Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Chesler Chronicles » “Close Gitmo, Re-Open Auschwitz” and Other Brazen Signs at the Israel Day Parade

Chesler Chronicles » “Close Gitmo, Re-Open Auschwitz” and Other Brazen Signs at the Israel Day Parade


Oppose Farouk Hosni as UNESCO's Director-General Now!


Who could imagine that someone who advocates burning books might lead the international organization that protects the heritage of global civilization? Yet that's what could happen if Farouk Hosni, the man Egypt wants selected to head UNESCO, is chosen.

His outrageous statement, "I'd burn Israeli books myself if I found any in libraries in Egypt," is one of many similar comments he has made over the years. UNESCO was created to uplift, ennoble and unite mankind. Clearly, a man who calls for one of the most shocking crimes against culture and civilization should never be its leader.

Hosni in his own words
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Sign our letter to UNESCO leadership:

Egyptian Culture Minister, Farouk Hosni, is not an appropriate candidate for the position of Director-General of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

Mr. Hosni has consistently demonstrated that he is either unable or unwilling to pursue the main purpose for which UNESCO was established -- "...to contribute to peace and security by promoting collaboration among the nations through education, science and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for the human rights and fundamental freedoms which are affirmed for the peoples of the world..."

As Egyptian Culture Minister, Mr. Hosni has a long-standing record of entrenched opposition to Israel and its rich culture and he has been an unwavering barrier to Israel-Egypt cultural exchange. He not only opposes normalization of any kind with Israel, but he promotes base hatred of the people and culture of Israel that has impeded the kind of interaction and dialogue that would make reconciliation between the Israeli and Egyptian peoples possible.

Here is just one example of his hateful rhetoric:

"I'd burn Israeli books myself if I found any in libraries in Egypt."

Member States need a UNESCO led by a Director-General that will uphold its mission and its commitment to respect tolerance and the multicultural character of the international community.

Anti-Defamation League


ADL - Oppose Farouk Hosni

Israel Matzav: State Department refuses to say whether Obama will live up to Bush undertakings to Israel

Israel Matzav: State Department refuses to say whether Obama will live up to Bush undertakings to Israel

Israel Matzav: Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

Frank Gaffney is a lot more optimistic than I am that the Congress will eventually revolt against President Obama's Middle East policy, as it revolted over his efforts to close the Guantanamo prison last month. Gaffney's only question is whether the revolt will come in time. I'm skeptical that it will come at all (for reasons I will go into after the excerpt).

Taken together with the U.S. administration's refusal to come to grips with what truly is the most serious threat to peace in the Middle East - Iran's rising power and growing aggressiveness, reflecting in part its incipient nuclear weapons capabilities - the stage is being inexorably set for the next, and perhaps most devastating, regional conflict.

Whether the signals Mr. Obama is sending are intended to communicate such a message or not, they are going to be read by Israel's enemies as evidence of a profound rift between the United States and the Jewish State. In this part of the world, that amounts to an invitation to an open season on Israel.

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Israel Matzav: Will Congress revolt over Obama's Mideast policy as it did over Gitmo?

Israel Matzav: Youssef al-Khattab f/k/a Joseph Cohen arrested at Salute to Israel Parade

Israel Matzav: Youssef al-Khattab f/k/a Joseph Cohen arrested at Salute to Israel Parade

Israel Matzav: Jewish citizens of a 'Palestinian' state?

Israel Matzav: Jewish citizens of a 'Palestinian' state?

Israel Matzav: Game night: Which idiot's balloon will burst first?

Israel Matzav: Game night: Which idiot's balloon will burst first?

Israel Matzav: Hamas TV: 'Jews and Zionists deserved to be annihilated by Hitler,' plus future martyrs show

Israel Matzav: Hamas TV: 'Jews and Zionists deserved to be annihilated by Hitler,' plus future martyrs show

Israel Matzav: Aboul Gheit: After Israel shrinks itself each Arab country will decide whether to 'normalize' relations

Israel Matzav: Aboul Gheit: After Israel shrinks itself each Arab country will decide whether to 'normalize' relations

Israel Matzav: Steyn on the North Korean nuclear test and what it means for Iran

Steyn on the North Korean nuclear test and what it means for Iran

If Mark Steyn ever goes into comedy, I'd nominate Caroline Glick to be his straight man (in addition to his citation to her below, he also refers to the North Korean test as being a way to prove to clients that it works - Glick has made the same argument). Here's part of Steyn's Monday column in the Washington Times on the implications of North Korea's nuclear test.

In the ever-more-pitiful straw-clutching of the State Department, America is said to be banking on a post-Kim era. He apparently has had a bad stroke and might be dead within a decade or three. So what? It's a safe bet that whoever emerges from a power struggle between the family, the party and the military is committed to nuclearization as the principal rationale of the state.

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Israel Matzav: Steyn on the North Korean nuclear test and what it means for Iran

Israel Matzav: What does Hillary Clinton have against Jewish babies?

What does Hillary Clinton have against Jewish babies?

An editorial in the Washington Times rips Hillary Clinton for trying to order Israeli women who live over the 1949 armistice line to stop having babies.

What does Hillary Rodham Clinton have against Jewish babies? Last week, the secretary of state issued a demarche to Tel Aviv stating that Washington "wants to see a stop to [West Bank] settlements - not some settlements, not outposts, not natural-growth exceptions." The euphemism "natural growth" refers to children. About 9,600 babies were born in West Bank settlements in 2007, and the State Department views these bundles of joy as a threat to its precious peace process.

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Israel Matzav: What does Hillary Clinton have against Jewish babies?

Israel Matzav: A new red line for Iran?

A new red line for Iran?

In Monday's Washington Post, Graham Allison argues that Iran's capacity to enrich uranium is a reality that can no longer be denied, and that we need to talk about a new red line for Iran since, unfortunately, the existing one has already been crossed.

The bottom line for American policy is that the menu of feasible options has shrunk. Every option available at this point requires living with an Iran that knows how to enrich uranium. Continued denial of this truth is self-delusion.

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Israel Matzav: A new red line for Iran?

Israel Matzav: Obama may abandon Israel at the UN

Obama may abandon Israel at the UN

The New York Times reports on Monday that the Obama administration may abandon Israel at the United Nations in a bid to pressure the Jewish state on the 'settlement' issue (Hat Tip for the image: IOwnTheWorld.com via The American Thinker).

The measures under discussion — all largely symbolic — include stepping back from America’s near-uniform support for Israel in the United Nations if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel does not agree to a settlement freeze, administration officials said.

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Israel Matzav: Obama may abandon Israel at the UN

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' civil war watch: 6 dead in Hamas - Fatah gun battle

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian' civil war watch: 6 dead in Hamas - Fatah gun battle

Israel Matzav: Iroquois territory occupiers tell Jews not to build in Jerusalem

Iroquois territory occupiers tell Jews not to build in Jerusalem

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's press spokesman was asked whether the demand to halt all building (including schools, kindergartens and housing for young couples) in Judea and Samaria included all building in Jerusalem.

Ms. Clinton’s press spokesman was asked if President Obama’s demand to halt expansion of “West Bank Jewish communities” included a demand to stop expansion of Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem.

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Israel Matzav: Iroquois territory occupiers tell Jews not to build in Jerusalem

Israel Matzav: Obama's 'Israel expert'

Israel Matzav: Obama's 'Israel expert'

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu just says no

Netanyahu just says no

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has decided to just say no to Obama administration demands that Israel halt building in Jewish towns that are within the 'settlement blocs' that the Bush administration told Israel in 2004 that it could keep. The government also will not halt 'natural growth' in Jewish towns that are beyond the 'security fence.' And it will allow unlimited building within the Jerusalem city limits.

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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu just says no

Israel Matzav: Video: Salute to Israel parade (New York)

Israel Matzav: Video: Salute to Israel parade (New York)

The Torah Revolution: PA has money

The Torah Revolution: PA has money

The Torah Revolution: Yes, of course [sarcastic]

The Torah Revolution: Yes, of course [sarcastic]

The Torah Revolution: News for Gadi Taub

The Torah Revolution: News for Gadi Taub

The Torah Revolution: Cup empty or full?

The Torah Revolution: Cup empty or full?

TZIPIYAH.COM - Stop Treating Palestinians like Animals!

In the first chapter of the Bible, the Torah teaches us that God decided to create a human which will be “in his image”.

And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and they shall rule over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the heaven and over the animals and over all the earth and over all the creeping things that creep upon the earth.”

The Sforno comments on this verse, explaining that one of the unique features of humans, which differentiates them from both animals and angels, is their ability to have free choice. Only two beings have free choice: God and Humans. The Sforno goes on to explain that while God’s choices are always the right ones, humans can make both good and wrong choices.

Maimonides, commenting on the idea of free choice (in both Hilchot Tshouva of the Mishnei Torah and in Shmona Perakim), writes that the recognition of free choice is the basis for justice in this world. If there was no free choice, how could God punish someone for his wrongdoing? How could someone be rewarded for acting positively? Only with free choice can justice exist. Now, once free choice exists, justice dictates that one be punished for his wrongdoing and rewarded for his good actions.

Over the past few years, I have notices liberals, who claim to be fighting for universal human rights, remove all humanity from Palestinians. In the name of human rights, humanism, etc.. these individuals support a world view which clearly sets a double standard between the way Palestinians are treated and the way the rest of the world is treated. This double standard can be explained by many different factors, including contempt at the enemies of the Palestinians, but is also shows a deep discrimination towards the Palestinians which can only be explained by a warped and twisted form of racism. What is truly worrying is that this worldview has now reached the White House with President Obama continuously pressuring Israel towards racist policies towards the Palestinians.

Did I say racist policies? Yes. Let me explain myself

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TZIPIYAH.COM - Stop Treating Palestinians like Animals!

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Unabashed Antisemitism

The British university lecturers who can't be bothered by mass murder of civilians in Congo, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Thailand, Iraq, Turkey or anywhere else, have again tried to pass a resolution boycotting Israel, a country which doesn't engage in such murders. The reasoning behind this is simple unabashed antisemitism, as explained by an official of the University and College Union, one Sean Wallis:

This marked the fourth consecutive year that the Union voted in favor of
boycotting Israel; the previous calls were never acted upon.Especially
disconcerting to Zionist Britons was a statement by Sean Wallis, secretary for
the Union's branch at University College London, who reportedly said the
position that a boycott was illegal was attributable to lawyers backed by people
with "bank balances from Lehman Brothers that can't be tracked down."

So that's clarified, isn't it.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
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