I Blame You, Ron Lauder

Shmuel Sackett
International Director
Manhigut Yehudit
1 Iyar, 5770 (15 April '10)
Most of the Jewish world is applauding the bold and brave move by World Jewish Congress president, Ronald S. Lauder, who printed an open letter to US President Obama in today’s Wall St Journal and Washington Post. In this letter, Ron Lauder asked the president to end the public feud with Israel, to focus more attention on the Iranian nuclear threat and to commit to Israel’s security.
While the letter sounds nice and defensive of Israel, it is actually nothing more than a hypocritical bunch of nonsense written by one of the people mainly responsible for the dangerous situation in which Israel finds itself!
Allow me to explain – using the same style as Mr. Lauder – only this time writing a hypothetical open letter from US President Obama to WJC President Lauder:
15 April 2010
Dear President Ronald S. Lauder,
I read your open letter today in the Washington Post and have the following reply:
By the time I was born, you already had a degree in International Business from the prestigious Wharton School of Business at the University of PA.
In 1984 you were appointed Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO policy at the Pentagon.
In 1986 President Ronald Reagan appointed you as US Ambassador to Austria.
In 1989 you ran for mayor of NYC.
In 1998 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appointed you as his personal representative in peace negotiations with Syria. During your tenure at this position, you authored the work, “Treaty of Peace between Israel and Syria,” which advocated Israeli surrender of significant amounts of land in exchange for peace.
I write all of this to show that – clearly – you are a man of the world. You are a trusted advisor to both Presidents of the United States and Prime Ministers of Israel. Many top leaders in both the USA and Israel consider you their personal friend.
(Read full commentary)
Love of the Land: I Blame You, Ron Lauder
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