Catholics to canonize Pius XII?

Some historians and Jewish groups have argued Pius should have done more to prevent the deaths of 6 million Jews by the Nazis and their collaborators, but the Vatican insists Pius used quiet diplomacy to try to save Jews. The German-born Benedict's approval of a decree about his "heroic virtues" is certain to set off a new round of criticism from Jewish organizations.
Benedict ... made an official visit to Israel and has already made two visits to synagogues. But his decision to take a step forward in Pius' long-delayed beatification process will likely spark further outrage among Jews still incensed over Benedict's rehabilitation earlier this year of a Holocaust-denying bishop.
"While it is obviously up to the Vatican to determine who its saints are, the church's repeated insistence that it seeks mutually respectful ties with the Jewish community ought to mean taking our sensitivities into account on this most crucial historical era," said David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee.
Abraham Foxman, a Holocaust survivor and the Anti-Defamation League's national director, said he was disappointed that the pope had taken the decision while the historical jury is still out on Pius' record.
"I can't understand the rush, especially while there are still survivors who are alive who feel the issue very, very deeply and are being told the files need time to be processed. What's the imperative?" Foxman told The Associated Press.
Israel Matzav: Catholics to canonize Pius XII?
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