Schlussel: 67% of US hate crimes against Jews

That’s right. A whopping 66.69%–or just over 2/3rds–of America’s religion-based hate crime incidents are committed against Jews. But, hey, there’s no anti-Semitism. I’m just imagining it. The real condition afflicting America is Islamophobia, right? Let’s ignore that only 6.91% of hate crime incidents were against Muslims, with Catholics very close behind comprising 4.94% of hate crime incident victims. Sadly, some Catholic leaders look the other way on anti-Semitism (more on that below).
Another fact that is very inconvenient to Muslim propaganda is the fact that hate crimes against Jews and Catholics are growing, but hate crimes against Muslims, not. In 2007, there were 969 reported hate crime incidents against Jews in America. In 2008, it’s 1,013. In 2007, there were 61 anti-Catholic incidents. In 2008, there were 75. For Muslims, in 2007 there were 115 reported incidents against them. In 2008, it’s 105. And all of this is despite the fact that unlike other groups, Islamic groups work overtime to get alleged Islamic victims to report hate crimes.
Israel Matzav: Schlussel: 67% of US hate crimes against Jews
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