Stupid Jews: Majority of US Jews still back Obama on Israel

The 55 percent who approve of Obama's Israel policy is a slight improvement on the finding in the same survey last year [which was 54-32. CiJ], while the disapproval number has ticked up slightly more.
The survey is a reminder of what surveys of American Jews regularly find: They're still overwhelmingly Democratic, and many self-identified Jews responding to polls are more liberal, and less focused on specifically Jewish issues, than the communal leadership.
ALSO: Confusingly, only a slightly slimmer majority approves of Netanyahu's performance [57-30. CiJ], and a solid majority opposes dividing Jerusalem [61-35. CiJ].
This shows that (a) many Jews support Obama without knowing what he stands for and (b) as we already knew, many Jews are simply incapable of voting anything other than Democratic.
By the way, US Jews also favor the creation of a 'Palestinian state,' but just barely: 48-45.
Israel Matzav: Stupid Jews: Majority of US Jews still back Obama on Israel
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