How dumb can they get?

Q You've said you're not sure how long the quiet will last. What is the future of Sderot?
A The army solved the problem when there were 100 Kassams a month. The army cannot fight against one or two people (launching rockets). This is something you have to solve politically, but I don't think Hamas is ready to do something like this.
Q Why not take away the militants' ability to make trouble for you? Why not move the people out of Sderot?
A Hamas started with Kassams that traveled three or four kilometers. Now they have rockets that travel 40 kilometers. We have to give them the idea that it's not good for them to launch rockets. They lose more than they win.
When the Israelis evacuated Gaza in 2005, they thought if we give all the settlements back to the Palestinians, there will be peace. But instead of launching rockets at Gush Katif, they launch them at Sderot. After that at Ashkelon. After that at Ashdod. We have to be (in Sderot), and we have to be strong enough.
Q All of your people feel this way?
A Yes. If not they would all have left. There was a time when (the population) was 17,000. Now it is 25,000. It's our country. It's our home.
The picture at the top is Sderot kids on the floor of a classroom during a drill or a rocket attack.
Israel Matzav: How dumb can they get?
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