Friday, 22 May 2009
Bulletins Feb. 2009
Mahmoud Abbas: "I do not accept
the Jewish State, call it what you will"
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Palestinian Authority president and Fatah chairman Mahmoud Abbas stated unequivocally Monday that he does not accept the Jewish state."I say this clearly: I do not accept the Jewish State, call it what you will," he said at a preliminary conference of the Palestinian Youth Parliament in Ramallah.
At the end of the conference, Abbas was presented with a large framed map of "Palestine," covering the entire area of Israel.
The photo of the map being held aloft by a smiling Abbas was featured in a prominent front-page position in both PA daily newspapers. Note that the word "Palestine" appears on the map in English.
The widespread condemnation of Iranian President Ahmadinejad's speech attacking Israel and Zionists at the UN's "Durban II" conference in Geneva made headlines around the world. But Western leaders and media seem reluctant to take the next step: Recognizing that the Iranian leader's views are not an isolated phenomenon, but are widespread in the Muslim world.
PMW director Itamar Marcus and associate director Barbara Crook examined this issue in an article published in The Ottawa Citizen.
When Hatemongering is Common Currency
Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Ottawa Citizen, April 24, 2009 (online edition), April 27, 2009 (print edition)
The world reacted with outrage at the speech by Iranian President Ahmadinejad at the Durban Review Conference on Racism in Geneva. European countries stormed out of his talk and released an array of statements condemning his words.
But the real problem is not that an Ahmadinejad exists, or that he proudly and vociferously spews hatred against Jews and blames Zionism for the world's evils. The problem is that his views are anything but unique in the Muslim world.
Tragically, it seems that Western leaders are using Ahmadinejad as their radical Islamic whipping boy in order to content themselves that they are doing all they can to fight growing radical Islamic racism, its calls for a world without Israel and genocide of Jews, and its espousal of Holocaust denial.
In reality, the strong media and government reactions to Ahmadinejad's hate promotion serve only to highlight their hypocrisy in ignoring the same ideology when it's expressed by Arab leaders who have succeeded in making the Western world's list of "good guys."
Saudi King Abdullah - whom President George W. Bush kissed and to whom President Barack Obama bowed earlier this month -- has blamed Israel for terror attacks in Saudi Arabia: "We can be certain that Zionism is behind everything ... I don't say 100 percent, but 95 percent." [Saudi 1 Television, May 2, 2004]
Grade 9 children in Saudi Arabia are taught that "the hour [of judgment] will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind rocks and trees, until the rocks or the trees say, 'O Muslim! O servant of God! There is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him!"
Earlier this year, the head of the Department of Islamic Studies at Saud University pronounced that "Jews are the enemies of Allah." Dr. Walid Al-Rashudi also prayed for the extermination of all Jews: "Kill them one by one and don't leave even one." [Al-Aqsa (Hamas) TV, Jan. 12, 2009.
It is the very existence of the Jews, not their actions or even their Zionism, that fuels the rhetoric of many Islamic political and religious leaders.
"If the Jews left Palestine to us, would we start loving them? Of course not. . . . They are enemies not because they occupied Palestine. They would have been enemies even if they did not occupy a thing," said Egyptian cleric Muhammad Hussein Ya'qoub.
". . . You must believe that we will fight, defeat, and annihilate them, until not a single Jew remains on the face of the Earth." [Al-Rahma TV (Egypt), Jan. 17, 2009]
Is this any different from Ahmadinejad's calls for a world without Israel?
And look at Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, depicted by the West as a moderate to whom Israel is supposed to offer statehood. But the TV channel directly controlled by Abbas's office regularly runs educational programs to teach Palestinian adults and children alike that there is no state called Israel, and that all Israel's land is actually "occupied Palestine."
Palestinian children are taught that Israeli cities throughout the entire country - from Haifa in the North, to Jaffa (part of Tel Aviv), to Eilat in the south, are all actually Palestinian cities. Videos feature songs about a "Palestine" that erases Israel and a future when the Israeli cities Jaffa and Haifa will be "liberated."
Hamas, which has convinced many Western leaders and journalists that it spends more time building schools than bombing civilians, broadcast a sermon earlier this month depicting the Jews as enemies of humanity, inherently evil, seeking to rule the world and a dangerous threat to Muslims.
"The time will come, by Allah's will, when their property will be destroyed and their children will be exterminated, and no Jew or Zionist will be left on the face of this earth." [Hamas (Al-Aqsa) TV, April 3, 2009]
boy actor Why is Ahmadinejad's Holocaust denial so passionately denounced when Palestinian Holocaust denial is so utterly ignored? Hamas TV broadcast a special documentary last year, explaining that the Holocaust was a Zionist scheme to rid the world of elderly and handicapped, and to gain world sympathy. Fatah's PA TV broadcast a children's program that said explicitly that Israel burned Palestinians in ovens.
So why is Abbas presented as a peace partner, Egypt as a peace broker and Abdullah as a friend of the West? Why does the world not react with outrage to calls for "extermination" of Jews from anyone other than Ahmadinejad?
If the West is serious about peace, then all hatred must be condemned. And we must recognize that the real enemies of peace are not only the Ahmadinejads of the world, but the "friends" who have mastered the doublespeak of calling for peace in English while inciting hatred in Arabic.
PMW director Itamar Marcus was in Geneva during the UN Durban II conference and counter-conferences last week, and writes about how ordinary people can be convinced to participate in genocide.
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Bulletins Feb. 2009
Welcome to SMACKDOWN Corps (SDC) Headquarters!
Our mission at SDC is to fight the spread of terrorist propaganda on YouTube. This is not an effort to stifle free speech. We value free speech as much as the next person. In fact, our efforts are to help protect that right to free speech we value so much. The terrorists use YouTube services for propaganda purposes and to recruit new members for the fight against the West. And make no mistake, those harabist, islamo-fascist terrorists who use our right to free speech, will take that right away if they win.
Some say, it is not worth the effort to fight the online cyber-jihad. "YouTube is not responsive," they say. "Besides", they add, "the harabists will just keep uploading their terrorist videos. What good is it to remove a few videos if they just keep coming back?" We beg to differ.
Soldiers are dying to protect our right to free speech on the battle fields of Iraq and Afghanistan. We need to help them by fighting on a battlefield we can impact. We need to help them by taking the terrorist's recruiting tools away. We need to let the terrorists know the West is not going down without a fight. We need to let them know we are not going to sit here and allow them to use our services against us. The fight starts right here. Tell the terrorists we are coming. Tell them we will win!
Should we cede this battlefield because it is not worth the effort? NO! We should fight! And, if we fight like a pack and not a herd, we will win!
is that good men do nothing."
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Obama's Anti-Israel Collaborators - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
Obama's Anti-Israel Collaborators
By Joan Swirsky, For The Bulletin
Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, has long and deep ties with the enemies of America and Israel. This is what Dick Morris, former advisor to President Bill Clinton, and his wife, Eileen McGann, wrote last year:
“[Hillary’s] relationship with terrorists began in the mid-1980s when she served on the Board of the New World Foundation, which gave funds to the Palestine Liberation Organization [when] the PLO was officially recognized by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization. In 1996, the First Lady initiated an outreach program to bring Muslim leaders to the White House. But, as terrorism expert Steve Emerson noted in the Wall Street Journal, ‘Curiously, nearly all of the leaders…came from Islamic fundamentalist organizations … Among these radical groups was the American Muslim Alliance (AMA) and the Council on American-Islamic Relations, both groups that support Hamas…The Palestinian terrorists know that Hillary hears their point of view … Abu Hamed, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in Gaza, [said], ‘We just hope that she will go until the end and change American policy.”
Obama's Anti-Israel Collaborators - The Philadelphia Bulletin Archives
Joel Rosenberg’s Weblog
I’m horrified by reports this morning that in his June 4th speech in Cairo, President Obama will say it is time to divide Jerusalem and make the holy city the capital of a Palestinian state.
No, Mr. President, it is not.
Jerusalem is and should be the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Dividing Jerusalem will not make peace. Rather, it would send a message to every Radical Islamic jihadist around the world that Israel is weak, that the Jews won’t even defend the sovereignty of their own capital, that there is “blood in the water,” and that it is time to strike Israel and wipe her off the map. Dividing Jerusalem would trigger an apocalyptic war in the Middle East the likes of which the region has never seen. Already, the Radicals believe Israel is doomed to destruction. Hearing that the American President is now ready to apply intense pressure against the Israelis to divide their capital will only embolden the Radicals and convince them further that Allah is on their side, the wind is at their back, and they will soon triumph over the Jews and Christians.
Israel Matzav: Israel ignoring Obama?
Israel ignoring Obama?
Israel Matzav: Israel ignoring Obama?
Israel Matzav: Survey: Most Americans believe Israel justified in pre-emptive attack on Iran
Survey: Most Americans believe Israel justified in pre-emptive attack on Iran
Israel Matzav: Survey: Most Americans believe Israel justified in pre-emptive attack on Iran
Israel Matzav: Report: Obama to call for 'demilitarized Palestinian state,' no 'right of return'
Report: Obama to call for 'demilitarized Palestinian state,' no 'right of return'

Israel Matzav: Clinton: We're going to convince Iran they'll be better off without nukes
Clinton: We're going to convince Iran they'll be better off without nukes

In an appearance before a Senate Appropriations panel, Clinton reiterated that the Obama administration opposes Iran getting a nuclear weapons capability and that it is relying for now on diplomatic pressure to stop it. Amid reports that Iran has conducted a missile test, Clinton said that a wide array of threats, including attempts by terrorists to obtain nuclear weapons, represent a "daunting" challenge for the United States.
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Israel Matzav: Clinton: We're going to convince Iran they'll be better off without nukes
Esser Agaroth: What's Doin' In Riyadh?
What's Doin' In Riyadh?
Yom Yerushalayim/Erev Shabbath Qodesh B'midbar 5769Did you ever wonder what the heck someone from Riyadh, Saudia Arabia is doing reading your blog??
(The image is a segment from the May, 2009, Esser Agaroth ClustrMap.)
Esser Agaroth: What's Doin' In Riyadh?
Esser Agaroth: The Writing On The Wall
The Writing On The Wall
Yom Yerushalayim 5769
After the failed plot to bomb the Riverdale Jewish Center, I really don't understand why my fellow Jews in the U. S. don't see the writing on the wall, and get out already.
This is not the first, and it won't be the last. Right now, attacks in Los Angeles (1999), Seattle (2006), and San Francisco (2006) seem like ancient history, don't they? They seem few and far between. There doesn't seem to be much of a pattern here, does there?
How long will that last?
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Esser Agaroth: The Writing On The Wall
Maybe, Perhaps, Possibly
Note the formulations and parenthesis:
Arrests in New York 'attack plot'
The men were seized after allegedly planting what they thought were bombs
near two synagogues in the Bronx area.
It is not the BBC's task to tell us what happened and thereby prejudice our ability to serve on a jury, so it leaves us to make up pur own minds about whether the men actually planted anything near synagogues or perhaps not and it's simply an FBI plot.
Presumption of innocence running wild. The word antisemites, meanwhile, isn't printed anywhere, though the official in the video does use it.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (
WATCH: Quentin Tarantino Nazi-hunting flick makes waves at Cannes - Haaretz - Israel News
WATCH: Quentin Tarantino Nazi-hunting flick makes waves at Cannes | |
By Reuters | |
Tags: Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino | |
Quentin Tarantino rolls a Western, gangster flick and wartime caper into one in "Inglourious Basterds," a new film starring Brad Pitt as the leader of a ruthless gang of Nazi-slayers. So fearsome is the band of Jewish-American "bastards" that Adolf Hitler himself comes to hear of them, and the violent and action-packed narrative weaves real life figures into a riotous and fanciful plot that re-writes history. Read All at : |
WATCH: Quentin Tarantino Nazi-hunting flick makes waves at Cannes - Haaretz - Israel News
ADL Applauds Law Enforcement for Arrests of Homegrown Terrorists in Plot to Blow Up New York City Synagogues
New York, NY, May 21, 2009 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today applauded local and federal law enforcement for thwarting a plot to bomb two synagogues in New York City. Four men, all from upstate New York, were taken into custody after planting what they believed to be bombs in cars outside two synagogues in the Riverdale section of the Bronx.
Kenneth Jacobson, Acting Director of ADL's New York Regional Office, issued the following statement:
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ADL Applauds Law Enforcement for Arrests of Homegrown Terrorists in Plot to Blow Up New York City Synagogues
Chesler Chronicles » Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis
Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis
Riverdale, in the Bronx, is a gloriously leafy, hilly, and peaceful suburb. I have visited its extraordinary gardens and gracious homes which overlook the Hudson river. More often, I’ve visited a close friend and her family who live there. I have studied, dined, and prayed with them. I have attended lectures at Riverdale synagogues. Riverdale is as close to me, both personally, psychologically, and geographically, as was the World Trade Center.
In response to a gruesome series of Islamic-Palestinian synagogue bombings in Europe, police officers guarded Europe’s synagogues and Jewish Centers. Now, synagogues all over New York City, tend to have barricades or some kind of police presence outside. We are now all Israelis: Not just the Jews, but the world’s civilians.
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Chesler Chronicles » Homegrown Islamic Jihad in the Bronx: Now We Are All Israelis
History of Jerusalem Timeline
Jerusalem: 3,000 Years Young
Most people think that Jerusalem is a city, but that’s not completely true. In many ways Jerusalem is a city like any other big city; it has a mayor and a city hall, it has shopping centers and office buildings, and it has schools, playgrounds, parks, museums and a zoo. To the Jewish people however, Jerusalem is much, much more than just a city. It’s even more than the capital of Israel. In many ways, Jerusalem is the very heart and soul of Judaism, Jewish history, and the Jewish people.
Today, Jerusalem is constantly in the headlines, and for over 3,000 years it has been an ever-present feature in Jewish life, Jewish spirituality, Jewish prayer and Jewish dreams.
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History of Jerusalem Timeline