Arab League chief calls for war

The chief of the Arab League warned Saturday that Israel's actions could bring about a final end to the Middle East peace process.
Amr Moussa urged an Arab leadership summit in Libya on Saturday to forge a new strategy to pressure Israel, saying the peace process could not be "an open ended process."
“We must prepare for the possibility that the peace process will be a complete failure,” Moussa said. “This is the time to stand up to Israel. We must find alternative options, because the situation appears to have reached a turning point.”
It also seems that President Obumbler has succeeded in driving the Arabs into the arms of the Iranians. Although the mostly AP written article goes on to blame Israel for the Arabs seeking to engage Iran, the truth is that no one in this region has any confidence that the United States will stop Iran.
What could go wrong?
What could go wrong?
Israel Matzav: Arab League chief calls for war
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