Sunday, 24 May 2009

The Associate by John Grisham | Best Book

The Associate by John Grisham

the-associate1If you like Grisham’s earliest works (the Firm, the Pelican Brief, etc.) you’ll almost certainly like this one too. Similarities between John Grisham’s latest book, The Associate, and his previous best seller, The Firm, are unavoidable.
With 20 novels and one work of non-fiction, Grisham has returned to trademark territory with his newest book.
Dipping us into the pitiless world of corporate law and the underhand dealings of the people working within it, Grisham has created a story that is just begging to be brought to life on the big screen.
As I was reading The Associate, the irritating image of Tom Cruise (Grisham’s hero from The Firm) popped into my head. In fact, Grisham’s descriptions of McAvoy and most other characters never really gelled with me, hence I found it difficult to build a mental picture of the main players.

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The Associate by John Grisham Best Book

Photos: A view from above | KOMO News - Seattle, Washington | Photos In Detail

A view from above

Atlantis astronauts carried out five back-to-back spacewalks to fix and upgrade the 19-year-old Hubble Space Telescope, adding five to 10 years to Hubble's the observatory's lifetime. Scientists hope to begin beaming back the results by early September.

This image taken from the Space Shuttle Atlantis shows a high oblique scene looking toward the Red Sea, Sinai Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea.
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Photos: A view from above KOMO News - Seattle, Washington Photos In Detail

Michelle Malkin » The jihadi virus in our jails

The jihadi virus in our jails

By Michelle Malkin • May 22, 2009 05:03 AM

Photo source: NYPost

The jihadi virus in our jails
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2009

President Obama’s speech on homeland security was 6,072 words long. Curiously, he chose not to spare an “a,” “and,” or “uh” on the New York City terror bust that dominated headlines the morning of his Tuesday address. Did the teleprompter run out of room?

After a year-long investigation launched by the Bush administration, the feds cracked down on a ring of murder-minded black Muslim jailhouse converts preparing to bomb two Bronx synagogues and “eager to bring death to Jews.” They also planned to attack a New York National Guard air base in Newburgh, New York, where the suspects lived and worshiped at a local mosque.

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Michelle Malkin » The jihadi virus in our jails




The latest inconceivable Obamaction is yet another unbecoming apology in Europe, this time in Germany for WWII. John Rosenthal suggests, "As bizarre as it may seem, President Obama’s impending trip to Dresden suggests that German revisionists have a friend in the White House".

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DoubleTapper: IDF Women Collection

DoubleTapper: IDF Women Collection

Israel Matzav: Obamaman can

Israel Matzav: Obamaman can

Israel Matzav: 23% of Israelis won't live with a nuclear Iran#links#links

23% of Israelis won't live with a nuclear Iran

If you want to know why the Netanyahu government won't tolerate a nuclear Iran, here's one reason: Nearly one in four Israelis will consider leaving the country if Iran becomes a nuclear power.

Some 23 percent of Israelis would consider leaving the country if Iran obtains a nuclear weapon, according to a poll conducted on behalf of the Center for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University.

Some 85 percent of respondents said they feared the Islamic Republic would obtain an atomic bomb, 57 percent believed the new U.S. initiative to engage in dialogue with Tehran would fail and 41 percent believed Israel should strike Iran's nuclear installations without waiting to see whether or how the talks develop.

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Israel Matzav: 23% of Israelis won't live with a nuclear Iran

Israel Matzav: Too bad to check: Israel has no interceptor for Iran's new long-range missile?

Israel Matzav: Too bad to check: Israel has no interceptor for Iran's new long-range missile?

Israel Matzav: French foreign ministry slams Netanyahu over Jerusalem

French foreign ministry slams Netanyahu over Jerusalem

The French foreign ministry slammed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Friday for vowing that the City of Jerusalem would never be divided.

"The declaration made by the Israeli prime minister yesterday in Jerusalem prejudices the final status agreement," Foreign Ministry spokesman Frederic Desagneaux told reporters in Paris.

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Israel Matzav: French foreign ministry slams Netanyahu over Jerusalem

Israel Matzav: How Obama is letting Iran build a nuclear bomb

How Obama is letting Iran build a nuclear bomb

Earlier this week, it was reported that President Obama told Prime Minister Netanyahu that by the end of this year, the United States should have a sense of whether its 'strategy' of 'engaging' with Iran is working. Unfortunately, the end of this year is likely all the time Iran needs to finish constructing a nuclear bomb.
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Israel Matzav: How Obama is letting Iran build a nuclear bomb

Israel Matzav: Hezbullah wets its pants

Hezbullah wets its pants

Hezbullah is accusing Israel of planning for the assassination of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah, according to a report in the London-based pan-Arabic daily al-Sarq al-Awswat. According to the report, the nationwide homeland security exercise that is scheduled to take place on June 2 is preparation for Hezbullah's response to such an assassination.
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Israel Matzav: Hezbullah wets its pants

Israel Matzav: Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

Just a reminder to all of you that I am in Boston right now, and therefore I may post things from Boston after the Sabbath starts in Israel. As you all know, I do not post on the Sabbath or Jewish holidays wherever I am.

The Jewish Chronicle reports that the poster at top left, which promotes Israeli tourism in the UK, is to be pulled from some 150 underground stations in London because it 'shows the 'West Bank' as being part of Israel' (Hat Tip: NY Nana)

The Israel Government Tourist Office has decided to remove a series of posters at London Underground stations after a complaint was made to the Advertising Standards Authority about a map featured in the poster which shows the Occupied Territories incorporated in Israel.

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Israel Matzav: Fear of Islam strikes Israeli tourism from the UK (again); UPDATE: Syrian embassy behind complaints

Cool Facts about Israel

Thanks a lot to DJSTONE999-V2 for sharing this

So You Want to Boycott Israel?

A lot of thanks to Gedera-Guy for sharing this video

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