One Thousand, Four Hundred Days

Paula R. Stern
A Soldier's Mother
25 April '10
In the last one thousand, four hundred days...
We sold our house and
We moved to a new house, that we bought.
My oldest daughter got engaged and married, celebrated her first, her second, and her third wedding anniversary.
My oldest son entered the army, finished basic training, advanced training, a commander's course.
He served in several combat locations and went to war against terrorists who were firing hundreds of rockets into our cities.
He finished his national service, returned his weapon and uniform and came back home.
My second son finished high school, did a year and a half of pre-military learning, and just entered the army.
My third son finished elementary school, entered junior high school and celebrated his bar mitzvah.
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Love of the Land: One Thousand, Four Hundred Days
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