Wednesday 7 April 2010

Israel Matzav: Moshe Arens on US - Israel relations

Moshe Arens on US - Israel relations

Moshe Arens, now aged 84, has served Israel Defense Minister and as ambassador to the United States. He's one of our clearest thinking, sharpest and most articulate spokesman, and he doesn't pull any punches.

Ruthe Blum-Leibowitz has some of the best conservative political yichus (lineage) that this country has to offer. She is the daughter of Norman Podhoretz, the sister of John Podhoretz, and the sister-in-law of Elliott Abrams, who was a national security adviser to President Bush.

Leibowitz interviewed Arens for Pajamas Media in two parts: Part One and Part Two. There's so much here that you simply must read both parts completely.

The only thing I even question is Arens' assertion that there is no connection between Obama's non-policy on Iran and his policy on Israel.

I wonder if Ruthe has ever tried getting Misha and Elliott together for a chat....

Anyway, read both parts.

Israel Matzav: Moshe Arens on US - Israel relations

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