Rabbi Simlai said, "Six hundred and thirteen commandments were given toMoses, 365 negative commandments, answering to the number of the days ofthe year, and 248 positive commandments, answering to the number of aman's members. Then David came and reduced them to eleven [Psalm 15].Then came Isaiah, and reduced them to six [Isaiah 63.15]. Then cameMicah, and reduced them to three [Micah 6.8]. Then Isaiah came again, andreduced them to two, as it is said, 'Keep ye judgment and dorighteousness.' Then came Amos, and reduced them to one, as it is said,'Seek me and live.' Or one may say, then came Habakkuk [2.4], and reducedthem to one, as it is said, 'The righteous shall live by his faith.'"
Makkot 23b-24a
Him who humbles himself, God exalts; him who exalts himself, God humbles;from him who searches for greatness, greatness flies; him who flies fromgreatness, greatness searches out: with him who is importunate withcircumstances, circumstance is importunate; by him who gives way tocircumstance, circumstance stands.
Erubin 13b
Happy are the righteous! Not only do they acquire merit, but they bestowmerit upon their children and children's children to the end of allgenerations, for Aaron had several sons who deserved to be burned likeNadab and Abihu, but the merit of their father helped them. Woe unto thewicked! Not alone that they render themselves guilty, but they bestowguilt upon their children and children's children unto the end of allgenerations. Many sons did Canaan have, who were worthy to be ordainedlike Tabi, the slave of Rabbi Gamaliel, but the guilt of their ancestorcaused them [to lose their chance].
Yoma 87a
And you shall love the Lord"--namely, you shall make the Lord beloved.
Yoma 86
Greater is he who acts from love than he who acts from fear.
Sota 31a