Monday, 20 July 2009

Israel Matzav: Jews outwit Iran and Obama: Find cure for radiation sickness

Jews outwit Iran and Obama: Find cure for radiation sickness

Those darned Jews are so smart, they've outwitted Ahmadinejad and Obama: They have found a cure for radiation sickness.

The ground-breaking medication, developed by Professor Andrei Gudkov – Chief Scientific Officer at Cleveland BioLabs - may have far-reaching implications on the balance of power in the world, as states capable of providing their citizens with protection against radiation will enjoy a significant strategic advantage vis-à-vis their rivals.

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Israel Matzav: Jews outwit Iran and Obama: Find cure for radiation sickness

Israel Matzav: 'Engage' with Khatami but not with Mort Klein

Israel Matzav: 'Engage' with Khatami but not with Mort Klein

Israel Matzav: Aren't we supposed to be allies?

Israel Matzav: Aren't we supposed to be allies?

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu blasts 'Palestinian Authority' for meeting with Iran

Netanyahu blasts 'Palestinian Authority' for meeting with Iran

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blasted 'Palestinian' chief bottle washer negotiator Saeb Erekat (pictured) for meeting with Iranian foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Thursday in Sharm el-Sheikh.

"The Palestinian side has refused to allow the resumption of peace talks by placing pre-conditions on such a resumption," said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's spokesman Mark Regev, referring to the Palestinian demand that Israel declare a total settlement freeze and accept a two-state solution before negotiations can be renewed.

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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu blasts 'Palestinian Authority' for meeting with Iran

Israel Matzav: The new impostors

The new impostors

Moshe Kempinski, whom I knew in youth group 35 years ago, rips the hypocrites from J Street, the pro-suicide lobby.

There is nothing inherently wrong in looking for commonality and initiating bridge building. In fact, the building of bridges of understanding between peoples is one of the critical goals of mankind's destiny and purpose. Yet, the collapse of identity and the slipping into the morass of blandness and anonymity has become a disaster, and an ever-present danger for the Jewish people.

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Israel Matzav: The new impostors

Israel Matzav: Good cop?

Israel Matzav: Good cop?

Israel Matzav: Religion of Rape

Religion of Rape

This testimony from a member of the Iranian Basij appeared in Sunday's Jerusalem Post.

When he was 16, "my mother took me to a Basiji station and begged them to take me under their wing because I had no one and nothing foreseeable in my future. My father was martyred during the war in Iraq and she did not want me to get hooked on drugs and become a street thug. I had no choice," he said.

He said he had been a highly regarded member of the force, and had so "impressed my superiors" that, at 18, "I was given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death."

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Israel Matzav: Religion of Rape

Israel Matzav: Video: 'Palestinians' of Jewish origin

Israel Matzav: Video: 'Palestinians' of Jewish origin

Israel Matzav: George Orwell's advice to Barack Obama

Israel Matzav: George Orwell's advice to Barack Obama

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu rejected a demand by the Obama administration - delivered by summoning Ambassador Michael Oren over the weekend - that Israel cease construction of a Jewish housing project on the site of the vacant Shepherd Hotel. The hotel is located in the Sheikh Jarah neighborhood just across the street (literally) from the old border with Jordan. The land was purchased privately by American investor Irving Moskowitz. It used to belong to none other than Haj Amin al-Husseini.

Jerusalem is the "unified capital of Israel and the capital of the Jewish people, and sovereignty over it is indisputable," Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday, responding to an American demand to put an end to a housing project to be built in east Jerusalem.

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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu to Obumbler: 'The hell you'll tell us not to build in Jerusalem'

Israel Matzav: Help keep a war hero's widow and orphans from being expelled from their home!

Israel Matzav: Help keep a war hero's widow and orphans from being expelled from their home!

Israel Matzav: Update on my flu

Israel Matzav: Update on my flu

Israel Matzav: 'Manage the conflict' says... Khaled Abu Toameh

'Manage the conflict' says... Khaled Abu Toameh

Canada's National Post has a profile of JPost's Arab affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh (pictured). I urge those of you who have never read a profile of this fascinating man to do so. Although I knew most of what was in this article already, I thought Abu Toameh's take on the current state of affairs to be interesting, if not very surprising.

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Israel Matzav: 'Manage the conflict' says... Khaled Abu Toameh


Anti-Semitism hot-bed

Problems grow for Jews at York University.

After the swell of controversy at Toronto's York University recently, on the heels of the conference called Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace on June 22-24, two anti-Semitic incidents occurred within a week.

Campus administrators reported that anti-Semitic literature was found in a bathroom of York's Scott Library on July 2. As well, Sammy Katz, Canadian campus coordinator of Hasbara Fellowships, added that there were reports of a one-foot swastika etching discovered in another school restroom on the same day. "Stuff like this happens every day at York," he lamented.

A press release was issued on July 6 by the York Federation of Students, condemning hate-filled acts in light of the July 2 incident on campus.

"We understand that York has a great number of Jewish constituents and we are greatly concerned. We oppose all forms of racism and sexism," said Krisna Saravanamuttu, president of the York Federation of Students, in an interview with the Independent. The York Federation of Students represents 49,000 undergraduate students at York University.

Saravanamuttu said the recent incidents are currently under investigation, though he could not elaborate any further on what has been found. "Violent acts of hatred such as these are an affront to student rights on campus and must be condemned," he stressed.

To publicize an earlier incident, Katz recently placed on YouTube a filmed segment of a protester at an anti-Israel demonstration at York's Vari Hall, saying, "F*** the Jews" repeatedly as a chant. When confronted by Katz, it was revealed that the protester was not enrolled as a student at York.

Katz then complained to the school's administration and security, but said such complaints fall on deaf ears and thus become a futile exercise. Security and police generally respond too late, or are mired in the school's red tape of protocols on how to deal with hate speech, Katz added.

He emphasized the importance of Jewish students being pro-active on campus to ensure future problems are minimized. "We do not want to always be reacting, looking over our shoulder to see what the other side is doing."

Meir Weinstein, director of the Jewish Defence League (JDL) of Canada said that the culmination of hate on campus over the course of the past few years should be enough of a message to pro-Israel Jewish students to enrol elsewhere and for Jewish donors to redirect their philanthropy.

"Find another university. I think it's repulsive that Jews give money to York. We looked at the board of the university. Many of them are high-profile people in the Jewish community. At the very least, they need to attach major strings to their contributions."

When the anti-Israel conference was being held, he encouraged his group, as well as others in the vicinity, to join the protest he organized at the gates of the university.

"It was to expose and confront the message of the conference, and unify the Jewish community against the conference," he said. "When you do nothing, they just get stronger. Our primary mandate is to expose and confront, and shine a magnifying glass on it so everyone can see it. You then prevent it from spreading." Nearly every major Jewish organization has issued statements against the conference since October, he added.

Few of the 50 conference speakers had academic or extensive scholarly experience teaching or writing about the conflicts in the Middle East. There was no representation from the centre-left or centre-right, reports said. Organizers carefully screened their attendees before accepting them, and some observers have suspected those who did not agree completely with their extremist positions were not welcomed.

The anti-Israel conference was co-sponsored by Queen's University and is an official U50 initiative, part of York University's 50th anniversary celebrations. Many reports have said that those attendees and speakers who offered ideas with the slightest of perceived pro-Israel tilt were ridiculed, shouted over and muffled by those in the conference room.

The conference's advisory committee included Ali Abunimah, a fellow at the Palestine Centre in Washington, D.C. He is co-founder of The Electronic Intifada, an online anti-Israel publication. According to the United Jewish Appeal's communiqué, Abunimah's group frequently condones Palestinian terrorism, using the euphemism of "resistance," and terms like "apartheid" and "racist" in reference to Israel.

"The advisory board are 90 percent those that call for a boycott of Israel on a lot of different levels or don't acknowledge Israel's right to exist or the historical rights of the Jewish people," said Weinstein.

Along with the JDL, certain pro-Israel campus groups joined to protest over the course of three days, including Hasbara at York, Hasbara Fellowships, the JDL and the Canadian Centre for Israel Activism. (Hasbara Fellowships, a program run by Aish International, educates and trains university students to be pro-Israel activists on their campuses.)

Weinstein noticed, however, a marked absence of the established Jewish student campus group, Hillel. In Ontario, he claimed, "Leadership of Hillel is a failure. The Jewish students are not a failure. They have ideals. They want to express themselves. But they aren't given the opportunity. It's disappointing that the students have to face this establishment. The students want to take a stand."

Naomi Samuel, vice-president of communications at Hasbara, concurred. "How can you not want to get involved on campus?" Entering her second year at York, she has noticed the school environment growing increasingly hostile.

"In the past year, it has not gotten any easier for Jewish students. We can't allow York to be a hotbed for anti-Semitism. Jewish students are ostracized, tormented just for wearing yarmulkes or identifying themselves outwardly as Jewish," she said. "It's really scary to walk around these halls, and impossible for anyone not here to know what it's like on campus."

Dave Gordon is a freelance writer in Toronto. His website is

taken from B'NAI ELIM (Sons of the Mighty)

The British Way of War

The British Way of War

The Economist apparently has a good reporter with the troops in Afghanistan. Following the detailled report I linked to the other day, here's another one, this time much of it from the Helmand valley and the field of battle itself.

War is hell. It's also complicated, and eight years after arriving in Afghanistan, the Western Allies still haven't figured out the corect way of waging this one.

Subsequent British contingents were similarly stretched out. One aim was to clear the road to the Kajaki dam to allow the refurbishment of a hydroelectric plant. Another was to retake the town of Musa Qala, abandoned by the British in 2006 despite American protests. British tactics changed with each six-month rotation of troops. One especially damaging practice was “mowing the lawn”—raiding areas repeatedly to clear out insurgents without holding the ground, exposing anyone friendly to the British to grisly retribution. Whereas the American army and marines drew up a new manual on counter-insurgency in 2006, the British have yet to revise their doctrine. They rely heavily on American thinking, without American resources.

The really significant part of the report, however, tells about efforts not to kill Afghani civilians:

The American overall commander, General Stanley McChrystal, has urged his troops to minimise civilian deaths, even at risk to themselves. It is easier said than done, as Major Giles Harris, a company commander, explained. “When we meet the bad guys, we win,” he said. But protecting civilians was “a continual challenge”. “It is the discipline required not to take the gloves off. You are asking my guardsman not to empty the magazine of his weapon into the compound wall from which he is being shot at.”

Factual. Matter of fact. Even more serious, the article repeatedly makes the point that the more British casualties, the lesser the public support at home without which the war cannot be fought. Which means, even if the soldiers do manage to let more of them get killed so that fewer Afghanis will be hurt, this may only expedite the loss of public support and - potentially catastropically - an Islamist victory.

Fiendishly complicated, and then some.

Now try to imagine what would happen if an IDF unit was facing similar conditions. This is not a hypotheticl question. On January 18th earlier this year I linked to an article that had just appeared in the Economist in which the editors asked themselves if Israel was committing war crimes in Gaza. The grudging answer was that maybe, but then again maybe not, it would depend on the specifics. And at the time I added:

Of course you might ask if the Economist regularly poses this question whenever anyone else (the UK included) goes to war, and the answer is probably no.

Actually, the answer, it appears, is a resounding no. The Economist doesn't dream of talking about its own soldiers, or their American or Nato allies, as they do about Israel. And the Economist, I remind you, isn't the Guardian.
taken from Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations

The Torah Revolution: In response to Clinton

The Torah Revolution: In response to Clinton

Esser Agaroth - To Reclaim Jewish Property

How To Reclaim Jewish Property

27 of the Fourth Month 5769

Reclaiming Jewish Property in Jerusalem
Hillel Fendel 27 Tammuz 5769/July 19, 2009

( With the Obama administration turning the corkscrews upon Israeli sovereignty in its capital, the spotlight focuses once again on the growing Jewish presence in neighborhoods such as Shimon HaTzaddik. Arab squatters face eviction this week.

The U.S. State Department has made an unprecedented demand upon its ally Israel to stop lawful construction in its capital – specifically, at a property owned by activist Dr. Irving Moskowitz in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. The municipal housing plan calls for the site of the Shepherd Hotel to become a 20-unit apartment complex. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and other government ministers have categorically rebuffed the American ultimatum, as did Ambassador Michael Oren when he was called to the State Department to hear the U.S. demand.

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Esser Agaroth - How To Reclaim Jewish Property

DoubleTapper: Darrell “Shifty” Powers RIP and Godspeed


DoubleTapper: Darrell “Shifty” Powers RIP and Godspeed

Stop Raping Israel: YeSh"A Council: Modern Day Spies (Film Review)

Stop Raping Israel: YeSh"A Council: Modern Day Spies (Film Review)
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