Krauthammer on Iran's announcement that they'll build 10 more nuclear enrichment plants

Robert Gibbs went on to say, quote, "Time is running out for Iran to address the international community's growing concerns about its nuclear program."
Has there ever been a more fatuous statement from a presidential spokesman? Iran has addressed the concerns of the international community, and its answer is: You can go to hell.
It has addressed these "concerns" time and again. It responded by continuing to enrich uranium for three years, both before and after direct engagement and negotiations with the United States. It gave its response when it rejected the Obama overture on exporting its enriched uranium.
It expressed its contempt by keeping open the Qom site which the world has demanded it close. And now it has ... doubled down on its contempt by announcing it's going to build ten new more sites.
How many times does it take for the Obama administration to take no for an answer? "No" is the answer!
And all Iran sees is an obsequious president, the most accommodating and appeasement-minded since the Carter administration vis-a-vis Iran, on bended knee, begging for a yes — and all [he] gets is no.
At some point, and it should be today, it should have been a year ago, three years ago in the Bush administration, accept the fact that a no is a no. …
[Iran's] intentions have been revealed for a decade. It isn't as if it has been obscured. It has been repeated over and over again.
In fact, Obama made the ultimate outreach during the demonstrations against the regime which had stolen an election. It [the Obama administration] actually took the side of the dictatorship against the people in the streets, hoping that it would create an opening and an overture to the regime — and [in response] the regime has spat in our face.
And that [IAEA] statement that the Chinese and Russians [signed onto last week], if you look at the fine print, it says that [it was] the first such statement since 2006. So this isn't an advance. It is a return to 2006. And in the meantime, Iran has had three years to enrich uranium.
By the way, everything he says about the US not being able to take "no" for an answer from Iran applies to Israel and the 'international community' not being able to take "no" for an answer from the 'Palestinians.'
Israel Matzav: Krauthammer on Iran's announcement that they'll build 10 more nuclear enrichment plants
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