Monday, 22 June 2009

The Torah Revolution: Haber's Conditional Pro Democracy Activism

The Torah Revolution: Haber's Conditional Pro Democracy Activism

Chesler Chronicles » Obama Fiddles While Iran Burns

Chesler Chronicles » Obama Fiddles While Iran Burns


It’s all them Damn Jews Fault!

It’s all them Damn Jews Fault!
By Arlene Peck
‏יום ראשון 21 יוני 2009

כ"ט/סיון/תשס"ט 23:37

I don’t claim to be a maven on anything. Well, maybe in a past life I used to take pride in being a world class shopper. Actually, I’d consider myself to be a pretty basic person. But, I’ve come to the conclusion that if I listened to the pundits and our present and past governments, everything would be solved if that “obstacle to peace” the Israelis ‘settlements” in Judea and Samaria would just go away and then all of us would have the world peace for which we’ve been yearning. Of course, nobody ever mentions that the strip of land that they want to settle G-d knows how many millions of Arabs into is about the size of Disneyland.

Forget the fact that North Korea is making daily threats with their nuclear warheads putting them on a collision course with the rest of the world. Forget they are striving to reach our shores as soon as possible. I think I just read somewhere that they are almost ready to be able to reach Hawaii.

Is Ahmadinejad and the riots going on from his free ‘election’ with millions of dissents taking to the streets, of concern for Obama? Naw. Why should Obama speak out on the need for freedom and democracy in Iran when there are apartments being built in Judea and Samaria that need immediate tearing down? Because, if not, then, according to the leaders of our country, starting with our President and working its way to Miss Hillary, the Middle East will never have a solution to the problems that envelop it.

When I hear friends, and even Israeli friends, tell me that “We are tired of fighting we don’t need the settlements.”, then G-d help me. I want to scream! When I listen to those that aren’t Jewish go on about “the Jews and their state” who are causing all the problems, I know that they are the anti-Semites that somehow electively overlook all that is really going on now with the gathering storm. I used to wonder why everybody hates ‘the Jews’ and wrote it off to plain old jealousy. But, now, I think it goes deeper than that. And, I don’t think that land has a damn thing to do with it. For heaven’s sake… take a look at the map! Sure these savages ‘need’ that land…riiiiight. And, I’ve got some swamp land I’d like to sell you too.

The Jews gave the world a conscience. Before Moses came down from that hill with the Ten Commandments, everyone was decadent, but they were happy, running around sleeping with their sisters and partying with sheep. And, then let’s not forget that Hagar, Ishmael’s mother could never accept the fact that sibling rivalry between Ishmael and Isaac was caused by the fact that her kid, who later became the father of the new nation of Islam, did not have the legitimacy of being his father’s ‘favorite’ son.

These same friends, who went on ad-nausea about the hope and change that was going to transform our lives into something wonderful just as soon as Barak Hussein Obama took charge are strangely quiet now. You would not believe how I was attacked when I even suggested that I truly believed him to be a Muslim and he just might not be all they expected.

Why does Israel have to be a sounding board for public opinion for the Arabs? A recent LA Times opinion article in the biased anti-Semitic Los Angeles Times was headed, “Israel Tussle Tests Obama. Deal may be near on settlements issue.” But any U.S concessions could undercut the president’s credibility.” Credibility with whom? The Arab world? In it the article describes how the public quarrel with Israel over the growth of Jewish settlements in the West Bank is developing into a test of the U.S. leaders international credibility, say foreign diplomats and other observers”. Wow, I wonder who they could be. More importantly, why should BiBi Netanyahu even consider bowing to Obama when it comes to the security of the future of Israel? For Obama’s poll numbers in the Arab world or with our resident Nazi former President Jimmy Carter?

Apparently, the Arab world is being vocal that the ‘concessions not only disappointed the Arabs who the president has been courting, but also will be read by US adversaries around the globe as a signal that the president can be forced to back down.” Frankly folks, I don’t give a diddly-squat what the Arab world, or even the free world is thinking about Obama’s plans for Israel might be. I know whatever they might be are not going to be anything but the advocate to demise of the Jewish state. Land never has had anything to do with it. The Arab world makes no secret about its intent. They won’t be happy until Israel does not exist whether as the State of Israel or the Jewish State of Israel. They want every last Jew gone! DEAD! Of course, since our new leader has announced that the United States is no longer a Judeo/ Christian country that might include the Sunday people also. Ya think?

What I don’t understand is why Israel bends and bows every time this group who I lovingly refer to as the ‘coven’ orders BiBi and company to give up something in the name of ‘peace’ and like fools they do it?

When Israel mentions a few basic suggestions of its own, such as the recognition of their country as a Jewish state with the right to exist, they are labeled as obstructionists of peace. Or, maybe when they sometimes say, they might want some of the Arab world to live up to any of their previous promises and agreements, they are totally ignored. Worse, the former inept leaders of Israel had opened the jails and let out hundreds of the terrorist tigers from their cages in one of their ‘good will ‘gestures.

I don’t care about ‘goodwill concessions’ from the Arabs because, it doesn’t mean a thing anyway. And, now that I feel we have an muslim in the White House, the United States isn’t trustable either. Last month, under Obama’s direction, Sec of State Madam Hillary Clinton declared that Obama opposed any settlements’ growth’ saying that he “wants to see a stop to settlements—not some settlements, not outpost, not ‘natural growth ‘exceptions’ Lovely. And, this from the woman that the Jewish community thought was going to be their ‘friend’ in the White House.

Except, who is she, or who is any US political official to hold the future of the Jews of Israel via Obama’s power? Doesn’t anyone who is supposed to be watching the store remember what happened the last time they listened to assurances from the Arabs and the U.S. about how wonderful it would be and peace could finally come to the region if only the interlopers in the ‘settlements’ in Gaza would just move out?
taken from B'NAI ELIM (

Israel Matzav: Overnight musical open thread

Israel Matzav: Overnight musical open thread

Israel Matzav: Iran preparing to attack Israel?

Iran preparing to attack Israel?

Iran has announced that it will begin an extensive exercise in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman to improve its air force's operational capabilities.

The Iranian air force will begin an extensive exercise Monday in the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman in order to raise "its operational and support capability," the official Iranian news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.

"In this maneuver there will be long-distance flights of around 3,600 km along with aerial refueling from tanker to fighter jet and from fighter jet to fighter jet," Reuters quoted IRNA as saying.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Iran preparing to attack Israel?

Israel Matzav: Post-Zionist rot: Tel Aviv bar bans IDF soldiers, 'settlement' products

Israel Matzav: Post-Zionist rot: Tel Aviv bar bans IDF soldiers, 'settlement' products

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Netanyahu comes out strongly in favor of Iranian students

Israel Matzav: Oh my: Netanyahu comes out strongly in favor of Iranian students

Israel Matzav: Video: Canadian reporter describes being beaten in Tehran

Israel Matzav: Video: Canadian reporter describes being beaten in Tehran

Israel Matzav: Egypt pushing to end anti-terror ops against Hamas in Judea and Samaria

Egypt pushing to end anti-terror ops against Hamas in Judea and Samaria

Hebrew daily Yediot Aharonot is reporting that Egypt is pushing for a package deal for the release of Gilad Shalit and the reopening the Gaza crossings that will include an end to 'Palestinian police' operations against Hamas in Judea and Samaria. Defense Minister Barak has gone to Cairo to discuss the deal.

Key features of the deal:

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Israel Matzav: Egypt pushing to end anti-terror ops against Hamas in Judea and Samaria

Israel Matzav: Finally!

Israel Matzav: Finally!

Israel Matzav: How President Obama spent his weekend

Israel Matzav: How President Obama spent his weekend

Israel Matzav: Israel and US nearing a deal on 'settlement' growth

Israel and US nearing a deal on 'settlement' growth

The Los Angeles Times reports that Israel and the United States are nearing a deal that would define the 'natural growth' of 'settlements' to allow some growth to take place. The Times does not sound very pleased about it.

After weeks of talks, U.S. officials have signaled that they are close to an agreement with the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that could open the way to a resumption of high-level peace negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians. Former Sen. George J. Mitchell, Obama's envoy for Middle East peace, said this week that he hoped for a U.S.-Israeli accord "very soon."

The talks have focused on two issues the Israelis raise to argue against a complete halt to settlement growth, officials say.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Israel and US nearing a deal on 'settlement' growth

Israel Matzav: Canada opening its courts to terror victims

Canada opening its courts to terror victims

The Canadian government has introduced legislation that will allow Canadian terror victims to sue terror organizations and rogue states in Canadian courts.

On June 2, the government introduced the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act, which will, among other things, permit Canadians to sue foreign states that support terrorists.

The announcement followed a five-year campaign by the Canadian Coalition Against Terror, which consists of victims of the 1985 Air India bombings, 9/11 and other terrorist attacks. If the law makes it through Parliament, Dr. Wise said she might be among those seeking compensation for the act of political violence that left her unable to return to work for more than a decade.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Canada opening its courts to terror victims

Israel Matzav: Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

Writing in Sunday's Times of London, Iranian ex-pat Amir Taheri points out how much of Iran's religious establishment is opposed to the high handed tactics of Ayatollah Ali Khameni (pictured) and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

On Friday, the 20% democratic part disappeared, as Iran was transformed from an Islamic republic into an Islamic emirate headed by the Emir al-Momeneen (Commander of the Faithful) Ali Khamenei. As Iranians marched in the street in support of more freedom and democracy, Khamenei served notice that he was determined to lead the country in the opposite direction.

Read All at:

Israel Matzav: Iran's 'establishment' split over election results

Israel Matzav: Obama still hopes to 'negotiate' with Iran over its nuclear program

Obama still hopes to 'negotiate' with Iran over its nuclear program

The Washington Post reports that Democratic President Barack Hussein Obama is reacting 'cautiously' to events in Iran because he still hopes to negotiate with the current regime over its nuclear program.

U.S. officials say Obama is intent on calibrating his comments to the mood of the hour. They say he is seeking to avoid having the demonstrators accused of being American stooges and is trying to preserve the possibility of negotiating directly with the Iranian government over its nuclear program, links to terrorism, Afghanistan and other issues.

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Israel Matzav: Obama still hopes to 'negotiate' with Iran over its nuclear program

Israel Matzav: Hamas won't let the Red Cross see Shalit

Hamas won't let the Red Cross see Shalit

Hamas has turned down a surprising Red Cross request to visit kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, who will have been in captivity for three years on Thursday if he is not released. The only thing at all notable about this unsurprising answer is the tone that Hamas used - which ought to be waved in the faces of all those like Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama who believe that Hamas is anything other than a terror organization.
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Israel Matzav: Hamas won't let the Red Cross see Shalit

Israel Matzav: Kindergarten graduation, 'Palestinian' style

Kindergarten graduation, 'Palestinian' style

I know that many of you have children and grandchildren who are graduating from Kindergarten this month. Well, the 'Palestinians' living in the 'largest concentration camp in the world' also have graduation this month. Their graduation looks just like your offspring's graduation, as you are about to see below:

Similarly to Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) operates charitable societies in the Gaza Strip, one of which is the society of Dar al-Huda [“House of Righteousness”, that is, a house which follows the traditions of Islam]. That charitable societies mostly runs kindergartens, but also youth centers, clinics, libraries, and assistance programs for orphans, people in need, and the children of prisoners held in Israeli jails.

The society is headed by Muhammad Abd al-Jawad Fura, a preacher who serves as a PIJ leader in the Gaza Strip. On June 3, 2009, a website associated with the PIJ (Pal Today) published photographs from a graduation ceremony display of kindergarten children organized by the Dar al-Huda society (kindergartens are the society's main focus of activity). The ceremony was held at Rashad al-Shawa Center in Gaza City . A show put on during the ceremony (similarly to activities held in Hamas-associated kindergartens in recent years) featured kindergarten children dressed in uniform and carrying (obviously plastic) arms confronting and killing IDF soldiers.

Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Kindergarten graduation, 'Palestinian' style

Israel Matzav: Surprise: Khamenei blames 'dirty Zionists' for Iran protests

Surprise: Khamenei blames 'dirty Zionists' for Iran protests

It should surprise no one that Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khameni is blaming 'dirty Zionists' for the riots currently gripping his country.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s top Muslim leader, accused “dirty Zionists" and “Zionist media” for being behind charges that the results of the election were rigged. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was declared the winner two hours after the voting stations closed a week ago on Friday. His opponent, Mir Hussein Moussavi, lost even in his own city, according to official election results.

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Israel Matzav: Surprise: Khameni blames 'dirty Zionists' for Iran protests

Israel Matzav: Confirmed: Iranian thugs using automatic weapons against demonstrators

Confirmed: Iranian thugs using automatic weapons against demonstrators

Israel Radio is reporting 19 confirmed dead in riots in Tehran, but says that 'unofficial' reports say as many as 150 may have been killed.

At midnight Saturday night - and not since - Israel radio reported that the Iranaian police and other thugs have been using Kalashnikovs (pictured), which are Russian-made automatic weapons against the demonstrators.
Read All at :

Israel Matzav: Confirmed: Iranian thugs using automatic weapons against demonstrators

Life in Israel: Quote of the Day (qotd)

Life in Israel: Quote of the Day (qotd)

The Torah Revolution: The Haber Thought

The Torah Revolution: The Haber Thought

ESSER AGAROTH - The Silly Case Of Nadia The Name-Caller

ESSER AGAROTH - The Silly Case Of Nadia The Name-Caller


Reaching Out to Naj

In the previous post I linked to an Iranian blog titled Neo-Resistance, authored by an educated Iranian woman named Naj. Having spent some time reading her blog, there is much in common between us.

Except that she vicioiusly hates Israel.

So I'm sending her this message, at her blog and at mine.

I wish you the best, Naj, you and your fellow citizens. And I hope for your success in these dramatic times.

After they're over, hopefully for the better, and you have a moment to think about the rest of the world, I'd apreciate your trying to explain to me why you see us as such implacable enemies. I don't see why we should be.
taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations


Could Moussavi be Gorbachev?

One reason I've been skeptical about much of the reportage about Iran is that it wasn't clear to me the extent to which what was happening was truly revolutionary, and how much it was an internal family squabble between differing factions of an ugly regime. (That, and not knowing Persian, not trusting 99% of the Western media to know any more than I about what was going on, and assuming that even many Iranians themselves may not fully understand what they're doing, as is usually the case in dramatic historical upheavals).

Moussavi, after all, comes from deep inside the Ayatollah's regime, not outside it; if you look at the numbers of people, first and foremost Iranians, in whose deaths he can be implicated, it's much larger than whatever can be attributed to Ahmedinejad. Ahmedinejad speaks repugnantly; Moussavi was part of the regime itself in its bloody 1980s.

As the days go on, however, these considerations have lost validity. I still don't know Persian, still don't trust the Western media to get it right, and according to this transcript of Moussavi's most recent speech he's still anything but a disciple of the Enlightenment of the 18th century, that blemished but magnificent age of thinkers who formulated the principles of freedom enjoyed by the citizens of democracies these past 200-some years. (Link via Andrew Sullivan).

Gorbachev never intended to go where he ended up going, either. Never ever. He wanted to fix Communism and the Soviet Union, not kill them. Yet the logic of the events was such that by questioning the regime, he unleashed the forces that demolished it. One of the profound differences between Enlightenment-informed democracies and all the rest is that ability to change course without changing everything. Fascism didn't have it, Communism didn't (though as I've noted, Chinese autocracy is proving surprisingly resilient).

So whatever the Iranian movement was a month ago, or even only a week ago, I think it's something admirable now. When their Supreme Leader took sides and threatened the demonstrators to desist, and they didn't, not even in the face of death, this isn't a squabble, it's large numbers of people demanding freedom. Are they a majority of Iranians? Perhaps. I have no way of knowing. The beauty of democracy, however, if they ever attain it, is that it shouldn't matter. If a majority of Iranians - or even only a minority - wish to continue to live in a religious society, no-one will tell them otherwise. Enlightened democracy doesn't mean they must all become silly Guardian-style heathens. Though it would, of course, grant Iranians the choice to be silly Guardian-style heathens alongside their fellow citizens who wish to be fundamentalist clerical-types. That's freedom.

We should wish it on all people; this week, we should be praying for our Iranian fellow men and women that they achieve it.
taken from :Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations
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