Monday, 16 November 2009

The Torah Revolution: Western money fuels feuds and radicalization

Western money fuels feuds and radicalization

B"H -

If the "palestinians" were a real people and the Palestinian Legislative Council a real parliament and the PA something - anything real, apart of the terrorist organization it is against the Jewish people and Israel the world loves to finance to the tune of millions of dollars a day, every day, if the so called "palestinian" territories, Judea and Samaria, were anything but the Biblical Heartland of the Jews, this operation would be called: a coup. One gets the impression that the Arabs really have their minds confused. Shame on the international donor community to finance this group of Jew-haters so heavily to provoke feuds and to maintain radicalization. Check out and realize that the so called “palestinians” is just one of the many autonomist and secessionist movements. What makes them sexy is that they are against the Jews. Through them the world can say loud and clear: “Jews, we hate you!”

- This is talkback # 5 on "PA confirms PLO to take over parliament"

The Torah Revolution: Western money fuels feuds and radicalization

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