'Moderate,' Western-looking 'Palestinian' calls for ethnic cleansing of Jews

Well, the West is enamored with the outside. The inside is pure 'Palestinian.' And unless the West is still into ethnic cleansing, if they'd chip just a little beneath the Western facade, they might not like what they find.
On Sunday night, Fayyad called for ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea and Samaria.
At a demonstration near Ramallah Sunday night, Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told a crowd that a future Arab state in Judea and Samaria must be free of all Jews. Fayyad, who was never elected to his office democratically, was an economist for the International Monetary Fund until being handpicked by former United States President George W. Bush to lead the PA.
Maybe President Obumbler's attorney general can explain why that kind of statement and the ethnic cleansing that underlies it, which would not be tolerated in the United States, are okay for our region. I'm sure Eric Holder would tell you that it's fine but there is no logical way to explain why.
Israel Matzav: 'Moderate,' Western-looking 'Palestinian' calls for ethnic cleansing of Jews
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