Friday, 12 June 2009
Israel Matzav: George Will on Obama's appalling treatment of Israel
George Will on Obama's appalling treatment of Israel
After the speech, he took a few questions, including one that led him to reflect on President Obama’s apparent belief that disharmony among nations results from misunderstandings that can be cured by dialogue and communication (and the force of his own personality) -- a view that Will characterized as reflecting a 1930s approach to foreign policy:
We’ve seen this in his treatment of Israel in that remarkable speech, the atmospherics of which were fine, the specifics appalling.
I mean, in the 61 years since Israel was founded on one-sixth of one percent of land in that area described as land of the Arab world, there has not been a moment of peace for Israel, not as peace is properly understood.
How many Americans understand that when Israel was founded in 1948, no Palestinian state was invaded, no Palestinian state was destroyed? There had not been a Palestinian geographic entity since between the departure of the Romans and the arrival of British rule.Read All at :
Israel Matzav: George Will on Obama's appalling treatment of Israel
North Korea, Iran joined on missile work: U.S. general | International | Reuters
North Korea, Iran joined on missile work: U.S. general
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By Jim Wolf
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Iran and North Korea are working together to develop ballistic missiles and have made significant progress, the head of the Pentagon's Missile Defense Agency said on Thursday.
"It really is an international effort going on out there to develop ballistic missile capability between these countries," Army Lieutenant General Patrick O'Reilly told a forum on Capitol Hill.
Iran and North Korea each is at odds with much of the international community over their nuclear programs, and North Korea has tested an atomic bomb. Each has demonstrated a capability to launch missiles with more than one stage, critical to more advanced systems.
They are sharing know-how on avionics, propulsion and materials, among other things, O'Reilly said.
"We've seen it for years and it continues," he said of such cooperation between North Korea and Iran, whose Shahab missiles are widely reported to be based on North Korean designs.
Their ability to fire missiles with a stable ignition and launch a second stage represents "a significant step forward" for both of them, O'Reilly said.
Asked which country was further ahead in missile development, he said it could be described as a "horse race" with no clear leader.
North Korea, Iran joined on missile work: U.S. general International Reuters
Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' family tortures and kills 15-year old 'collaborator' son
'Palestinian' family tortures and kills 15-year old 'collaborator' son

Raed Wael Sawalha's body was discovered in the basement of a house in his village of Hijjah in the Kalkilya area on Wednesday.
The Palestinian Authority security forces announced that they have arrested a number of the boy's family members in connection with the killing.
The suspects confessed, saying they decided to kill Sawalha because of his alleged connections with the Israeli authorities, PA security sources said.Read All at :
Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' family tortures and kills 15-year old 'collaborator' son