Here's the cover of the Portuguese Edition:

Volumes published in the Blake and Mortimer series:

1950 - Le Secret de l'Espadon, Tome 1 (The Secret of The Swordfish Volume 1: Ruthless Pursuit) ISBN 2-87097-002-1
1953 - Le Secret de l'Espadon, Tome 2 (The Secret of The Swordfish Volume 2: Mortimer's Escape) ISBN 2-87097-004-8
1953 - Le Secret de l'Espadon, Tome 3 (The Secret of The Swordfish Volume 3: SX1 Counterattacks) ISBN 2-87097-005-6
1954 - Le Mystère de la Grande Pyramide, Tome 1 (The Mystery of the Great Pyramid, Volume 1: Manetho's Papyrus) ISBN 2-87097-008-0
1955 - Le Mystère de la Grande Pyramide, Tome 2 (The Mystery of the Great Pyramid Volume 2: The Chamber of Horus) ISBN 2-87097-009-9
1956 - La Marque Jaune (The Yellow "M") ISBN 2-87097-010-2
1957 - L'Énigme de l'Atlantide (Atlantis Mystery) ISBN 2-87097-013-7
1959 - S.O.S. Météores: Mortimer à Paris (S.O.S. Meteors: Mortimer in Paris) ISBN 2-87097-015-3
1962 - Le Piège diabolique (The Time Trap (comic)) ISBN 2-87097-020-X
1967 - L'Affaire du Collier (The Necklace Affair) ISBN 2-87097-025-0
1971 - Les trois Formules du Professeur Sato, Tome 1: Mortimer à Tokyo (Professor Sató's Three Formulae, Volume 1: Mortimer in Tokyo) ISBN 2-87097-016-1
1990 - Les trois Formules du Professeur Sato, Tome 2: Mortimer contre Mortimer (Professor Sató's Three Formulae, Volume 2: Mortimer vs. Mortimer) ISBN 2-87097-017-X
1996 - L'Affaire Francis Blake (The Francis Blake Affair) ISBN 2-87097-051-X
2000 - La Machination Voronov' (The Voronov Plot) ISBN 2-87097-057-9
2001 - L'Étrange Rendez-Vous (The Strange Encounter) ISBN 2-87097-059-5
2003 - Les Sarcophages du Sixième Continent, Tome 1: La Menace universelle (The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent, Volume 1: The Universal Threat) ISBN 2-87097-066-8
2004 - Les Sarcophages du Sixième Continent, Tome 2: Le Duel des Esprits (The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent, Volume 2: Battle of the Minds) ISBN 2-87097-068-4
2008 - Le sanctuaire du Gondwana (The Gondwana Shrine) Not yet released[2][3][4]
2009 - La malédiction des trente deniers (The Curse of the Thirty Denarii) Not yet released[5][6]
ISBNs given are of the latest French language editions as issued by Les Éditions Blake et Mortimer in Brussels. Le Rayon «U», in many ways a precursor of the series, has been re-issued as "Volume 0" (ISBN 2-87097-023-4). Additionally, the storyboard sketches by Jacobs of Volume 12, left incomplete at the time of his death, have been re-issued in 1996 outside of the series as Dossier Mortimer contre Mortimer (ISBN 2-87097-022-6).