Sunday, 18 January 2009


Ethan Bronner of the New York Times went into Gaza, as far as the IDF would let him, and came back to report:

Israeli Merkava tanks plowed through potato and strawberry fields on Thursday as paratroopers guarded their ground, a mix of ruins that once were handsome two-story houses and farm fields that had been turned into rocket-launching pads against Israel by Hamas.

No doubt in some future report he'll tell us about the destruction wrought by the IDF, but in this report he makes it clear that Hamas bears significant responsibility, not only for provoking the IDF by shooting at Israeli citizens, but also for the destruction of Palestinian homes, as many as one third of which have been booby trapped - which means, the explosives that brought them down were put there by Hamas.

Nice people. Always on the lookout for ways best to serve their citizens.

taken from : Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

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