So, in Heaven's name, after all this years, I keep her in my thoughts ?
Memories, yes, unforgettable memories, suddenly re-emerge from the most secluded places of my soul.
And it was a very simple thing that brought foward all this situation. It was my intention of starting this blog, "Rick's Café American", that triggered all the process. You know, in the common passions of ours, "Casablanca" was ranked as number one. Often she used to say that my behaviour matched to Rick's cynical manners. Yes I use cynism, like Rick did, as a shield against emotions, as for me, no one is entitled with the right to accede my deepest feelings, she was THE exception.
Those were days of wildness, crazy dreams and shared secrets that came to an end, suddenly, by my fault. I think that, perhaps, we fell in love to soon; the ghosts that haunted my past were still there, hers too, I suspect, unexorcized.
Although our relation ended, in a very sour way to her, with grief and sorrow, ( she couldn't ever understand why I packed my things and went away, letting her alone - and God knows I still loved her), we kept seeing each other. Then came the blackest day of our lives, when a very poor decision of mine, standing for a point of view she abominates, made her take the decision to cease all contact between us. I was then too proud (stupid) to recognize that I've made one big mistake, showing myself in a situation and with persons that had nothing to do with me. Yes, you pay dearly when you choose to follow the path of hate.
So dearly that her decision hurted like hell. Like a sharp blade cutting away, deep, in me. Now, to my despair,the wound is, once again, bleeding, and still hurts painfully.
Sometimes I pray that she hates me, I like it better instead of ignoring my existence - hate and love live so close to each other, that they are only parted by something less than a sheet of paper.
Although, knowing that any logical thought says that there's no use in crying over spelt milk, and that one must let bygones be bygones, I still miss her.
Today I'm feeling like someone who returned to life after a long lasting coma. Okay, I'm happy about it, but I can't help feeling blue just because she isn't around.
Oh well, maybe someday, " of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine " (blog), so I´m leaving a message:
Although parted from each other, I still have you, because I still remember those days. I hope you did the same, keeping in your heart our memories.
For the sake of those good times.
Here's looking at you, kid.