Thursday, 5 February 2009


Jonathat Freedland, a Jewish columnist at the Guardian, writes that he's disappointed in his fellow Lefties who are allowing harsh criticism of Israel to spill over into violence against the Jews of the UK.

It's an interesting article, but the comments (there are 632 of them as I write) seem mostly to disagree: Israel is abominable, Jonathan, and you're worrying about some local Jews who's feelings are hurt?

I especially liked this comment:

I have seen very, very few anti Jewish remarks on CiF but hundreds of accusations of being anti Jewish. In this climate, where genuine criticism is deliberately confused with racist criticism the accusation of antisemitism loses all meaning.

So I completely agree with Jonathan Freedland's sentiments, however the instances of antisemitism are a tiny fraction of the instances where people are called antisemitic just because calling the other guy names can be used to justify Israeli murder.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


IDF Forces Kill Top Islamic Jihad Terror Operative

IDF forces operate against terror operatives.

Photo: IDF Spokesperson

Last night (Feb. 4), a top Islamic Jihad terror operative was killed by IDF forces in the town of Kabatiya.Ala Abu Tor, 21, had attempted to carry out terror attacks in Israel in recent months, and has been involved in carrying out several past attacks against Israel.IDF forces identified Ala Abu Tor as armed; they then fired and confirmed a hit.

Ammunition uncovered by IDF forces in the home of Islamic Jihad Operative, Ala Abu Tor

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That's a canard no informed person should believe, of course, though most media types still hawk it for general consumption. Here's a story unusual for its horror even by the standards of the genre:

In a prison interview with the Associated Press — with interrogators nearby — she said that she helped to organise the rapes of young women and then stepped in to persuade the victims to become suicide bombers as their only escape from the shame.

Actually, now that I think of it, maybe it really is despair. If you're a woman in a culture that fiercely condemns women who have been raped, maybe killing lots of other innocents makes sense.

Though I think not.

taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


Remember - you must, always - how the entire world castigated Israel for the massacre in Jenin in April 2002; how the UN demanded an international investigation and Israel was castigated a second time when it refused to cooperate with a commission whose report had been written before it was even set up. All this for a massacre that never happened. If you're older, you may remember how Israel was cursed world-wide for the massacre of thousands (Yasser Arafat said, six thousand) of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila; after the frenzy was over it turned out there were "only" hundreds of murdered, not a single one by an Israeli (which is not to defend Israel for its ugly role of allowing its Lebanese allies into the camp in the first place).

I don't know how many innocent Palestinian civilians died in the recent Gaza operation. The investigations are still going on. I won't be surprised by a number in the low hundreds, though I rather doubt there will ever be any way of knowing how many were killed by Israelis and how many by Hamas itself, by blowing up their own buildings and so on. In any case, each one of them is tragic.

But tragic isn't necesarily criminal. In the meantime, look at this:

This is not a new result of an investigation. It's something the UN spokesmen knew perfectly well at the time: that Israel had in fact not targeted, and also not hit, a school. The civilians killed were all outside the school, however many of them there were.

Does it make any difference, you ask? Well, yes, actually it does. First, because it responds to the statement of the Economist:

In other ways, military technology has raised the bar for what is considered acceptable. The skies above Gaza are buzzing with surveillance drones. Israeli command-and-control systems are doubtless as sophisticated as American ones, which give commanders vast digital maps in which structures are individually numbered and clearly identified if they are not to be attacked; they even have “splat” graphics to estimate the area that will be affected by a blast. Mishaps do happen; on January 5th three Israeli soldiers were killed by one of their own tanks. But without more facts, it is hard to believe the Israelis did not know about the presence of civilians at Zeitun and at the UN school.


Even more, it matters because the UN officials are now admitting they were baldly lying three weeks ago. Don't expect the Guardian ever to do the same.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (
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