Good news: al-Qaeda has full body scanners

A body scanner at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport would not necessarily have detected the explosives which the would-be syringe bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had sewn into his underwear. A Dutch military intelligence source told De Telegraaf newspaper that Al Qaeda has its own security scanners and has been practicing ways of concealing explosives.
I'm shocked - just shocked. Aren't you?
There are other reasons not to use full body scanners. Here's former El Al CEO Issac Yeffet discussing more reasons why full body scanners won't work and how to beat the terror threat.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Hot Air).
What I found most interesting about this video is that Yeffet doesn't really talk about profiling as if it's race-based. From listening to Yeffet, it's not that they profile every Muslim. They look for psychological signs (hence my references from time to time about the security at Ben Gurion being psychology students and graduates). They look for people who are nervous. They check visas and even a US visa is not going to be enough for you to escape suspicion.
Yes, this could be done in the United States (El Al already does it in foreign airports). As Ed Morrissey notes at Hot Air:
There are other reasons not to use full body scanners. Here's former El Al CEO Issac Yeffet discussing more reasons why full body scanners won't work and how to beat the terror threat.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Hot Air).
What I found most interesting about this video is that Yeffet doesn't really talk about profiling as if it's race-based. From listening to Yeffet, it's not that they profile every Muslim. They look for psychological signs (hence my references from time to time about the security at Ben Gurion being psychology students and graduates). They look for people who are nervous. They check visas and even a US visa is not going to be enough for you to escape suspicion.
Yes, this could be done in the United States (El Al already does it in foreign airports). As Ed Morrissey notes at Hot Air:
Yeffet himself says that the US could use that same system, if we are willing to discard our political correctness and use the right kind of expertise on the problem.
And El Al's record speaks for itself. Let's hope the US and other Western countries wise up. Otherwise, flying won't be safe for a long time to come.
Israel Matzav: Good news: al-Qaeda has full body scanners
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