Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Love of the Land: Typical Human Rights Watch Dishonesty

Typical Human Rights Watch Dishonesty

David Bernstein
The Volokh Conspiracy
04 January '10

HRW’s website has published this piece on the Geneva Conventions and Israel by director Ken Roth. There are many things wrong with it, but I’ll focus on one piece of blatant dishonesty.

Here’s Roth:

Instead, there is strong evidence that Israel wanted Gazan civilians to pay the price for Hamas’s abuses, and that the decision to impose that cost was taken not by junior officers in the field but by senior government officials.... [A]s the foreign minister at the time, Tzipi Livni, said during a wartime debate in parliament: “On my way here I heard that Hamas declared the man killed by a rocket in Ashkelon ‘one of the Zionists’ despite being an Israeli Arab. They don’t make a distinction, and neither should we.” With culpability running to such senior levels of government, it is no surprise that Israel wants to rewrite the rules.

Roth helpfully provides a link to his source for Livni’s quote, a newspaper article from the Israeli news site Ynet. Put aside, for a moment, the fact that despite the seriousness of his accusation, Roth is quoting from a newspaper article that doesn’t give a transcript (and thus the full context) of Livni’s remarks. And put aside that he is relying on an English translation, not the original Hebrew.

(Read full article)

Love of the Land: Typical Human Rights Watch Dishonesty

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