Sunday, 15 November 2009

Love of the Land: Bill Clinton, I Can Play Those "If" Games, Too

Bill Clinton, I Can Play Those "If" Games, Too

Batya Medad
Shilo Musings
15 November 09

If Hillary had divorced Bill, she would be United States President today!

That's a lot truer than Bill's Rabin worship:

"There would be peace if Rabin were still alive"

Hat tip: IMRA

Considering that Clinton's judgment was lower than his charisma, why should anyone take him seriously? Did Bill use his "Divorce is not an option" line to Hillary when caught in his extra-marital affairs?

As I've written numerous times, peace isn't up to us. We're not at war against our neighbors. The Arabs unabashedly declare that they want us dead and gone. They attack, terrorize etc. Israel just takes it, trying to invent various "defensive shields," and on the rare ocassions when we do fight back, we're condemned by the world.

Yitzchak Rabin's policies were not bringing Israel towards peace, just to a more weakened state when our enemies were (as always) planning our destruction.

There's nothing like death, especially a violent one, to turn a controversial figure into a "saint." Israel's Left, supported by like-minded international figures and organizations, has so efficiently and professionally exploited Rabin's murder; you'd think they had orchestrated it...

Love of the Land: Bill Clinton, I Can Play Those "If" Games, Too

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