EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Edward Lynch, Republican for Congress in Florida 19

When I posted my question list earlier, I told you all that it had been written at the request of another candidate in a congressional election. I never thought I'd have the answers so quickly.
Ed Lynch is the Republican candidate in the Special Election taking place in Florida's 19th Congressional District on April 13. That's the district that's been represented until now by Obama's buddy Bob Wexler. Ed Lynch would be an incredible improvement for pro-Israel voters. Here are the questions and answers:
1. Do you believe that there is a solution to the dispute between Israel and the Palestinians, and if so what is it?
Unfortunately, at this point in time, until the hearts and minds, as well as the concrete actions of the leaders of the Palestinian Authority genuinely change- from both Fatah and Hamas members- there will be no solution or lasting peace, and Israel will be forced to defend its citizens proactively and root out terrorism.
2. If you believe that solution is what is commonly referred to as the 'two-state solution,' why do you believe it hasn't happened to date? Do you anticipate any change in the circumstances that have prevented the two-state solution from happening and if so, what and when?
Personally, I have advocated a one-state solution consistently out on the campaign trail because of the realities on the ground that are presented to Israel at this juncture. However, the matter remains one for the Israeli Government and Prime Minister Netanyahu to decide. PM Netanyahu has unfortunately, but probably without any other recourse, deferred to President Barack Obama and accepted the two-state “solution” publicly in spite of the fact that he most likely opposes it in private. PM Netanyahu has also suspended Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria in another attempt to placate the Obama administration, and in spite of the fact that the PA are not credible interlocutors and are manifestly corrupt. Moving forward, it is wise not to grant any further concessions to the PA, and continue to insist that they stop supporting terrorism.
3. What do you think the United States ought to be doing to help Israel live in peace and security with its neighbors, and do you believe that the Obama administration is doing it? If not, what should they be doing differently?
I believe the Obama Administration should stop meddling within Israel’s internal affairs as to how they should deal with terrorism, settlements, and construction related matters. No, I do not believe the Obama Administration is helping Israel, as its moral equivalence is undermining Israel and placing it on equal footing with rogue regimes such as Iran and Syria, as well as the with the Palestinian Authority, all of whom do not have a genuine interest in a real peace process.
4. Do you believe that the United States should be pressuring Israel not to build on the West Bank? In East Jerusalem?
The United States should not pressure Israel as to how to govern its internal domestic affairs, as it is the only functioning democracy in the region that respects the basic human rights of all its people. The recent archeological discovers in East Jerusalem strengthen Israel’s claims to sovereignty over that part of Jerusalem.
5. What do you believe the United States ought to be doing about Iran?
We need to be prepared to enforce a naval blockade and provide military assistance to Israel at it attempts to stave off a mortal threat to its existence. Anything less than this is phony posturing, and we would not be living up to our historic alliance with Israel if we failed to offer tangible assistance- military, diplomatic, and political- to one of our closest allies in the world, and the only representative democracy in the Middle East, to save it from this mortal threat to its existence.
6. Do you support sanctions against Iran? If so, what types of sanctions should the United States pursue? Should sanctions be imposed in cooperation with the United Nations? Would you support them being imposed unilaterally?
While tightening sanctions is laudable, sanctions on our end will not accomplish their intended effect when Germany and other countries are cutting new deals with Iran, and other nations are continuing to do business with the regime. What is problematic about my opponent’s position on the matter of Iran, as well as his Party’s in general, is their reluctance or unwillingness articulate or support measures against Iran that are more confrontational and disruptive to counter the hostility of the Iranian regime as we draw nearer and nearer to what unfortunately looks like an inevitable conflict. The UN is a non-starter for Israel, as it has consistently voted against Israel’s interests in the region time and time again.
7. Would you support Israel taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?
8. Would you support the United States taking military action to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons? Under what circumstances?
9. Would you be willing to work with the pro-Israel, pro-peace J Street lobby?
It’s easy for any person or organization to say that they’re “pro-Israel” or “pro-peace”. What is not easy is to demonstrate consistent and principled moral clarity in the face of a determined enemy that spreads hatred and seeks your destruction. I will work with any organization that properly understands that Israel is confronting a direct existential threat from a regime that cannot be negotiated with.
Sounds like he reads my blog. Hmmm.
One question left: Can the Jews of Florida 19 overcome their natural instincts to pull the lever for the Democrat regardless of how much better the Republican is?
Israel Matzav: EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Edward Lynch, Republican for Congress in Florida 19
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