Wednesday, 22 April 2009


by Rabbi Baruch Binyamin Hakohen Melman

The parshayot of this week deal with ritual impurity and spiritual uncleanness. It is said that evil speech leads to evil consequences - psoriasis (tzoraas) and then some. Evil is really all around us at all times, ready to attach itself to us, but is only held at bay by our righteousness and our purity of speech...
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Chesler Chronicles » Durban II: The Legalization of Genocide by the United Nations. A Counter-Conference in NYC.

For many years, the United Nations has conducted itself in ways that range from the ridiculous to the surreal. They have been utterly ineffective in all things save one: the legalization of Jew-hatred. That grim project continues to gather force and is now a potentially genocidal one. The current Durban II conference is more of the same diabolical Mad Hatters party. But make no mistake: The UN and the Organization of Islamic States take themselves very seriously. They think there is nothing illogical, biased, perverted, or even “racist” about their condemnation of the Jewish state.

The failure to stop Durban I not only led to Durban II. It played a role in the escalating and never-ending intifada against Israel and in the “hate Israel” mob demonstrations in the Islamic world and in the West, including on American and European campuses that have taken place ever since.

Let me suggest that President Amadinejad means exactly what he says. He does plan to implement another Holocaust against the Jews. We deny this at our own peril. And, Amadinejad does plan to “play,” shame and, if possible, defeat America in terms of Iran’s obtaining and using nuclear power. The arrest of Iranian-American journalist, Roxana Sabari, as an American “spy” is only the first of many steps in response to President Obama’s open hand and conciliatory tone.
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Chesler Chronicles » Durban II: The Legalization of Genocide by the United Nations. A Counter-Conference in NYC.

Disgrace at Durban 2

Disgrace at Durban 2

Shouldn't the UN be promoting human rights instead of racism as the organization's integrity takes a pounding?

The United Nations enjoys what is known as the "halo effect", whereby, because of its supposed humanitarian focus and promotion of universal values, it is insulated from scrutiny and is regarded as above reproach by the media, which often holds international bodies such as the UN to be a reference and a guiding moral light.

HonestReporting has regularly attempted to redress the balance, focusing on some of the long list of discriminatory actions by the UN against Israel and highlighting shortcomings within the international organization that the media failed to cover.
Read the Whole Article in:

Disgrace at Durban 2 - Honest Reporting

Israel Matzav: Video: Interview with Representative Jane Harman (D-Cal.)

Israel Matzav: Video: Interview with Representative Jane Harman (D-Cal.)

Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad's hero's welcome

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had a triumphant return home on Tuesday according to several accounts in the media:

In Teheran, some 200 people gathered at the airport to give Ahmadinejad a hero's welcome and bunches of flowers as he returned home.

Iranian state TV described him as having defended Palestinian rights against a racist regime. The official IRNA news agency, which strongly supports Ahmadinejad, quoted lawmaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar as saying that Ahmadinejad's speech in Geneva was a "great achievement for (Iran's ruling) system."
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Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad's hero's welcome

Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad dropped Holocaust reference, Vatican stayed

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dropped a reference in the original text of his speech to the Holocaust as being "ambiguous and dubious" in the hope that fewer delegations would walk out of his Monday speech in Geneva. One of the delegations that did not walk out as a result of Ahmadinejad's not denying the Holocaust was the Vatican
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Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad dropped Holocaust reference, Vatican stayed

Israel Matzav: New Obama - Chavez video: A tense exchange?

Israel Matzav: New Obama - Chavez video: A tense exchange?

Israel Matzav: Ban Ki-Moon's selective moral outrage

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon criticized President Ahmadinejad's speech Monday at the United Nations hatefest in Geneva.

I deplore the use of this platform by the Iranian President to accuse, divide and even incite. This is the opposite of what this Conference seeks to achieve. . . . I reminded the President that the UN General Assembly had adopted the resolutions to revoke the equation of Zionism with racism and to reaffirm the historical facts of the Holocaust respectively.
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Israel Matzav: Ban Ki-Moon's selective moral outrage

Israel Matzav: Krauthammer on Ahamdinejad's anti-Semitic rant

Charles Krauthammer comments on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic rant to the Durban II hatefest on Monday.
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Israel Matzav: Krauthammer on Ahamdinejad's anti-Semitic rant

Israel Matzav: Is someone trying to create a diplomatic incident with the US?

There are some very strange goings on over at the Jerusalem Post.

On Sunday night, the Post reported that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has 'canceled' a trip to the AIPAC conference May 3-5 ostensibly because US President Obama 'refuses' to meet with him.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday canceled his plans to attend the upcoming AIPAC summit, after it became clear that US President Barack Obama would not meet him during the conference.

The paper then went on to report that the Prime Minister has asked Shimon Peres to take his place. Note that there is no source or byline for that article - it was written by "JPost staff."
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Israel Matzav: Is someone trying to create a diplomatic incident with the US?

Israel Matzav: The humorless United Nations

In response to Monday's welcoming reception for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Geneva, the United Nations has expelled a 'large number' of members of the European Union of Jewish Students, from whose ranks the clowns and gallery hecklers who disrupted Ahmadinejad's speech were drawn. I suppose that since they cannot really expel the country delegations who walked out of the hall, Ban Ki-Moon and his friends are taking it out on the students instead. No matter - most of the 'action' in Geneva is taking place outside the conference hall anyway.

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Israel Matzav: The humorless United Nations

Israel Matzav: Londonistan Israel Independence Day celebration canceled

In her best-selling book, Londonistan: How Britain is Creating a Terror State Within, British journalist Melanie Phillips argues that multiculturalism, weak policing, cultural relativism, and what Phillips calls a 'victim culture' combined to create an ideal breeding ground for Islamic terrorists. She points to the centrality of London-based individuals and groups to many terror plots around the world, which she argues were enabled by a semi-formal "covenant of security" between Islamists and the British authorities. An example of what results from these forces took place in London on Monday when the city's Bloomsbury Theater bowed to pressure from Islamist and other anti-Zionist and canceled a Yom HaAtzmaut (Independence Day) celebration that was to be held by the UK's Zionist Federation at the theater next week.

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Israel Matzav: Londonistan Israel Independence Day celebration canceled

Israel Matzav: Selective moral outrage

In Tuesday's Wall Street Journal, Bret Stephens rips the mask off the selective moral outrage that the World in general - and the Muslim world in particular - applies to 'Palestinian' deaths and injuries. He does so by comparing the 'Palestinians' and the reaction to their situation to the Chechens and the reaction to their situation. Stephens could as easily have compared the 'Palestinians' to the Darfuris or to Muslims in Thailand (for example) and gotten similar results. But he chose the Chechens, and the comparison makes for interesting reading. And he's dead on with his explanation. Can you guess it before you start reading?
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Israel Matzav: Selective moral outrage

Israel Matzav: Aide to 'moderate' Fayyad: Death penalty for Palis selling land to Jews

As the Obama administration attempts to deliver a Judenrein (Jew-free) reichlet to the 'Palestinian Authority,' the 'moderate' 'Palestinians' attempt to ensure that none of their own sell any land on which they wish to establish that reichlet to Jews.

On Sunday, YNet reported that an investigation into land sales by 'Palestinians' to Jews in the eastern half of Jerusalem had been closed due to pressure by the Israeli authorities. The pressure was brought to bear because under the Oslo accords, the 'Palestinians' are not allowed to arrest people in Jerusalem, and because the people they were arresting were made Israeli citizens when Israel incorporated the entire city into Israel's borders shortly after the 1967 Six Day War.

Israel does not allow the 'Palestinian Authority' to arrest Israeli citizens - even if they happen to be Arabs.
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Israel Matzav: Aide to 'moderate' Fayyad: Death penalty for Palis selling land to Jews

Israel Matzav: Asharq Al-Awsat slams Ahmadinejad speech

Israel Radio reported on Tuesday morning that an editorial in the London-based pan-Arabic daily Asharq Al-Awsat slammed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech on Monday to the UN-sponsored hatefest in Geneva.

No, not because it was a racist anti-Semitic diatribe.

Esser Agaroth - Holocaust Prevention Day

Last night and this morning Jews commemorated those who fell during the Holocaust of World War II. Various events and observances took place through the day, some with a basis in Jewish tradition, such as saying Qaddish, lighting candles, closing some businesses, and memorializing the fallen through story telling, and some without any basis in Jewish tradition, such as standing for a siren and laying wreaths.

It is not my intention to enter the debate over which kinds of observances are appropriate, and which kinds are not.

There is also an ongoing debate as to whether a day of such observances in addition to Fast of the Fifth Month (9 b'Av) and the Fast of the Tenth Month (10 b'Teveth) is even necessary.

It is not my intention to enter this debate either.

It is my intention to address the issue of memorials in general.

Memorials are important. They are important for us as a community to remember and to relive the grieving; they are important for us as community who hopes and prays that Holocausts will not reoccur.
Read The Article in:

Holocaust Prevention Day - Esser Agaroth


Andrew Sullivan seems to be saying that when it comes to torture, the Americans have been worse than the Nazis. This is so blatantly crap (I don't even apologize for the term) that I can't believe he's saying it. Perhaps he isn't, and I'm reading him wrong. But I don't think I am.

Notice how the Nazis ensured that doctors were present at all times so that they could monitor the captives' response to torture and make sure they didn't die or suffer visible permanent injuries that could embarrass the regime in public (see the Bradbury and Bybee memos for the Bush equivalent). Notice the careful measurement of how many times someone can be beaten (another Cheney innovation). And notice that we are not talking about waterboarding - something even the Nazis excluded from their "enhanced interrogation" methods.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


More than 400 unarmed demonstrators and even bystanders killed over ten years, and no police ever convicted for any of the deaths, not even on manslaughter charges.

In Britain.

Something to keep in mind the next time someone tells you about how Israel's court system is uniquely evil in protecting its security types from the wrath of the law. Though of course, the British coppers don't really face an enemy, so perhaps they need not be trained in restraint.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (
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