Erdogan: Israel worse than Sudan

Erdogan said he would rather confront Bashir, indicted for orchestrating crimes against humanity in Darfur, than discuss state killings of civilians with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Turkish prime minister also said that he did not believe that Bashir was guilty of the crimes for which he was indicted.
"I cannot discuss this with Netanyahu but I can easily discuss such issues with Omar al-Bashir. I can say to his face: What you are doing is wrong," Erdogan said.
Erdogan said Bashir is free to join an Istanbul summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference this week. The 57-nation group holds its main meetings Monday.
Bashir is not coming to Turkey on Monday, because the European Union (which apparently still wants to admit Turkey) objected.
To give you some indication of what a maniac Erdogan has become, even Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is begging him to maintain relations with Israel so that he can act as a 'mediator' between Israel and Syria. Good luck with that, Baby Assad. There is no way Erdogan can be a 'mediator' any more.
To give you some indication of what a maniac Erdogan has become, even Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is begging him to maintain relations with Israel so that he can act as a 'mediator' between Israel and Syria. Good luck with that, Baby Assad. There is no way Erdogan can be a 'mediator' any more.
Israel Matzav: Erdogan: Israel worse than Sudan
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