Monday 6 July 2009


Feiglin: Netanyahu's "Two-State" Proposal HijacksNationalist Votes That Elected Him

July 5, 2009...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu today made the statement that there is a national Israeli consensus in favor of his “two-state” proposal of carving an Arab state out of the biblical Jewish heartland in the state of Israel.
Manhigut Yehudit President Moshe Feiglin points out that Netanyahu was elected with the votes of the national camp that favors a "one-state" proposal - and this state remaining Jewish. As 65 of the 109 Jewish seats in the Knesset are in parties on the right wing of the political spectrum, it can be surmised that approximately 60% of the Jewish citizens of Israel actually oppose Bibi's giveaway.
Bibi’s proposal does not reflect national consensus, but rather hijacks the votes of the national camp and applies them to leftist policies.
taken from :
Press Releases
Manhigut Yehudit

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