Saturday, 2 May 2009

Chesler Chronicles - A Defining Moment in History: Civilians Unite Against Radical Islam

On Sunday, May 3rd, at noon, in Times Square, in New York City, a gathering of eagles and of angels will take place. Come rain or come shine, the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam is holding a rally. Please join us. The coalition is composed of Muslim, ex-Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, Christian, Sikh, Buddhist, atheist, and human rights leaders who are “calling for the defeat of radical Islam.”

Note: I have not written that the coalition opposes “Islam” (although some may—they view it as a totalitarian, imperialistic, and apartheid political force, not as a “religion of peace”). Nor have I written that the coalition opposes “Muslims” (no one does).
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Chesler Chronicles

Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian Authority' meeting with Iran in Venezuela?

'Palestinian Authority' meeting with Iran in Venezuela?

DEBKA is reporting that the foreign ministers of the 'Palestinian Authority' and Iran met in Caracas on Monday in an attempt to reach an agreement on a 'national unity government' for the 'Palestinians.'

Authorative sources in the Venezuelan capital have told DEBKAfile that Monday, April 27, Iran's foreign minister Mostafa Mohammed Najjar and intelligence chiefs secretly got together with visiting Palestinian Authority officials, led by Palestinian foreign minister Riyadh al-Maliki. The matchmakers were Hugo Chavez and the Qatar ruler Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa, following on the former's visits to Tehran and Qatar in late March.
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Israel Matzav: 'Palestinian Authority' meeting with Iran in Venezuela?

Israel Matzav: A good summary of where Israel stands with the 'Palestinians'

Israel Matzav: A good summary of where Israel stands with the 'Palestinians'

Israel Matzav: Breaking: 'Spy' case against AIPAC staffers dropped

Breaking: 'Spy' case against AIPAC staffers dropped

Jewish Telegraphic Agency reports that the US Federal government has dropped its case against Keith Weissman and Steven Rosen - former staffers of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee - who had been charged under the 1917 Espionage Act with disclosing closely held defense information to a foreign agent.
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Israel Matzav: Breaking: 'Spy' case against AIPAC staffers dropped

Israel Matzav: In the event of Iranian attack, Leftist Jews to be moved to Samaria

In the event of Iranian attack, Leftist Jews to be moved to Samaria

The IDF and other government entities recently conducted exercises to prepare for a scenario in which there is a nuclear attack on the Tel Aviv metropolitan area. Ironically, one of the scenarios practiced was the evacuation of large numbers of Tel Aviv Leftists to Samaria.

Samaria, also known as the northern part of the West Bank, is the large hilly area in the middle of Israel which lies just north of Jerusalem and east of Tel Aviv. Since Jewish towns exist there alongside Arab villages, it is widely assumed that Arab enemies would be less likely to attack the region for fear of harming Arab/Muslim population centers.
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Israel Matzav: In the event of Iranian attack, Leftist Jews to be moved to Samaria

Israel Matzav: Muslims immune from swine flu?

Muslims immune from swine flu?

Some Muslims believe that because they don't consume pork products, they are immune from swine flu (Hat Tip: NY Nana).

Generally speaking, Islam prohibits the consumption of pork because it considers the pig to be "unclean". Many Muslim doctors and specialists have been claiming long before the present plight that pork is a harmful diet. In addition, according to the Islamic belief, consumption of swine-flesh leads to lowliness in soul and demolishes spiritual and moral faculties in any person.
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Israel Matzav: Muslims immune from swine flu?


Back when I was a wee lad, quite some years ago, I was staunchly convinced quality beat public relations; I truly expected that if anyone was really good he (or she) would rise to the top based merely on the quality of their abilities. Since in the days of my wee-dom advertising executives enjoyed the status that Wall Street humbugs enjoyed in 2007, you can see that I was a contrarian even then.

Then life taught me otherwise. Quality is a fine thing, surely, but PR is better, and sharp elbows are bestest, especially when used to create fine PR to cover one's pushiness.

I have just finished reading the second book in a row that claims that quality is a necessary condition for success. The first, which I mentioned a while ago, was Guy Kawasaki's The Art of Start. The second is even more troubling, as it focuses entirely on how to get word out to the masses: Emanual Rosen's The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited; Real-life Lessons in Word-of-Mouth Marketing.
I must say this insistence on an idea I gave up on many years ago is disconcerting.
taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: KEDOSHIM: 19:18 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF (my secret revealed)

by Rabbi Baruch Binyamin Hakohen Melman

In Leviticus 19:18 there is the most awesome and complicated mitzvah in the Torah:"Love your neighbor as yourself, I am Hashem. Ve'ahavta leReyacha kamocha, ani Hashem."

My secret for remembering that this mitzvah is Lev 19:18 is as follows. Now once I explain my secret I guess it won't be much of a secret anymore, but here goes:

Lev, although short for Leviticus, is also the word in Hebrew for heart. And everybody knows that the word for love in English comes from the Hebrew word for heart, which is Lev.
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Sefer Chabibi Deepest Torah: KEDOSHIM: 19:18 LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF (my secret revealed)



Holiness in living finds its ultimate expression in the mitzvah, "and you shall love [unto] your fellow as you love yourself, I Am Hashem." (Lev.19: 18) Who is this fellow, this neighbour that the Torah is talking about? On many occasions when learning this verse with students, I would ask them to [you may want to try it yourself] close their eyes and listen to the verse as I read it to them, and then think of someone in relation to this verse. Then I would ask them if the person they thought about was in the room. Almost always the majority of people thought about someone who was not presently in the room. The implications of this are interesting. Now listen to this amazing teaching from Reb Shlomo zt"l.



“…My Sabbaths shall you observe…” [Leviticus: 19: 3 and 30]
This week’s parshah contains a large amount of various divine commandments; let’s focus on one.

“…My Sabbaths shall you observe…” [Leviticus: 19: 3 and 30]

The question that many commentators ask is why the plural usage of “Sabbaths” is used. Why couldn’t the verse have just said “My Sabbath shall you observe” in the singular? Furthermore, why didn’t the verse say “Observe the Sabbath”? Why does God speak in a possessive context and refer to it as “My Sabbaths”?

I believe that by calling it “My Sabbaths”, God is hinting to us that we are meant to observe Shabbos in the same manner as He does. How can we know how God observes the Sabbath? Upon creation, the Torah describes to us how God chose the seventh day of rest and depicts, so to speak, how he “observes” Shabbos himself. The verse says:

“On the seventh day God completed His work which He had done, and on the seventh day He rested (שבת) from all His work which He had done” [Genesis: 2: 2]
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