Sunday, 1 November 2009

Israel Matzav: Israel's PATRIOT act

Israel's PATRIOT act

Likud MK Danny Danon has proposed a law that is very similar to the PATRIOT act passed after 9/11 in the United States. Under the law, the Israeli government could confiscate terrorists' assets. Given the unfortunate propensity of successive Israeli governments to release terrorists from prison without making them first serve their full sentences, the seizure of assets could constitute an irrevocable punishment for the terrorists.

The Knesset Law Committee on Sunday authorized a bill proposed by MK Danny Danon that would authorize the government to seize the property of terrorists. The seizure of the property would be an additional punishment for terrorists, whom Danon said are too often freed after only a short time in prison "as an Israeli confidence-building 'gesture,' or for other reasons," he wrote in an addendum to the bill. Danon said that the bill would be more effective than destroying terrorists' houses, which are often quickly rebuilt with help from international organizations.

The bill is similar to the Patriot Act in the United States, passed in 2001, which authorizes the US government to seize assets of terrorists. The bill would authorize the state to confiscate terrorist property not only within Israel proper, but in "security" or "administered" areas, such as at the security fence or in Judea and Samaria. "Let us hope that the desire of the 'martyr' to hold on to his home and property is sufficient to persuade them not to take part in terror attacks," Danon said.

Good luck with that. It's a nice idea but I doubt it is going to be much of a deterrent to the jihadi 'Palestinians' even if the property is distributed among the terrorist's victims (which would seem reasonable).

Israel Matzav: Israel's PATRIOT act

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