Saturday, 25 July 2009

Israel Matzav: 'Obama uses an axe when a scalpel is needed'

'Obama uses an axe when a scalpel is needed'

Even the American Left is beginning to doubt President Obama's emphasis on a 'settlement freeze' according to Foreign Policy Magazine's The Cable blog.

Obama's stance on Israel is facing predictable criticism from more right-leaning pro-Israel groups in the United States. Mort Klein of the Zionist Organization of America, for instance, this week described the U.S. pressure over plans to build Jewish housing on the site of a Jerusalem hotel as "racist." But more troubling perhaps for Obama are doubts from some who strongly support his push to resolve the conflict.

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Israel Matzav: 'Obama uses an axe when a scalpel is needed'

Israel Matzav: 'Strike on Iran means end of Obama, 20-year war'

'Strike on Iran means end of Obama, 20-year war'

A report in Asharq Al-Awsat quotes a 'senior US source' as saying that a strike on Iran means the end of President Obama's presidency and a 20-year war on Islam.

“An American war on Iran would mean entering a twenty-year battle with the Islamic world starting from Afghanistan and Iraq to Iran,” according to the major pan-Arabic newspaper’s reporter Huda Al Husseini.

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Israel Matzav: 'Strike on Iran means end of Obama, 20-year war'

The Torah Revolution: Rahat dignitaries

The Torah Revolution: Rahat dignitaries

The Torah Revolution: Tip of an Iceberg

The Torah Revolution: Tip of an Iceberg

Israel Matzav: Israel finances its own demonization

Israel finances its own demonization

Shavua tov and a good week to everyone.

This past week, I reported on an anti-Israel film being shown at a Jewish-federation sponsored film festival in San Francisco. Perhaps I spoke too soon when I said that showing the film illustrated "the unfortunate state of relations between Israel and the American Left today." Here in Israel, we also show anti-Israel films. In fact, the government even pays to have them made.

David Horovitz reports on his trip to the Israel film festival which is taking place in Jerusalem this week. He reports on one evening which was a series of seven sequenced short films called Jerusalem Moments. The films were made by Israeli, 'Palestinian,' and in one case, both an Israeli and a 'Palestinian' filmmaker. In each case, the films presented the 'Palestinian' view of life in Jerusalem.

It began with a eulogy to the late PLO representative Faisal Husseini - who happened to be cited by Likud Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor this week as being the one Palestinian leader to have acknowledged that there could be no "right of return" - and headed mainly downhill from there.

We got to meet a Shuafat refugee camp rap pack, one of whose members made a casual lyrical reference to Israel's unexplained purported killing of a mother and father. We saw footage of the complexities of travel into and across Jerusalem, with a soundtrack that included the voice of a pregnant Palestinian woman discussing how Israeli security forces allegedly threatened to kill her if she would not get undressed for a security check at a roadblock, and the voice of a man discussing how he had been unable to save a dying Palestinian woman blocked en route to the hospital by hard-hearted Israeli security personnel at another roadblock.

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Israel Matzav: Israel finances its own demonization
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