fitting for this speech to be made in Pharaoh’s neighborhood, hopefully we will see the same end result and miracles that we experienced in our past, where the Jewish people emerge a strong and unified people in their land.
Marc Prowisor
Director, Security Projects
One Israel Fund
Office: 516 239 9202 x15
Cell: 972 54 2237727 (Israel)
Global: 856 393 4777
Fax: 516 239 9203
Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: SHAVUOT: WE ARE ALL GERIM (PROSELYTES) ; movin' to the center, but feeling lonely just the same (also for Nitzavim Vayelech)
Our tradition teaches that all the souls of Israel, past, present and future, stood as one at Mount Sinai, together with the souls of all future gerim, those who would accept the Torah, the Covenant between G*d and Israel. The ger is so holy. And as being holy means being set aside and special in the best sense, being holy and pure as the Sabbath is holy and pure, less sensitive and less refined souls may view the apartness as a possible negative, and so the Torah adjures us 36 times not to oppress the ger in any way. It would be like oppressing Avraham and Sarah, their parents.
Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: SHAVUOT: WE ARE ALL GERIM (PROSELYTES) ; movin' to the center, but feeling lonely just the same (also for Nitzavim Vayelech)