Actions speak louder than words

"It is only through dialogue that we can achieve the lasting peace that Israel seeks," Emmanuel said.
"No one should allow the issue of settlements to distract from the goal of a lasting peace between Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab world," he told participants at the Jewish Federations of North America's General Assembly.
He also called for peace negotiations without unilateral actions by either side and "without preconditions," the latter of which was seen as pushing against Palestinians who are demanding that the US pressure Israel on a total settlement freeze before talks begin. Israel has apparently agreed to a partial freeze, short of what the US would like to see but still seen as a positive step by the White House.
In his address, Emanuel stressed that the engagement US President Barack Obama had conducted throughout the Arab and Muslim world should not be seen as Washington turning its back on Israel.
"As this administration has sought to engage the region, there are some who suggest this implies a diminished level of support for Israel," noted Emmanuel, who substituted for Obama when the latter canceled in order to attend the Fort Hood memorial service. "That is not the intent and that is not the case and never will be."
He described Obama's motives as "just the opposite" - to create peace in the region that will strengthen Israel. He also referred to the repeated statements Obama had made on the "unbreakable" bond between the United States and Israel.
As you may recall, back in June, Dennis Ross left his position as President Obumbler's chief envoy to Iran to join the National Security Council. Until now, Ross did not have a replacement. Now he has one. Meet John Limbert.
John Limbert will be the senior Iran official at the State Department, replacing Dennis Ross, who has moved to the National Security Council (and who has not been heard from publicly since). Should America be concerned? Yes. Limbert is not a neutral arbiter; he serves on the advisory board of the National Iranian American Council (NIAC).
What is the National Iranian American Council?
The Council is widely considered the de facto lobby for the Iranian regime in America. It opposes sanctions on Iran, soft-pedals any controversial events in Iran, and counsels "patience" regarding Iran's stance towards its nuclear program. The NIAC has been at the forefront of lobbying against continued congressional funding of the Voice of America Persia service, Radio Farad, and grants for Iranian civil society. To top it off, the NIAC has reportedly received funding from anti-Israel advocate George Soros, who at the very least was an honored guest and speaker at one of its symposiums. (He called for a more equitable Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and advocated for America to renounce regime-change as a goal).
The NIAC staunchly opposes any military attacks on Iran. In other words, it all but serves as Iran's embassy in Washington -- though the NIAC vociferously disputes this characterization. However, there is very little sunlight between the views of the regime and the NIAC.
It would seem therefore that Iran, which is self-declaredly at war with the United States and whose nuclear weapons ambitions are at the point of being realised, now has its own man running the United States’s policy towards Iran.
Has there ever been a situation where the President of a country delivers his country in this fashion to its mortal enemy?
Where is Congress?
I'm not aware of there being a question and answer session at the General Assembly on Tuesday, but I would have loved to ask Rahm Emanuel how he reconciles Limbert's appointment with Obama's claims (and Emanuel's claims on his behalf) that Obama is pro-Israel.
If anyone in the White House or State Department press corps is reading this, please ask about Limbert at the next briefing and let me know what the administration has to say in their defense. It seems to me that the fox has been entrusted with watching the hen house.
Actions speak louder than words.
Israel Matzav: Actions speak louder than words
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