Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Peace partner': 'The government may need to recognize Israel, but the forces don't'

'Peace partner': 'The government may need to recognize Israel, but the forces don't'

I guess if Hezbullah was able to deceive some parts of the West into believing that it had separate military and political wings, the 'Palestinians' believe they can do the same.

Ma'an - a 'Palestinian' news service - reports that 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen is suggesting that Hamas create the military/political fiction, so that the political wing can join his new government and that government can recognize Israel, while the military wing will continue its 'resistance.'
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Israel Matzav: 'Peace partner': 'The government may need to recognize Israel, but the forces don't'

Israel Matzav: They're here, they're queer and they're hypocrites

They're here, they're queer and they're hypocrites

Starting with the latest manifestation of gay hypocrisy - the shafting of Miss USA candidate Carrie Prejean (pictured) by Perez Hilton - college classmate (yes, he was one too) Andrew Breitbart notes several issues on which the gay community selectively targets some people who disagree with their positions, while giving others a free pass.

On display at the Miss USA event was the activist left's pageant of selective bullying, a concerted strategy to go after low-hanging fruit like Mormons. But the left leaves off its hit list members in good standing of its normal coalition - its "rainbow" coalition. In California, one of the gayest places on the map, blacks and Hispanics - who disproportionately disapprove of same-sex marriage - get a stunning pass from outraged proponents of gay marriage.
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Israel Matzav: They're here, they're queer and they're hypocrites

Israel Matzav: More Democrats unnerved by Obama's fawning on Iran

More Democrats unnerved by Obama's fawning on Iran

Politico reports that more and more Democrats in Congress are getting nervous about President Obama's fawning attitude towards Iran - and they are trying to do something to limit it (Hat Tip: Instapundit and Memeorandum).

Democrats in Congress are joining Republicans in calling for tough new sanctions on Iran and warning the Obama administration that its policy of engagement shouldn’t last too long before turning to harsher steps aimed at halting Tehran’s nuclear program.
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Israel Matzav: More Democrats unnerved by Obama's fawning on Iran

Israel Matzav: Lies, damned lies and demographic statistics

Israel Matzav: Lies, damned lies and demographic statistics

Israel Matzav: King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

The King of Palestine appeared on Meet the Press on Sunday. Many of you know him as the King of Jordan, but Jordan, which is 78% of the former territory of Mandatory Palestine, was given to King Abdullah's family in 1920 by the British as a consolation prize for having lost Saudi Arabia to that other Arab Sheikhdom. During the 19 years that Abdullah's father and grandfather controlled the 'West Bank,' they felt no need to create a 'Palestinian state.' But now that Israel is in control, Abdullah will tell you that creating a 'Palestinian state' will solve all of the Muslim world's problems, from Morocco to Pakistan(!) and beyond. Yes, it's all the Jooooos' fault.
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Israel Matzav: King Abdullah discusses Israel on Meet the Press

Israel Matzav: How bad is Obama for Israel?

How bad is Obama for Israel?

How bad is the Obama administration for Israel? Please consider this interview with Victor Davis Hanson at Front Page Magazine. Hanson comes up with what seems like a 'logical' explanation as to why President Obama has been trying to undermine Israel from the get-go:

FP: The Obama administration apparently is set to give 900 million to Hamas. In other words, they want to give money to the Palestinian Nazi Party. What do you make of this? What must Obama do toward Hamas, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah, etc? Do you think he will do it and/or is he even capable or cognizant of what is actually going on and what is at stake?
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Israel Matzav: How bad is Obama for Israel?

Israel Matzav: Arab countries as nervous as Israel over Iran

Arab countries as nervous as Israel over Iran

Dennnis Ross, President Obama's special envoy to Iran (pictured), will be heading to the Middle East this week to assure America's Arab allies that unlike Israel, India, Poland, Georgia and Colombia, their interests will not be sold down the river by the Obama administration. America's Arab allies have a lot about which to be concerned.

Some Arab officials said they have seen little evidence that Iran is moderating activities that they view as destabilizing to many Mideast governments. Morocco severed diplomatic ties with Tehran last month, alleging Iranian diplomats were seeking to convert Moroccan citizens to Shiism, Iran's predominant religion. Egypt this month arrested 50 members of Iranian-backed Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia and political party, for allegedly seeking to undermine President Hosni Mubarak's government while transferring arms to the Palestinian militant group Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
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Israel Matzav: Arab countries as nervous as Israel over Iran

Israel Matzav: Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

In an earlier post, I noted that the Obama administration has proposed a none-too-subtle change in the criteria for engaging with Hamas. The Obama administration has proposed that the three conditions for negotiating with the terror organization (abandonment of terror, recognition of Israel and recognition of past agreements) be abandoned to allow Hamas to enter into a unity government with Fatah which in turn would 'accept' those conditions. That proposal, outlined in testimony by Secretary of State Clinton in congressional testimony last week, has apparently awoken some pro-Israel Representatives out of their catatonic stupors.
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Israel Matzav: Obama to find ways to fund Hamas and Hezbullah: What could go wrong?

Israel Matzav: Mrs. Clinton is on track

Mrs. Clinton is on track

It's Monday morning that means that it's time for yet another anti-Israel column by the sickeningly gleeful Roger Cohen who takes a perverse pleasure in watching the Obama-Clinton administration attempt to destroy the only democracy in the Middle East (Hat Tip: Memeorandum). I'd like to make three points about Cohen's latest anti-Israel screed, but I will point them out in order of importance rather than in the order Cohen makes the points.

First, Cohen complains about how the 'poor Palestinians' cannot move freely around the West Bank Judea and Samaria.
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Israel Matzav: Mrs. Clinton is on track

Israel Matzav: NATO member holding military exercise with Syria

NATO member holding military exercise with Syria
Israel Radio reported this morning that NATO member and Obama favorite Turkey is holding three days of military exercises with Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria. As of now, none of Israel's mainstream media websites believe this story is newsworthy (they are silent about it), but DEBKA is reporting it.

The joint Turkish-Syrian tank and armored infantry exercise backed by air power begins across the Turkish-Syrian border Monday, April 27, and lasts three days.

Israel Matzav: NATO member holding military exercise with Syria


Earlier this evening we began commemorating Yom HaZikaron, the day of commemoration for more than 24,000 Israelis killed in our wars. It's truly a day of national mourning. Tomorrow evening we'll spring from mourning to celebration in the span of an hour, with the beginning of Independence Day.

Last year on this day I posted this short essay.

Israel is a small place, and we all know people who have lost family members, or we've crossed paths with people who were later killed. Quite a number of them. But we've also all lost friends, people who were close enough that their absence impacted on our lives, people we still think of with regret; people we wish were still part of our lives.

Avi Greenwald, 1957-1982
Shlomo Aumann, 1957-1982
Ram Mizrachi, 1961-1982

taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)


The Central Bureau of Statistics published some numbers about Israel's population, as every year the day before Independence Day. Almost 7.5 million Israelis, 75.5% Jews, 20.2% Arabs, and 4.8% neither (these are mostly Russians who arrived here since 1990 and are culturally Jewish but not halachically so - an issue I've written about in the past). You can find additional factoids here, if you read Hebrew.
The numbers were presented at a press conference by the head of the Demography Department of the Bureau, a fellow by the name of Ahmed Halichal. Heh.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)


Mahmud Abbas - Abu Mazen - regularly described as the Moderate Palestinian President today gave a speech in which he rejected recognizing Israel as a Jewish State:

"A Jewish state, what is that supposed to mean?" Abbas asked in a speech in the West Bank's political capital of Ramallah. "You can call yourselves as you like, but I don't accept it and I say so publicly."...

Such a move [of recognition] would amount to an effective renunciation of the right of return of refugees from the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, when Israel was created, one of the most cherished and visceral principles to the Palestinians.

The peculiar thing about this is that it's not news. It has been the official Palestinian position ever since they began recognizing Israel's existence, somewhere between the late 1980s and early 1990s, and it effectively negates the recognition because it assumes large numbers of Palestinians will move into Israel, thus turning it into a bi-national state at best. No official Palestinian spokesman ever said otherwise, no matter how moderate he purports to be. This is the main reason why even Olmert and Livni never got close to a peace agreement with Abbas during the 18 months or so of their talks: the positions of the two sides are too far apart.

What is additionally peculiar is that while this is common knowledge in Israel - raising the question why Y-Net even gave it a headline today - it is effectivle never published in the Western media. So it's not news in Israel (everyone knows it), and it's likewise not news in Europe and America (no-one knows it).
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)


Yakov Litzman, Deputy Minister of Health and effectively Acting Minister of Health, convened a press conference this morning to reassure us about the Swine Flu which apparently has made its way here from Mexico in at least one case. Litzman, a representative of a Haredi party, suggests we should call it the Mexico Flu, so as to keep our distance from pigs.

Actually, I expect Litzman said this in order to get media notice. There is, after all, no halachic prohibition on mentioning pigs; also, Litzman is one of the cannier politicians we have, and a highly capable man who knows his way through the intricacies of our budgets and bureaucracies as few do. This shows he's also a master of spin; it's a perfect soundbite.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)


Blogposts and newspaper editorials are ephemeral: here today, gone today. They may have a cumulative effect, but only in the aggregate. Not so with works of art, which can stick around for a while; some of them even for a very long while.

We don't know how long Caryl Churchill's insidious little play Seven Jewish Children will be around to spread its poison. So far, it hasn't gone away; on the contrary, it's doing quite well at outliving the blogposts and newspaper critics' opinions explaining why it's antisemitc. Just to make sure, however, the Guardian has just posted a video of it, here. After all, a short pamphlet or PDF file will eventually lose its power to hurt the Jews, unless someone does something to enhance it; even word of mouth buzz must repeatedly be recharged somehow if it's not to die out. A video, however, if done well (this one is), has more power than mere words; if posted prominently on a popular website it may easily enjoy a second lease on life far more potent than the first round, where people read about it but didn't see it.
So this is an example of the Guardian actively seeking ways to promulgate antisemitism, beyond merely slanting its reportage and punditry of the daily events.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (http://yaacovlozowick.blogspot.com/)

DoubleTapper: Memorial Day in Israel: Mourn, Comfort and Remember

DoubleTapper: Memorial Day in Israel: Mourn, Comfort and Remember

Sh'ma Israel - English - Hebrew

For Zion's Sake: Am Yisrael remembers its heroes

On this day, we pause to remember the 22, 570 Jewish soldiers who have fallen in the defense of the State of Israel and the Jewish people since 1860, the year the first Jews built neighbourhoods outside of the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Only in the merit of the sacrifice of these brave soldiers can we have a state. Their courage and self-sacrifice is testimony to the strength of the Jewish people. We bought this land with blood and fire.

When HaShem promised our Father Avraham the Land of Israel, he asked G-d: Ba'meh eda ki erashena - How will I know that I will inherit it?. HaShem answered: bazeh, with this- sacrifices. Thousands of soldiers gave their lives to liberate this land and protect their people. 61 years after the re-establishment of the State of Israel, we continue to fight and struggle. The Eternal Nation is not afraid of a long journey.
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For Zion's Sake: Am Yisrael remembers its heroes
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