Sunday, 4 January 2009

Israel Matzav: NY Mayor Great interview: NYC Mayor Bloomberg calls Hamas the 'ultimate in cowardice'#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: NY Mayor Great interview: NYC Mayor Bloomberg calls Hamas the 'ultimate in cowardice'#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: Christiane Amanpour v. Zippity Livni#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: Christiane Amanpour v. Zippity Livni#links#links#links#links#links


Posted by Mordechai Friedfertig at 10:35 PM
remplaza_fecha('03 January 2009');

Rav Aviner has made the following announcement on every one of his weekly radio shows over the last month:

After 23 years in federal prison, it is time for Jonathan Pollard to go home to Israel. Your phone calls and letters can help make that happen.

Yes, Jonathan Pollard committed a crime. However, in light of his 23 years of incarceration (seven of which were spent in solitary confinement), the disproportionate sentence that he received, his repeated expressions of remorse for his actions, and his deteriorating health, it is time for Jonathan Pollard to be set free. We need your help now more than ever. With President Bush set to leave office on January 20, 2009, time is of the essence. It is customary for Presidents to pardon many people at the end of their term. It is critical that the White House hear from as many people as possible in the next several weeks. They count up the calls and report them to the President.
Just a few moments of your time daily can help Jonathan Pollard regain his freedom. He needs your help now.
- Call the President at the White House at (202) 456-1111 or (202) 456-1414
- Send a fax to the President at the White House at (202) 456-2461
- If you are in Israel, it is also possible to call the White House by dialing 077-566-4305 and it is only a local call!
With respect, say to President Bush: "Please free Jonathan Pollard now."
For more information:
taken from : Torat HaRav Aviner (

Israel Matzav: Another myth shattered: How crowded is Gaza?#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Another myth shattered: How crowded is Gaza?#links#links#links#links#links

Roadside Rambles: Reported, 17:06 PM - Israel National News

Roadside Rambles: Reported, 17:06 PM - Israel National News


For those of you tired of my intense focus on the Guardian and its ilk, my apologies. Moreover, I can see your point. I've demonstrated that they're antisemites, and that since they're incapable of seeing Israel in an rational framework, they've lost any reason we should listen to them. As well we don't, when it comes to the policy- and decision-makers.

The thing is, these days offer such rich findings regarding their pathologies, that the historian in me just can't resist indexing them, in case I ever get around to writing that book about "How to Recognize an Antisemite".

Take Peter Beaumont, for example. Near the top of his column he mis-characterizes Israeli society in a way that is more than spectacular:

But cultures attached so strongly to the past have difficulties not only in negotiating their relationship to the challenges of the present, but also in charting the possibilities of the future. They are resistant to change, delineated by ideas of what they once were, not what they could be. It is doubly true of young countries, even those populated by people with an ancient culture. For young states require an instant, powerful history to bind them. That insists on a gulf between themselves and the other.

This, referring to the Jews in one of the most exciting periods of change in 2,000 years! And about a country which worldwide is second only to Silicon Valley in its exuberant embrace of technological innovation and entrepreneurship.

So where does he get his peculiar notions from, if they haven't even the vaguest connection to the reality he purports to be describing? You must seek no further than the bottom of the same column. Once he has finished detailing all the (imaginary) things wrong with Israel, and without ever mentioning they policies of the Arabs, he go on to apportion a bit of additional blame:

It is wrong to blame Israel entirely. Some culpability must also attach to the friends and allies who have so long supported it in a conception of itself so out of step with the post-colonial era, not least the United States, whose outgoing president George W Bush once again supplied Israel with a free pass yesterday by attaching responsibility over what has happened in Gaza entirely to Hamas.

In some respects, Israel is suffering the same malaise that afflicted Britain in the aftermath of the Second World War. Then, by virtue of being on the winning side, it took this country decades to come to terms with the fact that in reality it was a military, colonial and economic power in decline. It is a process Israel must also confront - to recognise its painful and difficult history is not a perpetual guarantee of sympathy and a free hand to act as brutally as it wishes.

That's the key: the perpetual red-herring of of Colonialism. You see, Israel insists on living in the past when Colonialism was the norm; it can't seem to understand that the world has changed now, moved on, looks into the future, etc etc etc.

(Beaumont is actually at the Observer, not the Guardian, but there isn't much light between the two, and it's all the same website. But accuracy is important).

taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


The infamous Blood Libel is alive and well, currently starring on the homepage of The Guardian. This morning the second caption on the page (since moved further down but still on the homepage) asks: "Do Israel Pilots feel happy killing women and children?".

Now I'm not going to argue with the author, a Palestinian woman named Fida Qishta, who probably lives in Rafah, though the Guardian never quite tells. Ms. Qishta has been living for many years in a society that indeed celebrates killing women and children, so long as they're Israeli children; such is the intensity of the hatred she's been living in that young Palestinians, men or women, are celebrated and their families feted when they kill themselves along with Jews. Statistically, she well likely voted for Hamas in 2006, and since then has been living under a regime that glorifies in killing Jews, but also in its own shahids, and that recently did everything in its power to provoke Israel into this round of violence. So Ms. Qishta, were she to live in a civilized rational society that treasures human life and raises its children to become rationally thinking adults, might be expected to restrain her histrionics about how the Israelis are trying to kill "every child and woman, man and teenager in Gaza". But she doesn't live in that society. We can hope some day she will, and we can pray that enough of her compatriots will be able to heal themselves of the poisoning they've committed on themselves, but in the meantime, since that future day hasn't yet arrived we'll avert our eyes from her outbursts and do our best not to succumb to the emotions she's trying to provoke.

Unless we're the Guardian, we're doing our best on our own to dismantle the harsh strictures of seeking truth and rationality, and to top it we're so steeped in the Jew-hatred of our historical legacy that we can't even see it. If that's who we are, we'll take Ms. Qishta's diary, we'll give it a title even she doesn't give it, one that fits comfortably into what our ancestors always knew about the Jews, and we'll put it at the top of the page on our website. If anyone ever complains we'll roll our eyes and exclaim that it's an authentic diary, it presents an essential perspective on the events, and the critics must learn not to be so squeamish, churlish and otherwise callous to the suffering of these the Americans and their henchmen trod on all the time.

To the question if it's conceivable that we'd ever approvingly quote such incitement against any other group, we can always respond that no other group is as evil as the Israelis, except perhaps the Americans, that one might ever allege that they enjoy killing women and children.

taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


There's this new fad of Western demonstrators throwing shoes as a token of their fury. It all started when that Arab fellow threw his shoes at George Bush and became an instant hero in the Arab and Guardianista worlds. Until last month hardly anyone in the West had ever heard that shoes can be a sign of disrespect among Arabs, just as most Westerners generally know almost nothing about Arabs and don't care, but now some people display their solidarity with the downtrodden Arabs by expressing their own emotions with what they perceive is this noble Arab custom.

If I were an educated and worldly Arab I'd be peeved that my culture and heritage were to be summarized by such a minor and unimportant item. More significant, to my mind, is what this new and wildly popular gesture has to say about the relationship of the Western demonstrators to their own heritage. Rather than taking pride in a tradition of intellectual reasoning and rational investigation of facts and priorities, these demonstrators throw it all out and parade their embrace of a minor Arab symbol of rudeness.

Ah, and they're too rich. Look at the picture, and notice how most of the shoes are in fine condition, and think of all the poor of this world who don't have any shoes as good as the ones these witless demonstrators discard so as to prove their solidarity with the Arabs.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


Unlike most commentators and bloggers, I'm doing my best to refrain from commentary on what the IDF can or will achieve in this war. I don't expect it to go on for long, so I can wait with my predictions of what can or cannot be achieved. Another week or three; at which point I can always go back and see who knew what they were talking about and who didn't.

Instead, I try to look at the actors, and see if there's anything interesting to say about them. One obvious thing that's happening is the major uptick in hatred towards Israel. And so, I asked myself earlier this morning while perusing the various hate-dripping depictions of "Israel's brutal attack on Hamas" (Chris McGreal), isn't it possible that the hatred reflects the weakness of the haters? Is it possible they expect Israel is achieving some of its goals? That at the end of all this, there won't be rockets raining down on Israeli civilians? Hamas will be weaker, not stronger?

A few months ago I proposed three criteria by which to measure Israel's long-term sucesses:

1. Are there more Jews in Israel than there were the previous year?
2. Is Jewish cultural (or religious) creativity as strong as it was last year, or perhaps even stronger?
3. Is Israel's economy, and with it the condition of the Israelis, better than it was last year?

In any year where the answer to any one of these questions is positive, we're doing alright...

Well, just the other day we slipped out of 2008, a year in which the number of Jews in Israel grew, the cultural creativity grew, and even the economy suffered less than in many countries including some of the richest. You need to retain a sense of perspective, and if you do you'll have to admit the over-arching trajectory is rather good.

Perhaps this is what has the antisemites so desperate?

taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

Israel Matzav: If a rocket falls near a foreign camera crew, is it still harmless?#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: If a rocket falls near a foreign camera crew, is it still harmless?#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: China supplying Hamas with weapons and cash#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: China supplying Hamas with weapons and cash#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: IDF takes over Hamas television#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: IDF takes over Hamas television#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Israel gets another big one; UPDATE make that two#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Breaking: Israel gets another big one; UPDATE make that two#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Raw video of IDF in action in Gaza#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Raw video of IDF in action in Gaza#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: Huge explosion in Gaza#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: Huge explosion in Gaza#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Good news and not-so-good news from Gaza#links#links

Israel Matzav: Good news and not-so-good news from Gaza#links#links

Israel Matzav: The 'obstacles' to a 'Palestinian' reichlet#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: The 'obstacles' to a 'Palestinian' reichlet#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Why rockets are still being shot at Israel#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Why rockets are still being shot at Israel#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: CNN continues to support Hamas#links#links

Israel Matzav: CNN continues to support Hamas#links#links

Israel Matzav: Brotherly love, 'Palestinian' style#links#links

Israel Matzav: Brotherly love, 'Palestinian' style#links#links

Roadside Rambles: Shalom Aleichem

Roadside Rambles: Shalom Aleichem

Israel Matzav: Video: IDF forces prepare to enter Gaza#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Video: IDF forces prepare to enter Gaza#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Hamas has no respect for the living, so why should they respect the dead?#links#links

Israel Matzav: Hamas has no respect for the living, so why should they respect the dead?#links#links

Israel Matzav: Al-Beeb on the start of the ground operation#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Al-Beeb on the start of the ground operation#links#links#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Hamas admits it can't win#links#links

Israel Matzav: Hamas admits it can't win#links#links


CONGRATULATIONS, and keep on blogging.

Israel Matzav: Security Council meeting tonight#links#links

Israel Matzav: Security Council meeting tonight#links#links

Israel Matzav: Al-Jazzeera on Hamas propaganda#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: Al-Jazzeera on Hamas propaganda#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: IDF Vlog update#links#links#links

Israel Matzav: IDF Vlog update#links#links#links

Stop Raping Israel: Izzedeen al K'Ssam

Stop Raping Israel: Izzedeen al K'Ssam
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