Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Gateway Pundit: Fooled No More... Only 6% in Israel Consider Obama Pro-Israel
Fooled No More... Only 6% in Israel Consider Obama Pro-Israel
An Israeli man walks past posters hung by an extremist right wing group depicting US President Barack Obama wearing a traditional Arab headdress. (AP)
Isrealis see through the hype-- Only 6% see Obama as pro-Israel.
The Jerusalem Post reported:
Gateway Pundit: Fooled No More... Only 6% in Israel Consider Obama Pro-IsraelOnly 6 percent of Jewish Israelis consider the views of American President Barack Obama's administration pro-Israel, according to a new Jerusalem Post-sponsored Smith Research poll.
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Israel Matzav: Hope and change same, 'Palestinian' style
Hope and change same, 'Palestinian' style

Israel Matzav: Hope and change same,'Palestinian' style
Israel Matzav: Iranian student protester: 'We don't deny the Holocaust. We do accept Israel's rights.'
Iranian student protester: 'We don't deny the Holocaust. We do accept Israel's rights.'

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Israel Matzav: Iranian student protester: 'We don't deny the Holocaust. We do accept Israel's rights.'
Israel Matzav: Why Obama got Iran wrong
Why Obama got Iran wrong

But in truth Iran had never wanted an opening to the U.S. For the length of three decades, the custodians of the theocracy have had precisely the level of enmity toward the U.S. they have wanted -- just enough to be an ideological glue for the regime but not enough to be a threat to their power. Iran's rulers have made their way in the world with relative ease. No White Army gathered to restore the dominion of the Pahlavis. The Cold War and oil bailed them out. So did the false hope that the revolution would mellow and make its peace with the world.
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Israel Matzav: Why Obama got Iran wrong
Israel Matzav: It's the economy, stupid
It's the economy, stupid

Iran's central bank reports an inflation rate of 25%. The unemployment rate -- already 10.5% when Mahmoud Ahmedinejad came to power -- has reached 17%.
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Israel Matzav: It's the economy, stupid
Israel Matzav: Terror capital of the world opens... a shopping mall
Terror capital of the world opens... a shopping mall
The five-story building near the Jalame checkpoint cost $5 million to build, says its owner, and it is filled with deluxe, foreign-made products seen mostly in the pages of newspaper supplements.
This shopping opportunity is intended to interest the upper crust of Jenin, and while some might think the proposition suggests financial suicide, the profit forecasts for the project have been so favorable the owner plans to open four more shops in the West Bank and one in Jordan.Read All at :
Israel Matzav: Terror capital of the world opens... a shopping mall
Israel Matzav: Netanyahu seizes the moment on Iran
Netanyahu seizes the moment on Iran

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu seizes the moment on Iran
Israel Matzav: Questions for Fayyad
Questions for Fayyad

I have a number of questions I'd like to see Fayyad answer:
Israel Matzav: Questions for Fayyad
Israel Matzav: An imaginary people with a vivid imagination
An imaginary people with a vivid imagination

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Israel Matzav: An imaginary people with a vivid imagination
Israel Matzav: Ruh roh: Terrorists could gain access to Iranian nuke know how?
Ruh roh: Terrorists could gain access to Iranian nuke know how?

Israel Matzav: Obama wants the Iranian revolution to fail?
Obama wants the Iranian revolution to fail?

Israel Matzav: Obama wants the Iranian revolution to fail?
Where Are All the Demonstrators?
I'm in favor of empric data, when possible.
This article in Maariv today has all the hallmarks of the "Everyone's against us" syndrome: except that the authors are onto something that can be tested empirically. Their thesis: the mobs who routinely demonstrate against imaginary or real Israeli misdeeds, are totally lacking from their usual haunts as the Thugs of Teheran shoot their own civilians in bright daylight.
Where are the hundreds of thousands of European demonstrators?
Someone sent me an English translation, for the Hebraically-challenged among you:
Where is Everyone?
Ma’ariv (Monday, June 22, 09) by Ben Caspit and Ben-Dror Yemini (opinion) –
Tell us, where is everyone? Where did all the people who demonstrated against Israel’s brutality in Operation Cast Lead, in the Second Lebanon War, in Operation Defensive Shield, or even in The Hague, when we were dragged there unwillingly after daring to build a separation barrier between us and the suicide bombers, disappear to? We see demonstrations here and there, but these are mainly Iranian exiles. Europe, in principle, is peaceful and calm. So is the United States.
Here and there a few dozens, here and there a few hundreds. Have they
evaporated because it is Tehran and not here?All the peace-loving and justice-loving Europeans, British professors in search of
freedom and equality, the friends filling the newspapers, magazines and various academic journals with various demands for boycotting Israel, defaming Zionism and blaming us and it for all the ills and woes of the world—could it be that they have taken a long summer vacation? Now of all times, when the Basij hooligans have begun to slaughter innocent civilians in the city squares of Tehran? Aren’t they connected to the Internet? Don’t they have YouTube? Has a terrible virus struck down their computer? Have their justice glands been removed in a complicated surgical procedure (to be re-implanted successfully for the next confrontation in Gaza)? How can it be that when a Jew kills a Muslim, the entire world boils, and when extremist Islam slaughters its citizens, whose sole sin is the aspiration to freedom, the world is silent?
Imagine that this were not happening now in Tehran, but rather here. Let’s say in Nablus. Spontaneous demonstrations of Palestinians turning into an ongoing bloodbath. Border Policemen armed with knives, on motorcycles, butchering demonstrators. A young woman downed by a sniper in midday, dying before the cameras. Actually, why imagine? We can just recall what happened with the child
Mohammed a-Dura. How the affair (which was very harsh, admittedly) swept
the world from one end to another. The fact that a later independent
investigative report raised tough questions as to the identity of the weapon
from which a-Dura was shot, did not make a difference to anyone. The
Zionists were to blame, and that was that.
And where are the world’s leaders? Where is the wondrous rhetorical ability of Barack Obama? Where has his sublime vocabulary gone? Where is the desire, that is supposed to be built into all American presidents, to defend and act on behalf of freedom seekers around the globe? What is this stammering?
A source who is connected to the Iranian and security situation, said yesterday that if Obama had shown on the Iranian matter a quarter of the determination with which he assaulted the settlements in the territories, everything would have looked different. “The demonstrators in Iran are desperate for help,” said the man, who served in very senior positions for many years, “they need to know that they have backing, that there is an entire world that supports them, but instead they see indifference. And this is happening at such a critical stage of this battle for the soul of Iran and the freedom of the Iranian people. It’s sad.”
Or the European Union, for example. The organization that speaks of justice and
peace all year round. Why should its leaders not declare clearly that the world wants to see a democratic and free Iran, and support it unreservedly? Could it be that the tongue of too many Europeans is still connected to dark places? The pathetic excuse that such support would give Khamenei and Ahmadinejad an excuse to call the demonstrators “Western agents,” does not hold water. They call them “Western agents” in any case, so what difference does it make?
To think that just six months ago, when Europe was flooded with demonstrations against Israel, leftists and Islamists raised pictures of Nasrallah, the protégé of the ayatollah regime. The fact that this was a benighted regime did not trouble them. This is madness, but it is sinking in and influencing the weary West. If there is a truly free world here, let it appear immediately! And impose sanctions, for example, on those who slaughter the members of their own people. Just as it imposed them on North Korea, or on the military regime in Burma. It is only a question of will, not of ability.
Apparently, something happens to the global adherence to justice and equality, when it comes to Iran. The oppression is overt and known. The Internet era
broadcasts everything live, and it is all for the better. Hooligans acting on behalf of the regime shoot and stab masses of demonstrators, who cry out for freedom.
Is anything more needed? Apparently it is. Because it is to no avail. The West remains indifferent. Obama is polite. Why shouldn’t he be, after all, he aspires to a dialogue with the ayatollahs. And that is very fine and good, the problem is that at this stage there is no dialogue, but there is death and murder on the streets.
At this stage, one must forget the rules of etiquette for a moment. The voices being heard from Obama elicit concern that we are actually dealing with a new version of Chamberlain. Being conciliatory is a positive trait, particularly when it follows the clumsy bellicosity of George Bush, but when conciliation becomes blindness, we have a problem.
The courageous voice of Angela Merkel, who issued yesterday a firm statement of
support for the Iranian people and its right to freedom, is in the meantime a lone voice in the Western wilderness. It is only a shame that she has not announced an economic boycott, in light of the fact that this is the European country that is most invested in building infrastructure in Iran. She was joined by British Foreign Secretary Miliband. It is little, it is late, it is not enough. Millions of freedom seekers have taken to the streets in Iran, and the West is straddling the fence, one leg here, the other leg there.
There is a different Islam. This is already clear today. Even in Iran. There are millions of Muslims who support freedom, human rights, equality for women. These millions loathe Khamenei, Chavez and Nasrallah too. But part of the global left wing prefers the ayatollah regime over them. The main thing is for them to raise flags
against Israel and America. The question is why the democrats, the liberals, and Obama, Blair and Sarkozy, are continuing to sit on the fence. This is not a fence of separation, it is a fence of shame.taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
Netanyahu: No Conflict With the Iranian People
Peaceful relations between Israel and Iran would be possible if new leadership
took power in Tehran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in an
interview with German newspaper Bild published on Monday.
"There is no conflict between the Iranian people and the people of Israel and under a
different regime the friendly relations that prevailed in the past could be restored," Netanyahu told German daily Bild.
The Iranian Foreign Ministry is already busy making hay:
Meanwhile, Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hassan Qashqavi said in response to
remarks by Netanyahu regarding Iran’s unrest, "The Zionist regime tried not to take a clear stance regarding Iran’s elections like some western countries, but since Sunday it started provocation to confront peace in Iran but it would not succeed.
Sooner or later, this narrative will be an accepted narrative in the antisemitic cesspools. The turmoil in Iran was a Zionist ploy to attack Iran.
Another War (re)Starting, But Who Knows or Cares?
In the past month or so hundreds of people have been killed in violent clashes similar to the one in Torkej, as nomadic groups compete for the best cattle and grazing land. Conflict is normal, but it is not normal for so many to be killed in this way—at least in recent years. The UN says that more people are now being killed in the south than in Darfur, Sudan’s troubled western region.
taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
Is it permissible to kill a thief who breaks into your home?
Is it permissible to kill a thief who breaks into your home?
Every child in nursery school should know that it is permissible to kill a thief if he is discovered while sneaking into one's home, since he may be willing to murder in order to carry out his plan (Shemot 22:1-2). It had already happened in the world. When the Torah says, "If the sun shone on him, there is blood-guilt," it means that if one is sure that the thief will not murder, then it is not permitted to kill him. It is not that you are permitted to kill him if you think he might murder, but the opposite – the presumption is that the thief will murder. After all, a thief is not the most righteous person of the generation. According to Halachah, it is therefore permissible to shoot a thief provided that there is not any contradictory evidence that he will not kill.
One can ask: Why don't we just give the thief the money and that is it? Will you kill someone to save money? The answer appears in Sefer Ha-Chinuch (mitzvah 338). The mitzvah being discussed there is not our issue of theft, but the issue of insults. If someone insults me, am I obligated to take it or can I respond in kind? Answer: It is permissible to respond in kind for two reasons: 1. In order to protect yourself. If he insults me and I remain quiet, he will continue to insult me. If I yell back, he will stop. 2. The Torah does not require a person to sit like a stone. He can respond. This is referred to as "his heart is hot." My heart is hot and I am permitted to insult or strike back. This is not revenge. Revenge is cold and calculated. This is in the heat of passion. It is true that the Gemara in Yoma (23a) says, "Those who are insulted but do not insult back, who hear themselves slandered but do not respond, who act with love and rejoice in suffering, of them the Tanach says, ‘Those who love Him are like the sun rising with all its might’ (Shoftim 5:31), and keep it in one’s heart." Everyone understands from the style of our Sages that this is an act of piety. One is not obligated to act in this way, it is a very high level and a personal decision. A student of the Chafetz Chaim stood trial, and the Chafetz Chaim testified as a character witness. The student's lawyer said: "Honored judges, do you know who has stood before you to provide testimony as a character witness? This Rabbi once heard noises in his courtyard. There were thieves! In order to save the thieves from committing a sin, he yelled: "Hefker – everything is ownerless!" The judge said to the lawyer: "My educated friend, do you believe this story?" He responded: "No." The judge said: "My educated friend, if you do not believe this story why are you telling it to relate this Rabbi's character?" The lawyer said: "They do not tell stories like this about the honorable judge." He meant that even if the story about the Chaftez Chaim is not true, based on the fact that they tell stories such as this about him, it shows how righteous he is and that you can rely on him. This is an act of piety, however, and one is not obligated to act in this manner. I am not obligation to be insulted just as I am not obligated to have my money stolen. Money does not grow on trees. It is therefore permitted to kill a thief. If it is possible to injure the thief without killing him, that is certainly good. A person does not have to give up his possessions. He works hard and it belongs to him. Yaakov Avinu forgot some small jars and went back to get them because the money of the righteous is dear to them. This is because they earn their money honestly through hard work (Rashi to Bereshit 32:25 based on Chullin 91a). It is therefore permissible for someone to protect himself and his property and to shoot an intruder.