PA TV sermon: "Jews are enemies of Allah and humanity - Kill them"

PA TV Sermon: "Jews are the enemies of Allah and humanity"
"The Prophet says: 'Kill the Jews'"
Itamar Marcus/Nan Jacques Zilberdik
PMW Bulletins
01 February '10
"Even if donkeys would cease to bray, dogs cease to bark, wolves cease to howl and snakes to bite, the Jews would not cease to harbor hatred towards Muslims."
A sermon calling for the genocide of Jews was broadcast Friday by PA TV, which is under the control of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. The speech called the Jews the enemies of God and humanity, and compared Jews to Nazis.
In a recent interview with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Abbas proudly declared that there is no more incitement in the mosques:
Love of the Land: PA TV sermon: "Jews are enemies of Allah and humanity - Kill them""They [Israel] said there is a problem with incitement in speeches in mosques during Friday prayers. Today there is no more incitement at any mosque," he[Abbas] said." [Haaretz, Dec. 16, 2009]
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