Saturday, 16 May 2009
Chesler Chronicles » Consolation in a Time of Madness
Consolation in a Time of Madness
I grow weary, disconsolate.
More than seven years ago, when I first sounded the alarm about the new anti-Semitism, I was given a massive brush off by some of the same Jewish organization leaders who are, only now, screaming “gevalt” from the rooftops.
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Chesler Chronicles » Consolation in a Time of MadnessParshat Behar-Bechukotai: The Constant
This week’s parshah deals primarily with laws that relate to an individual’s estate in the land of Israel. When the Jews finally conquered and inherited the land of Israel, each of the twelve tribes was given its own portion throughout the country. And within every tribe, every person inherited their own particular portion of the land. In this week’s parshah we learn about different situations in which one must, for certain reasons, sell his portion (either land, or his house) to another. The Torah tells us:
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Parshat Behar-Bechukotai: The Constant
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Lefty Colonialists
Max Julius in Haaretz puts the Guardianistas in a context I hadn't thought of: the snotty Englishmen who can't really be cajoled to take the natives seriously when they act out:
These modern-day British imperialists, the vast majority of whom are on the
left, by the way, see Palestinian terror as a sort of ineffectual
temper-tantrum; much as their forebears in African and the subcontinent saw
their subjects' occasional acts of hostility toward them as childlike bouts of
rage. The fact that Hamas' plots are so regularly thwarted by Israel, which
often responds with far greater force, only goes to further the sense these
Britons have of the group as something that only seems malignant to those
without a true understanding of the Arab: Their poor American cousins and, of
course, the hysterical, persecution-obsessed Eastern European Jews who now call
themselves Israelis.
Stop Raping Israel: Little Satan's Happy BDay!
Little Satan's Happy BDay!
Certain rowdy members have learned the hard way not to send panzers, combat jets and conscripted infantry against Little Satan, yet there are several threats to her existence.
Stop Raping Israel: Little Satan's Happy BDay!
On the deepest level the baby knows that everything is connected. Our task, the Torah seems to be telling us, is to recharge ourselves, to view life again from the perspective of an infant, and to know that G*d will meet all our needs for us. Some of us resent G*d because our parents may not have met all our needs for us.
In the shemittah year we let go of the land and let it rest and return to its own child-like, unrestricted, unpruned, untrained natural state of being. And on the Jubilee, the land itself lets go of its anthrocentric human-decreed owners and returns to its G*d-decreed state.This reflects the double meaning of what shabbat means to us - as both well-resting and returning.