Sunday, 23 August 2009

DoubleTapper: IDF Women Spotlight

DoubleTapper: IDF Women Spotlight

Israel Matzav: Joe Stork's crime against humanity

Joe Stork's crime against humanity

You may recall that last Sunday I posted a translation of an article by Ben Dror Yemini from Friday's Ma'ariv that ripped the mask off Human Rights Watch's Joe Stork, who wrote the NGO's report on Operation Cast Lead that accused Israel of shooting eleven white-flag-bearing 'Palestinians' in seven separate incidents. Stork responded to Yemini's charges in a letter that was linked by Noah Pollak on Contentions on Saturday. In his Ma'ariv column on Friday, Ben Dror Yemini fisked Stork's letter. Here are some highlights (Hat Tip: Dave H). Stork's accusations are in italics and Yemini's response in normal font.
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Israel Matzav: Joe Stork's crime against humanity

Life in Israel: Avraham Fried dedicates song to Gilad Shalit (video)

Life in Israel: Avraham Fried dedicates song to Gilad Shalit (video)

Israel Matzav: Why I don't recommend that you buy from Whole Foods

Why I don't recommend that you buy from Whole Foods

A number of right-wing bloggers in the US have been calling on their readers to buy from Whole Foods, the gourmet grocery that's being boycotted by the Left because its chief executive officer, John Mackey, wrote a Wall Street Journal article in which he blasted President Obama's healthcare plan, which is known as Obamacare. Typical of those bloggers is Michelle Malkin, with whom I rarely find myself disagreeing.

But this time, I am going to disagree with Michelle and many other bloggers on the right. Because Mr. Mackey is just getting the comeuppance he deserves. You see, Mr. Mackey has another love: The 'Palestinians.' Debbie Schlussel explains.

A story I broke on this site documents how Whole Foods refuses to carry Israeli olive oil. I documented how the store has, instead, chosen to carry, vigorously promote, and subsidize Palestinian olive oil made by extremists who support Islamic terrorism. The olive oil, Canaan Fair Trade olive oil, sends its profits to fund scholarships at An-Najah University (and even worse “schools”), where the majority of the student body is in HAMAS and recruits for HAMAS, and where official school displays glorify the homicide bombing of innocent civilians at Sbarro pizzeria in Jerusalem, and mock its blown-up victims.

Canaan Fair Trade also subsidizes the anti-Israel, anti-American Rachel Corrie Foundation, honoring a pan-Islamist whore who committed suicide (standing in front of a bulldozer) for her Palestinian buddies, after she took photos of herself smilingly burning the American flag for her Palestinian friends.

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Israel Matzav: Why I don't recommend that you buy from Whole Foods

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu bows to Obama ... and to Merkel

Netanyahu bows to Obama ... and to Merkel

Every other world leader is capable of telling the President of the United States where to get off. Bibi Netanyahu is not. JPost reports on Sunday that 'significant progress' has been made in the 'negotiations' over a 'settlement freeze' and that the surrender may be signed as soon as this week in London. I'm not sure why Obama's bothering - Netanyahu keeps reminding us that he hasn't issued a single building permit since taking office at the end of March.
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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu bows to Obama ... and to Merkel

Israel Matzav: Caroline Glick blasts Netanyahu

Israel Matzav: Caroline Glick blasts Netanyahu

Israel Matzav: UNIFIL building a fence to keep Zionist cows out

UNIFIL building a fence to keep Zionist cows out

Even the cows in the Middle East are political. This is from Monday's Lebanese Daily Star.

KFAR SHUBA: The Spanish contingent operating as part of the United Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) pursued works to build a fence to surround the Baathaiil Lake in the southern Kfar Shuba, while talks to dispose of the cadaver of a cow that recently died came to a halt, according to a report carried by the state-run National News Agency on Sunday.

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Israel Matzav: UNIFIL building a fence to keep Zionist cows out
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