Haaretz willing to turn over documents but....

Israel Radio just reported (9:00 am news on Tuesday) that in light of Kam's waiver, Haaretz is willing to return the documents that Blau got from Kam, but the Shabak (General Security Service) is insisting on examining Blau's entire hard drive and materials (you mean they don't trust him - what a shock!) to make sure that everything is returned and that 'no journalist could give in to such a demand.'
Has anyone started a Facebook page yet to shut down the traitors at Haaretz?
Haaretz is now reporting that two CD's with 2,000 documents stolen by Kam have 'disappeared.'
By the way, someone on the radio on Monday noted that no Haaretz writer from the Right (there are a couple) has written an opinion piece about Kam or anything else since the story broke last week. Coincidence?
Israel Matzav: Haaretz willing to turn over documents but....
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