Rabbis to ban sales of homes and land to Arabs

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Israel Matzav: Rabbis to ban sales of homes and land to Arabs
It is no secret that there are disagreements over the report, and Haaretz has reported more than once that ElBaradaei's deputy, Olli Heinonen, would like the reports to state unequivocal facts. However, as is common in an international bureaucratic organization, efforts are being made to maintain the impression of unity, with differences being kept under wraps.
taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
The Palestinian Maan news agency reported on Saturday that the Israel Defense Force fired artillery rounds at gunmen at the central Gaza Strip. No injuries were reported. The IDF said in response that no such attack took place.In cases such as this you can't even apply the "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" logic. How would it work? "One man's artillery shell is another man's no-artillery shell"?
You rightly criticize those of us here in the United States for doing not understanding the complexities of the Israel/Arab/Palestinian conflict. But you do the same thing when you say that you are agnostic on "who's right and who's wrong, who's fibbing and who's fibbing more."Don't mean to be harsh, because I read you constantly but you have this wrong.Ouch.
تنسيق-الكليات-لعام سكس نيك كس
The IDF is rolling out the Tavor to more and more units, replacing the M4 and M16 variants. Basic trainees will begin their service with the Tavor and use it throughout their conscription.
IDF Special forces units will use the Micro Tavor.
Issued to IDF Brigade Reconnaissance Companies.
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Today's Golden Oldie is from ten years (11) ago this month. July 1998.
Saying that Israel is judged by a double standard is a waste of time. We know it. They know it. So in this cartoon I tried to wring a wry laugh out of the unfair and ugly situation.
A classic goal of much of Jewish Humor.
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