Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Israel Matzav: Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'

Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshaal plans to join the politicial speech party with one of his own next week, according to a report in the London-based pan-Arabic daily al-Sharq al-Awswat. Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk gave some indication of what Meshaal might say.

Exiled Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk urged Obama on Monday to talk directly with his organization, saying it was the representative of the Palestinian people and the American president's drive for Mideast peace is impossible without them.

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Israel Matzav: Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'

Israel Matzav: Carter meets with terrorist mass murderer

Israel Matzav: Carter meets with terrorist mass murderer

Israel Matzav: Hamas in Gaza gets new target

Israel Matzav: Hamas in Gaza gets new target

Israel Matzav: Breaking: 3 people shot at Washington Holocaust Museum; UPDATED with video

Israel Matzav: Breaking: 3 people shot at Washington Holocaust Museum; UPDATED with video

Israel Matzav: Obama's anti-Semitic preacher resurfaces

Obama's anti-Semitic preacher resurfaces

President Obama's pastor for more than twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, is back in the news today with some more outrageous quotes given to the media. Both Gateway Pundit and Little Green Footballs link to this article in the Hampton (Virginia) Daily Press.

Asked if he had spoken to the President, Wright said: "Them Jews aren't going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he'll talk to me in five years when he's a lame duck, or in eight years when he's out of office. ...

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Israel Matzav: Obama's anti-Semitic preacher resurfaces

Israel Matzav: Lebanon: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Lebanon: The more things change, the more they stay the same

If anyone thought that the results of Lebanon's elections would mean that the country would actually make peace with Israel, likely Prime Minister Saad Hariri poured cold water on the idea in an interview with CNN.
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Israel Matzav: Lebanon: The more things change, the more they stay the same

Israel Matzav: Israelis to Obama: 'No we can't'

Israelis to Obama: 'No we can't'

For those who have been reading my comment section that thought that NormanF made this up, he didn't (sorry Norman).

President Obama’s push for peace in the Middle East has provoked the ire of right-wing Israelis, who have launched a campaign against his initiative with the slogan “No you can’t”.

The words are a play on the “Yes we can” campaign that propelled Mr Obama into the White House.

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Israel Matzav: Israelis to Obama: 'No we can't'

Israel Matzav: Was Air France 447 downed by terrorists?

Was Air France 447 downed by terrorists?

It's difficult not to contemplate the possibility that Air France 447 was downed by terrorists ten days ago in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Brazil. This article is pure speculation, but it's not outlandish.

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Israel Matzav: Was Air France 447 downed by terrorists?

Israel Matzav: Israeli pilots training on simulators to avoid being shot down by S-300

Israel Matzav: Israeli pilots training on simulators to avoid being shot down by S-300

Israel Matzav: Only in America...

Israel Matzav: Only in America...

Israel Matzav: Video: A message from Bin Laden

Israel Matzav: Video: A message from Bin Laden

Israel Matzav: Video: Iranian Presidential debate

Israel Matzav: Video: Iranian Presidential debate

Israel Matzav: Some historical facts about Israeli 'settlements'

Some historical facts about Israeli 'settlements'

Former UN ambassador Dore Gold has written an issue brief on US policy regarding Israeli 'settlements' in Judea and Samaria. While I urge you to read the whole thing, I believe that some of the historical facts he cites may come as a surprise to some of you.

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Israel Matzav: Some historical facts about Israeli 'settlements'

Israel Matzav: UN war crimes investigation in Gaza: Much ado about nothing

UN war crimes investigation in Gaza: Much ado about nothing

The UN is conducting a 'war crimes' investigation in Gaza. You may recall that when this investigation was first announced, it was claimed that the UN would be investigating the conduct of both parties before and during Operation Cast Lead. From the article below, it does not appear to be going well

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Israel Matzav: UN war crimes investigation in Gaza: Much ado about nothing

Israel Matzav: When Iran goes nuclear

When Iran goes nuclear

This is one of the first attempts I have seen to speculate as to how the world will change when (since it's no longer regarded as "if") Iran goes nuclear. While I'm afraid that the author is mistaken about 'mutually assured destruction' keeping Iran from attacking Israel, I thought this quote was spot-on.

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Israel Matzav: When Iran goes nuclear

For Zion's Sake: Our Claim to Our Land

In a few short lines, Barack Hussein Obama did more to delegitimize Israel than all previous US previous in 62 years. In his speech, he effectively accepted the Arab Islamic narrative of Middle-Eastern history and painted Israel's existence as a Holocaust consolation prize.

He said: "America's strong bonds with Israel are well known. This bond is unbreakable. It is based upon cultural and historical ties, and the recognition that the aspiration for a Jewish homeland is rooted in a tragic history that cannot be denied. Around the world, the Jewish people were persecuted for centuries, and antisemitism in Europe culminated in an unprecedented Holocaust... Six million Jews were killed - more than the entire Jewish population of Israel today. Denying that fact is baseless, ignorant, and hateful." With these few sentences, Obama said that Israel's right to exist is based on anti-semitism and the Holocaust.

According to the anti-Zionist narrative, Israel is a colonialist state that has no place in the Middle-East. Following WWII, European powers, ridden with guilt over the Holocaust, allowed the Jewish people to set up a state in Israel, a land that the Europeans never had the right to give away. Based on this belief, we can see why Holocaust denial is an essential feature of Islamic anti-Israel discourse. If the Holocaust never happened in the first place, then surely Israel has absolutely no right to exist. Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad expresses this point well: "The West claims that more than six million Jews were killed in World War II and to compensate for that they established and support Israel. If it is true that the Jews were killed in Europe, why should Israel be established in the East, in Palestine?" "Moderate" Fatah leader, Mahmoud Abbas, wrote his Ph.D. thesis denying the Holocaust.

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For Zion's Sake: Our Claim to Our Land


15 years ago today we united our lives.

Israel Matzav: Trader Joe's under attack for selling Israeli products

Israel Matzav: Trader Joe's under attack for selling Israeli products

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Boogie rips Obama

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Boogie rips Obama

Israel Matzav: Kadima backs Bibi?

Israel Matzav: Kadima backs Bibi?

Israel Matzav: Quote of the week

Israel Matzav: Quote of the week


German History is Still Wrong

You may recollect the recent post where I explained how German history is all wrong. Well, you ain't seen nothing yet: it's even more wrong.

Though I do warn you the item behind that link is not for the faint of heart.
taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations


Shoes, Panic and Other Fantasies

A recurring sensation I have when reading Mondoweiss is that they're living in an alternative universe. The same sun shines on them, even the locales are recognizable, but the people and events are all different. It's an odd sensation.

This morning they've dug up a report that Israelis are insulted that Obama put his feet on his desk. Israelis. Insulted. By imporper dress or behavior codes. Can you imagine?

(I once took a couple highly professional Israeli-born colleagues on a European business trip. First, however, I had to hand them a list of basic no-nos for dressing among civilized people, including no sports-shoes, try to stay near dark-blue and away from yellow and green, no jeans, and yes, at least one tie will be neccessary. One of them coped admirably).

The subtext, I think, is that Israelis are barbarians like the Arabs. True, Mondoweiss has tremendous empathy for Arabs and generally prefers them to, say, Israelis or Americans, but it's not real respect - else why poke fun at Israelis for being like them? It's a primitive and ludicrous thing to get insulted by shoes, unless it's shoes being thrown at Bush, but definately if it's Obama's shoes while talking on the phone to Netanyahu.

The report, by the way, knows to tell that Obama's tallking on the phone to Netanyahu. How this is known is beyond me. It looks to me like he's talking to Rahm Emanuel: look at the way he's got his fingers bunched; you can almost hear him "No, Rahm, you can't stab her, she's the head of Congress".

The rest of the Mondoweiss post confuses the emotions of Netanyahu and 12 aides, with the disposition of the other seven million of us. True, Netanyahu's office seems despondent these days, but the rest of us?

We've been following on the site how Israel seems to be in a state of panic and that Israeli anxiety over the US/Israeli relationship seems to be hitting a boiling point. When Obama finally does go to visit Israel, he might want to watch out for some flying shoes.

taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

Islam Watch - "Islam greatest threat to civilization" by Amil Imani

Islam: The greatest threat to Western Civilization and Christianity

Nearly 1400 years ago, a group of nomads from across the scorching Arabian Desert conquered Iran (Persia), the greatest empire known to the history of man. With that, they almost destroyed one of the most benevolent and beautiful religions of all humanity, Zoroastrianism, often called the mother of all revealed religions. Due to its antiquity and subsequent influences on later Judaic beliefs, Judaism as we know it has endearingly been dubbed by some scholars as "Moses through Zoroastrian eyes". It is no coincidence that the Old Testament was put into written form during the height of Persian predominance, when Zoroastrian ideas, such as the triumph of Good over Evil, and concepts related to an after-life, such as Heaven, Hell, Resurrection, and Paradise (itself a Persian word) found their way into ancient Judaism, especially in the post-exilic period.

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Islam Watch - "Islam greatest threat to civilization" by Amil Imani

Israel Matzav: IAEA leaps into action: Says it can't keep up with Iranians at Natanz

IAEA leaps into action: Says it can't keep up with Iranians at Natanz

In a report released on Monday, the IAEA told the world that 'improvements' are needed to the containment and surveillance measures that it uses in Iran's main nuclear enrichment facility at Natanz.

In its latest report, the IAEA said that "given the increasing number" of centrifuges, "improvements to the containment and surveillance measures at the Fuel Enrichment Plant are required in order for the Agency to continue fully to meet its safeguards objectives".

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Israel Matzav: IAEA leaps into action: Says it can't keep up with Iranians at Natanz

Israel Matzav: Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'

Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'

Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshaal plans to join the politicial speech party with one of his own next week, according to a report in the London-based pan-Arabic daily al-Sharq al-Awswat. Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk gave some indication of what Meshaal might say.

Exiled Hamas leader Moussa Abu Marzouk urged Obama on Monday to talk directly with his organization, saying it was the representative of the Palestinian people and the American president's drive for Mideast peace is impossible without them.

Marzouk, also told The Associated Press that the group would not renounce violence — a key US demand before Washington will agree to deal with the group that it considers a terrorist organization. The US and its European allies also want Hamas to recognize Israel, another step the group has refused to take.

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Israel Matzav: Hamas to Obama: 'Love us just the way we are'
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