Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Israel Matzav: Dow Jones introduces Shari'a compliant indexes

Dow Jones introduces Shari'a compliant indexes

In a move that can only describe the subservience of the business world to Islam, Dow Jones has introduced an index that complies with Muslim Shari'a law. Make that four indexes.

Dow Jones Indexes is set to launch four new indexes for the Middle East and North Africa region, giving investors access to both conventional and Shari’a compliant indexes.

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Israel Matzav: Dow Jones introduces Shari'a compliant indexes

Israel Matzav: Peace Now's wishful thinking

Peace Now's wishful thinking

On Monday night, I blogged an article by Barry Rubin that indicated that Muhammed Ghaneim had been chosen by the Fatah conference to be Abu Mazen's successor as 'President' of the 'Palestinian Authority.' Ghaneim rejected the 'Oslo Accords' in 1993, refused to return to Gaza or Judea and Samaria in 1994, and was likely rejectionist Farouk Kaddumi's choice for the position. Barry concluded that Ghaneim probably signals a harder line position from the 'Palestinian Authority' and Fatah in the future.

Peace Now wasn't able to accept that analysis. After all, there's a fierce moral urgency to have peace, we just have to have peace, and if the other side doesn't want to make peace, we'll just ignore that little obstacle. So tonight, Peace Now's Ori Nir does a little wishful thinking about Muhammed Ghaneim's political views.

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Israel Matzav: Peace Now's wishful thinking

Caring About War, Or Not

Caring About War, Or Not

Byron York has some numbers to demonstrate that a crowd of people who cared deeply about some bad wars until recently have now decided they don't really care anymore. What happened to cause the change? Did the wars change significantly? Were they unjustified but now can be justified?

Hardly. The President associated with them changed, that's all. When it was George Bush, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were burning issues. When it's Obama, they're uninteresting.

This isn't particularly surprising. It's human nature. Still, it's a pattern I often point out on this blog, which deals mostly with Israel. People trot out objections to Israel's wars not because they care about the wars, but because they object to Israel.

This means there are two separate tactics needed when confronting such people and their claims. First, rebut their facts. Second, recognize that they aren't talking about facts at all, but about sentiments; while these are harder to combat (how do you dispute a sentiment?), their power over third parties could possibly be whittled down somewhat. Honestly puzzled observers may not like to see themselves as the dupes of other peoples' sentiments.
taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

(hat tip for the link: Powerline).

ADL: Email - Securing Justice - August 2009

ADL: Email - Securing Justice - August 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

Gabriel Siboni, the director of the IDF Force Structure program at the Institute for National Security Studies, writes that 'demilitarization' is an outdated concept and that a 'demilitarized' 'Palestinian state' is as great a danger to Israel as a militarized one.

The threat against Israel has changed and what is required now is the crystallization of an up-to-date strategic concept according to which Israel can fix its future security mechanisms.

The main threat Israel had to face in the past was the possibility that the Arab countries would occupy the country or parts of it. Since they have despaired of being able to do so, they have turned their efforts to developing rockets and missiles on a wide scale, putting most of Israel's population at risk of attack.

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Israel Matzav: 'Demilitarization' an outdated concept

Israel Matzav: Ministers: 'Stop calling outposts illegal'

Ministers: 'Stop calling outposts illegal'

Four government ministers toured several outposts in Judea and Samaria on Monday and said that the government should stop calling the outposts 'illegal.' The four, Likud's Moshe (Boogie) Yaalon and Yuli Edelstein, Shas' Eli Yishai and Jewish Home's Daniel Herschkowitz, also accused the defense ministry of not carrying out government policy in its response to court petitions against the outposts.

"We need to eradicate the term 'illegal outposts,'" Ya'alon added. "These are communities that were established with the state's encouragement, yet the legal definition has made them illegal."

Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who was also on the tour, made similar comments.

"Every community that the government established and financed is legal," he said. "We have to speak the truth: It is impossible to say this is illegal."

"Honing" this message, he added, is the best way to combat a highly critical report on the outposts prepared a few years ago by government attorney Talia Sasson.

Both ministers were responding to settler complaints that whenever leftist organizations petition the High Court against an outpost, the prosecution replies that the outpost is indeed illegal and that demolition orders have been issued against it.

"With responses like that, the court isn't left with any room to decide," noted Pinchas Wallerstein, secretary general of the Yesha Council of settlements.

The settlers argued that instead, the state should say the outposts were in the middle of the approval process and would receive final approval soon. That, they said, would deter petitioners from even going to court, lest by so doing they actually hasten the approval process.

Ya'alon said he had discussed this issue with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who promised that Defense Minister Ehud Barak would look into it.

Associates of Barak responded that the minister's policy is to "uphold the law," both on the ground and in responses to the High Court.

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Israel Matzav: Ministers: 'Stop calling outposts illegal'

Israel Matzav: EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

The European Union and Germany may impose stronger sanctions against Iran - including cutting off Iran's supply of refined oil products - unless the Iranians show a willingness to compromise over their nuclear facilities. And while the Europeans are willing to try to take it to the UN Security Council, it doesn't sound like a Russian or Chinese veto threat will stop them.

SPIEGEL has learned that Germany and the EU are considering stopping all exports of gasoline to Iran, which according to analysts' estimates depends on imports to cover 30 percent of its gasoline supplies, even though it exports crude oil.

Diplomats are also considering imposing further restrictions on shipping and air traffic to and from Iran, for example by banning Iranian ships or aircraft from docking or landing in the EU.

Major insurance companies that insure many freight shipments to and from Iran, such as Lloyd's, may be foreced to cease such deals.

The German government will initially try to get these additional sanctions passed by the UN Security Council, where veto powers China and Russia have been hesitant on measures against Iran. But senior German diplomats have said the EU and the US would be prepared to impose "very strict sanctions" on their own.

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Israel Matzav: EU and Germany may impose sanctions against Iran

Israel Matzav: US Consul General: Jerusalem consulate is for the 'Palestinian Authority'

US Consul General: Jerusalem consulate is for the 'Palestinian Authority'

Two and a half weeks ago, I reported that the web site of the US Consulate in Jerusalem was entirely dedicated to the 'Palestinians.' I also noted that the situation was really nothing new, and that the Consulate had been an unofficial 'embassy' to the 'Palestinians' for the thirty years I had known it (since I was a yeshiva boy here in the late '70's), possibly for longer. Responding to Florida cardiologist Dr. Adam Splaver's complaint on its web site, the consulate has confirmed that in fact it is the US government representative to the 'Palestinians.'

Splaver, a former president of the Young Israel synagogue in Hollywood, Florida, wrote that he was "appalled," adding that he believed the omission was not the result of an error, but rather a deliberate statement.

"As an American and as a Jew, I must voice my objections to your political message and clearly, proudly, and defiantly state that a united Jerusalem was, is and will be the capital of the Jewish homeland called Israel," he added.

The reply, received Monday, August 17, speaks for itself:

"Thank you for your feedback on the U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem's Website. Just to clarify, the Consulate General in Jerusalem is the principal representation to the Palestinian Authority. We also provide services to American citizens in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza.

"The U.S. embassy to Israel is in Tel Aviv and is focused on the bilateral relationship with Israel. Their website is
http://usembassy-israel.org.il/. The American Center in Jerusalem also provides information about the United States to the Israeli public. Their website is http://usembassy-israel.org.il/ac/ .

"Jerusalem is a final status issue. Israel and the Palestinians have agreed to resolve its status during negotiations. We will support their efforts to reach agreements on all final status issues."

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Israel Matzav: US Consul General: Jerusalem consulate is for the 'Palestinian Authority'

Israel Matzav: Huckabee: 'Two states in the Holy Land is unrealistic'

Huckabee: 'Two states in the Holy Land is unrealistic'

Former Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee told foreign reporters on Tuesday that expecting to have two states in the Holy Land is 'unrealistic.'

Speaking to a small group of foreign reporters in Jerusalem, Huckabee, seen as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2012, said the international community should consider establishing a Palestinian state some place else.

"The question is should the Palestinians have a place to call their own? Yes, I have no problem with that. Should it be in the middle of the Jewish homeland? That's what I think has to be honestly assessed as virtually unrealistic," he said.

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Israel Matzav: Huckabee: 'Two states in the Holy Land is unrealistic'

Israel Matzav: In the Arab world, hope and same from Obama

In the Arab world, hope and same from Obama

As President Obama meets with Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak at the White House, Egyptian dissident Saad Eddin Ibrahim rips the President for his hope and same policies in the Arab world.

Mr. Obama only has to read the latest Human Development Report from the United Nations Development Program to note the steady drop in Egypt's regional and global ranking. Likewise, the annual reports from Amnesty International, Human Rights First, Human Rights Watch and Freedom House all focus on the lack of democratic governance and the massive violations of human rights under Mr. Mubarak—including torture and coerced disappearances.

There has also been an exponential rise in sectarian violence against the Christian Copts. Since Mr. Obama's celebrated speech at Cairo University two months ago, there have been more than 40 attacks.

Yet Mr. Mubarak has continued to get a free pass from the U.S. and has even received outright praise from senior members of the Obama administration. The tiny fraction of U.S. aid that is earmarked for Egypt's civil society is subject to the Mubarak regime's veto.

Egypt could be a pivotal player in regional politics. Instead, Mr. Mubarak has squandered his country's potential in exchange for control over the Egyptian people. Schemes to pass down power to his son, Gamal, are now out in the open.

The most disheartening part in all of this is that Washington under President Obama is conducting old-style foreign policy with Arab tyrants from Libya's Moammar Gadhafi to Syria's Bashar Assad. Except for his optimistic rhetoric, Mr. Obama is increasingly perceived by Arabs and Muslims as yet another American president interested in maintaining the status quo.

After his eloquent and moving talk in Cairo, many wonder whether Mr. Obama will walk the walk as forcefully as he talks the talk. He has the chance to do so today at the White House

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Israel Matzav: In the Arab world, hope and same from Obama

Israel Matzav: A Syrian - Israeli 'peace' could lead to war

A Syrian - Israeli 'peace' could lead to war

Israel is actually better off with its current state of no peace with Syria than it would be if it made peace with Syria. Quite simply, making peace with Syria makes war more likely.

A Damascus-Jerusalem deal might actually increase the chance of war. Syria could improve its military capability through an aid package similar to what Egypt receives, elevating it to a regional power with the capacity to challenge Israel on the battlefield.

Moreover, an agreement with Syria would require Israel to relinquish control of the Golan Heights, a plateau overlooking Israel's Hula Valley, which Israel captured in 1967. The Syrians used the Heights as a staging ground to bombard the Valley from 1948 through 1967.

The Golan is a hilly area with a rocky terrain. A high escarpment provides a vantage point over Damascus and the southern Syrian plain to the Golan's east. In the northern part of the region sits Mount Hermon, the highest point in the area, from which Israeli radar stations monitor Syria troop movement. At the western edge of the Golan are rock cliffs that drop 1,700 feet, to the pre-1967 lines below.

Under a Syrian-Israeli agreement, the Golan would become demilitarized (just as the Egyptian treaty demilitarized the Sinai Peninsula.) Hence, war on Israel's northern front would resemble a race, with Israel sprinting up the Heights to head off a Syrian attack. If Damascus launched a surprise strike on Israel, the topography is such that Syria would have a clear advantage in establishing dominance on the Golan's high grounds.

General Eiland notes that thirty years of peace on the Egyptian border does not demonstrate a Syrian-Israeli deal's utility. Even if-in a worse case scenario-Cairo re-oriented toward war, the Egyptian army is located on the Western side of the Sinai, 120 miles of flat terrain from the Israeli border. By contrast, if the Syrian regime breached a treaty with Israel, its military would have the ability to reach the Israeli border far quicker. The Golan is only 39 miles at its longest point.

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Israel Matzav: A Syrian - Israeli 'peace' could lead to war

Israel Matzav: Life for 'Palestinians' 'intolerable'?

Life for 'Palestinians' 'intolerable'?

In his June 4 speech in Cairo, President Obama described the life of 'Palestinians' as 'intolerable.' But like so many other claims that the President makes, that one is a demonstrable lie, at least if you compare the 'Palestinian' situation to that of other people in the Arab world. To put it simply, the 'Palestinians' in Judea, Samaria and Gaza are much better off than their counterparts in Arab countries.

The standard tables of gross domestic product (GDP) per capital show the West Bank and Gaza at US$1,700, just below Egypt's $1,900 and significantly below Syria's $2,250 and Jordan's $3,000. GDP does not include foreign aid, however, which adds
roughly 30% to spendable funds in the Palestinian territories. Most important, the denominator of the GDP per capita equation - the number of people - is far lower than official data indicate. According to an authoritative study by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies [1], the West Bank and Gaza population in 2004 was only 2.5 million, rather than the 3.8 million claimed by the Palestinian authorities. The numbers are inflated to increase foreign aid.

Adjusting for the Begin-Sadat Center population count and adding in foreign aid, GDP per capita in the West Bank and Gaza comes to $3,380, much higher than in Egypt and significantly higher than in Syria or Jordan. Why should any Palestinian refugee resettle in a neighboring Arab country?

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Israel Matzav: Life for 'Palestinians' 'intolerable'?

Huckabee Supports Jewish Growth in Maaleh Adumim - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News

Huckabee Supports Jewish Growth in Maaleh Adumim - Politics & Government - Israel News - Israel National News
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New Arab Plan: Money Instead of 'Right of Return' - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

New Arab Plan: Money Instead of 'Right of Return' - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
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Bunker Buster Turning Iranian Threat into James Bond Thriller - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Bunker Buster Turning Iranian Threat into James Bond Thriller - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News
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Britain's Move to Islam: British Pools Accept Muslim Dress Code - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

Britain's Move to Islam: British Pools Accept Muslim Dress Code - Defense/Middle East - Israel News - Israel National News

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Supporting Jewish Right to Live in Jerusalem - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News

Supporting Jewish Right to Live in Jerusalem - Inside Israel - Israel News - Israel National News
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Deterrence and Proportionality

Deterrence and Proportionality

Guy Bechor is a knowledgable but slightly contrarian interpreter of Middle East affairs. He thinks Israel has re-established its deterrence in the region.

The calm of this summer would indicate he's right. If we're back at war in three months he'll have been proven wrong. The outcome retrocatively determines the veracity of the endless chatter about the proportionality of Israel's methods of war waging. If military measures achieve the goal they were intended for, it's a bit hard to say they weren't proportional. If they don't, they must have been less than proportional.
taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

Israel Matzav: New US 'peace plan'

Israel Matzav: New US 'peace plan'

Long term Perspective vs. No Full Picture

Long term Perspective vs. No Full Picture

Historians looking back at distant events have the advantage of knowing how they played out; which things that seemed crucial at the time had no long-term significance whatsoever; and who "got it right". Then again, historians see only a small portion of the reality the living actors operated in, and this sanitizing of the past and Darwinian winnowing out of all unimportant facts can of course severely hamper historians' ability to understand what was going on.

Contemporaries have a different set of problems in understanding their reality. Besides not knowing what will prove significant and what is merely chaff blowing in our eyes and obscuring our vision, there's also a lot going on that we don't know about. Or is there? And what is it that we don't know?

Roni Sofer claims to know of a de-facto Israeli acquiescence with Obama's demand to cease construction in all settlements, even in East Jerusalem. The agreement is for six months only, so as to give the Americans time to prove the viability of their track (or its non-viability, I might add). It has already started, Sofer tells: the Ministry of Housing has not authorized any new construction projects in any settlements since the elections. The Minister of Housing is Ariel Atias of Shas, and reportedly is at the heart of the decision in spite of the contradictory posturing of Eli Yishai, the boss of his own party.

The settlers are all in an uproar, predictably, though this proves only that their politicians have identified an issue that offers them some publicity, that lifeline of politicians everywhere. Or maybe it proves there really is a freeze on construction? After all, they wouldn't be kvetching so loudly if the facts themselves were wrong, would they? Politicians wouldn't do that, would they?

You might be interested to notice, by the way, that our internationally-touted "far-right-almost-fascist-evil-settler" Avigdor Lieberman isn't participating in this particular circus. You may infer whatever you wish from that.

Egypt's Mubarak, meanwhile, has a meeting later today with Obama in Washington, and an Arabic newspaper in London claims there's a deal in the making (says Y-net. I don't read Arabic).

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and his American counterpart, Barack Obama, are expected during their White House meeting Tuesday to discuss "an initiative of leaders" for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East, in which the Palestinians will waive the right of return in exchange for compensation, the London-based Arabic-language al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper reported Tuesday.
According to the report, the same initiative includes amending the 1967 borders in a way which has not been detailed, as well as the establishment of a demilitarized Palestinian state, with Jerusalem being the joint capital of both states.

If true, this means the Egyptians have accepted Netanyahu's terms for peace, or most of them. Palestine will be demilitarized, and no Right of Return; if this is coupled with a clear Palestinian acceptance of End of Conflict, meaning no additional claims can be made, the essence is very close to the demand for Palestinian acceptance of Israel as the Jewish State. Only on the matter of Jerusalem will Netanyahu have to change his declared position.

No one seems to be claiming the Palestinians will accept this package.

The item also contains this

According to the newspaper, commentators estimated that Mubarak's meeting with the Jewish lobby is a manifestation of the warming relations between Egypt and the Netanyahu government, which have been expressed in a series of issues in recent months, including allowing Israeli submarines to cross the Suez Canal and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres' visits to Egypt.

taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

Israel Matzav: Live webcast of Nefesh b'Nefesh aliya arrival ceremony

Israel Matzav: Live webcast of Nefesh b'Nefesh aliya arrival ceremony

Israel Matzav: Interview with Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States

Israel Matzav: Interview with Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States

Israel Matzav: Mary Robinson's new defender

Mary Robinson's new defender

If anyone thought that presenting the Medal of Freedom to her would end the controversy over Mary Robinson, they were apparently incorrect. JPost reports that Robinson has a new defender and that she is a close adviser to that paragon of 'human rights,' Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad.
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Israel Matzav: Mary Robinson's new defender

Israel Matzav: Barghouti frozen out of Fatah conference?

Barghouti frozen out of Fatah conference?

Here's another reason to oppose murderer Marwan Barghouti's release from prison: He's been frozen out of the Fatah leadership anyway.

Despite high expectations, the effect of Marwan Barghouthi's camp on the conference was minimal. Of his group, only Barghouthi -- who has been in an Israeli prison since 2002 -- won a seat in the FCC, ranking third among the winners. The congress neither distributed nor read a letter from Barghouthi detailing the political and organizational steps that Fatah should undertake to restore its leadership. Abbas also rejected Barghouthi's request to make the so-called Prisoners Document -- officially the National Reconciliation Document, the product of the 2007 Mecca Accords -- Fatah's political platform, stating in his inaugural speech that "the political program of the unity government with Hamas was refused by the world." Furthermore, Barghouthi's requests to have all members of the FCC elected by secret ballot (including Abbas) and to preserve quotas for women and for Fatah members abroad were completely ignored. Ultimately, Barghouthi appears to be a big name in Fatah only because he is imprisoned; in reality, he lacks power in the party.

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Israel Matzav: Barghouti frozen out of Fatah conference?

Israel Matzav: Critical edition of Mein Kampf to be published in Germany

Israel Matzav: Critical edition of Mein Kampf to be published in Germany

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

YNet reports that Prime Minister Netanyahu has made a normalization gesture to the Obama administration, agreeing to freeze new building in the 'settlements' until the beginning of 2010. That would be four and a half months from now - much less than Obama wanted but more than Netanyahu had previously been willing to give.

Despite pressure from right-wing ministers, the housing minister has yet to issue one building tender in the settlements, including in the large settlement blocs, since Netanyahu has taken office. This has been confirmed by Prime Minister Netanyahu's office. The ministry also did not issue new tenders in the final days of Olmert's administration. The right-wing and the haredi sector have expressed their disappointment over this quiet policy.

Right-wing ministers claim that this policy has been forced upon Israel and undermines the country's sovereignty in areas over which there should not be any dispute.

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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu caves on 'settlement freeze'?

Israel Matzav: Obama to solve the Shidduch crisis

Obama to solve the Shidduch crisis

A shidduch is a match between a man and a woman (for those who saw Fiddler on the Roof, Yente was a shadchan - a matchmaker). The 'shidduch crisis' in the Jewish community is the number of marriageable young ladies who cannot find mates. Apparently, President Obama has now decided to solve the problem (Hat Tip: Daniel F).
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Israel Matzav: Obama to solve the Shidduch crisis

ISRAEL MUSIC HISTORY Israel Independence Day חגיגות ה - 60 חג העצמאות 2008

Israel Matzav: Video: 'Do it with a flair'

Israel Matzav: Video: 'Do it with a flair'

Michael Oren: The West Bank Serves as Model of Prosperity - WSJ.com

Michael Oren: The West Bank Serves as Model of Prosperity - WSJ.com

Israel Matzav: Video: Demonstrations at Shepherd Hotel

Israel Matzav: Video: Demonstrations at Shepherd Hotel

Israel Matzav: 'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

Just what we needed. The chief birther is becoming popular in Israel (Hat Tip: Memeorandum).

Since her explosive MSNBC appearance, the "birther" movement has largely faded, supplanted by the health care debate and a new, more-vocal stream of detractors swarming the town hall meetings on health care, leaving Taitz and her movement as yesterday's news; outside of Israel that is.

Over the last two weeks, Taitz has been featured in a segment on Channel 10 television's popular nightly news show "London and Kirschenbaum," filmed a segment for the far-right Arutz 7 Web site and recorded a show for their radio channel, was featured in a three-page article in mass circulation daily Ma'ariv, and was the subject of a feature on Channel 1 TV.

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Israel Matzav: 'President Obama's policies are a clear and present danger to Israel' says... Orly Taitz

Israel Matzav: Marwan Barghouti's appeal to 'Palestinians'

Marwan Barghouti's appeal to 'Palestinians'

Jonathan Tobin takes Foreign Policy magazine to task for calling Marwan Barghouti a 'dissident.' In the process, he reminds us all of something that the Israeli Left - which is pushing for Barghouti's release - seems to have forgotten.

Rather than dismissing the atrocities Barghouti committed or treat his record as incidental to his prospects, as his apologists do, it is vital to understand that it is precisely because of his willingness to wantonly slaughter innocents on the streets of Tel Aviv that this man is a hero to his fellow Palestinians. The gruesome dynamic of Palestinian political culture rewards those who kill Jews and penalizes those who do not. Fatah’s need to compete with Hamas on this front required former leader Yasser Arafat to launch a terrorist offensive in which his own party’s stalwarts could emerge with the requisite amount of Jewish blood on their hands. Hence his decision to authorize the formation of a “new” terrorist group—the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade—and the decision to let Barghouti’s Tanzim group take part in terror attacks on Israeli civilians during the second intifada.

There's much more at work here. It's not just that the 'Palestinians' love Barghouti because he was Jewish blood on his hands. It's that they love him because they hope that he will continue to have fresh Jewish blood on his hands in the future.
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Israel Matzav: Marwan Barghouti's appeal to 'Palestinians'

Israel Matzav: Sticking point on 'settlement freeze': Obama won't put it in writing

Sticking point on 'settlement freeze': Obama won't put it in writing

Based on a report by Shimon Schiffer in the Hebrew daily Yedioth Aharonoth, fellow Israeli blogger Arlene Kushner reports what is apparently the main sticking point (other than length) in the negotiations over a 'settlement freeze.'

Shimon Schiffer, in Yediot Ahronot today, says the US wants a two year freeze because Obama figures that's how long forging a peace deal will take (in his dreams).

Netanyahu, says Schiffer, is offering three months, with Israel retaining the right to start building again after that if the Arab states haven't made their appropriate gestures of normalization.


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Israel Matzav: Sticking point on 'settlement freeze': Obama won't put it in writing

Israel Matzav: Deal for Shalit almost done?

Deal for Shalit almost done?

Meeting with 'American Jewish leaders' on Monday, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said that a deal for the release of kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit had only one issue left to resolve: Israel's insistence that certain prisoners be expelled from Judea and Samaria.

According to Channel 10, the Egyptian leader, on his first visit to Washington in five years, said that prisoner swap talks had reached the same point they had got to with former prime minister Ehud Olmert. Mubarak said that his impression was that a deal could be concluded with Hamas once the contentious issue of banning Palestinian prisoners from returning to the West Bank is solved.

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Israel Matzav: Deal for Shalit almost done?

Israel Matzav: 'We tried that in the United States. We had neighborhoods that were all white, black people couldn't go there. It didn't work out real well for us.'

Israel Matzav: 'We tried that in the United States. We had neighborhoods that were all white, black people couldn't go there. It didn't work out real well for us.'

Israel Matzav: Abu Mazen's successor?

Israel Matzav: Abu Mazen's successor?

Israel Matzav: Abu Mazen: 'Talking to Hamas is inevitable, but not to Israel'

Israel Matzav: Abu Mazen: 'Talking to Hamas is inevitable, but not to Israel'

Israel Matzav: Shelley Berkley: Don't ignore what the 'Palestinians' say

Shelley Berkley: Don't ignore what the 'Palestinians' say

The weekend JPost included an interview with Representative Shelley Berkley (D-Nev) who was visiting here last week with a Democratic congressional delegation. I've said before that I believe that Berkley is a straight shooter. I want to highlight three things she said in the interview. None of them should be earth-shattering to a supporter of Israel, but to hear them said by someone who claims to be a supporter of President Obama indicates that he's not going to have as easy a time as he might think in trying to impose a 'peace plan' on us.

Thing 1 (Can you tell I've read Dr. Seuss):

"I am quite disappointed in Abu Mazen, I always have been," said Berkley, a day before meeting him. "I think he has it within his power to bring a peaceful resolution to this issue, to create a state for the Palestinian people, to move forward to a brighter future for Palestinian children.

"And yet, year after year we seem to be stuck in the same situation, and I think he has done very little over the years in preparing his own people for peace," she said, pointing to this week's Fatah conference in Bethlehem as an example.

"Are we still hurling accusations against the Israelis that they are somehow responsible for the death of Yasser Arafat?" she asked. "Isn't that somewhat counterproductive to moving forward toward peace?"

Berkley said she raised this issue in a meeting her delegation had with US Gen. Keith Dayton, who advised the group not to pay too much attention to what was being said at Fatah's "political convention." Berkley told Dayton she remembered the heady days of the Oslo Accords, when Arafat would say what the US and Europeans wanted to hear in English, but then repeated "the usual anti-Israel, anti-Semitic rants to his own people."

Back then, she said, "administration and State Department officials said the exact same thing: Don't pay any attention to what Arafat is saying; we know what he has to say in order to survive; we know what he really feels. But we didn't, we really miscalculated that. I think words are very powerful; they have meaning."

Asked what Dayton's reply was, she let out a belly laugh and replied, "He said that was a good question."

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Israel Matzav: Shelley Berkley: Don't ignore what the 'Palestinians' say

Israel Matzav: Reminder: The 'Palestinians' still haven't recognized the Jewish state

Reminder: The 'Palestinians' still haven't recognized the Jewish state

Ronald Lauder reminds the Obama administration that the 'Palestinians' still have not recognized Israel as a Jewish state.

The administration would also do well to take heed of the Palestinian Authority’s continued refusal to recognize Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. This is not a trivial matter. A long-term settlement can only be forged on the basis of mutual recognition and respect. To deny the essence of the Zionist project—to rebuild the Jewish people’s ancient homeland—is to call into question the seriousness of one’s commitment to peace.

It is a sad statement of the Palestinians’ approach to peace-making that denial of the Jewish homeland is not simply contained in the openly anti-Semitic leadership of Hamas. It is a widespread belief across the spectrum of Palestinian opinion. This reality must be confronted.

Today’s leadership must never forget that the core historic reason for the conflict is the Arab world’s longstanding rejection of Israel’s existence. The two-state solution was accepted by Israel’s pre-state leadership led by David Ben-Gurion in 1947 when it agreed to the partition plan contained in United Nation’s General Assembly Resolution 181. The Arabs flatly rejected it. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knows all too well, President Bill Clinton’s peace plans in 2000 foundered due to Palestinian rejection of the Jewish state, even as Israel, once again, accepted their right to statehood.

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Israel Matzav: Reminder: The 'Palestinians' still haven't recognized the Jewish state

Israel Matzav: Colindale London on Daniel Gordis'Saving Israel

Israel Matzav: Colindale London on Daniel Gordis' Saving Israel

Israel Matzav: Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

Politico reports that Israelis are taking out their anger with the Obama administration's policies in our region on White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. The story is headlined 'Israelis sour on Rahm Emanuel.'

When Emanuel was tapped to be Obama’s chief of staff, a headline in the Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz kvelled “Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff,” while the Jewish news service JTA went with “Rahm Emanuel: attack dog, policy wonk, committed Jew.” [Haaretz is Israel's Hebrew 'Palestinian' daily, while JTA is an American news service that represents a certain stream of American Jews - and not Israelis. CiJ]
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Israel Matzav: Israelis never thought much of Rahm Emanuel

Israel Matzav: Water usage declines by... 13.5%

Water usage declines by... 13.5%

Water usage in Israel has dropped by 13.5% this summer, as Israelis attempt to avoid a NIS 20 ($5) surcharge per cubic meter over their allotments as a result of a drought caused partly by government negligence.

The government has been taxing the bejoobles out of water and broadcasting scary toilet-flushing sounds with pretty Israeli women warning how every toilet flush contributes to the flushing of the Kinneret into the Mediterranean Sea. Sounds silly, but the sad thing is, it’s true. The good news is that water consumption for July went down from 73 million cubic meters last year to 63 this year.

This is especially good since water consumption in the summer months generally increases. This year, it actually stayed flat. So far, 70 million cubic meters have been saved, and the Water Authority is hoping to get that number up to 120 million before the onset of the winter rainy season.

To get a picture of where we are, the Kinneret is currently at 213.89 meters below sea level. The red line, meaning the lowest the Kinneret can go before being endangered with salt water intrusion, is 213 below sea level. We are, currently, about a meter below that already, with 2 months to go before the first rains can even begin to get here. The final black line is 215 below, at which point salt water intrusion becomes a definite, and the lake becomes salinated for decades, and 60% of our drinking water becomes virtually unusable.

This is why conserving is so critically important, especially now. We have at least 60 more days until rains come, and with the lake going down 1-4 centimeters a day, we’re getting really, REALLY close to that black line.

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Israel Matzav: Water usage declines by... 13.5%

Israel Matzav: Targeted killings by me but not by thee

Targeted killings by me but not by thee

The United States recently announced that it will be using 'targeted killings' against drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban in Afghanistan (Hat Tip: Free Republic).

Fifty Afghans believed to be drug traffickers with ties to the Taliban have been placed on a Pentagon target list to be captured or killed, reflecting a major shift in American counternarcotics strategy in Afghanistan, according to a Congressional study to be released this week.

United States military commanders have told Congress that they are convinced that the policy is legal under the military’s rules of engagement and international law.


In interviews with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is releasing the report, two American generals serving in Afghanistan said that major traffickers with proven links to the insurgency have been put on the “joint integrated prioritized target list.” That means they have been given the same target status as insurgent leaders, and can be captured or killed at any time.

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Israel Matzav: Targeted killings by me but not by thee

Israel Matzav: Surprise: Hamas diverting cement to build bunkers

Surprise: Hamas diverting cement to build bunkers

Two and a half weeks ago, I reported that Israel had decided to allow a limited amount of cement and metal pipes into Gaza to rebuild some of the buildings that were destroyed during Operation Cast Lead. We were assured that all would be under the strict control of UNRWA, which would make sure that none of the material would go to Hamas to make weapons.

The transfer of materials is part of the implementation of a United Nations plan devised by UN envoy to the Middle East, Robert Serry, who has submitted to Israel a list of 10 UN-sponsored construction projects in Gaza.

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Israel Matzav: Surprise: Hamas diverting cement to build bunkers

Israel Matzav: An Orwellian 'conversation'

Israel Matzav: An Orwellian 'conversation'
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