Sunday 26 April 2009

Jewish Thought of the Day - To Harness the Power of Speech

To Harness the Power of Speech

We have all experienced the power of speech.

The right words can break a person’s heart, inspire a nation, lift a friend’s spirits, destroy a child’s self-esteem, propel a man to the White House, and bring a fresh smile to a tear-drenched face.

To harness the power of speech, and to use it as a force for good—in life and in the world—is a daily challenge. Speech confronts us at every turn.

Jewish wisdon teaches us that—

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Jewish Thought of the Day - To Harness the Power of Speech

Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad goes Zionist!

Ahmadinejad goes Zionist!

This is the best story I have seen in a while (Hat Tip: Michael Ledeen).
In another freebies for votes stunt, Ahmadinejad's camp announced free orange handouts to people when he was due to hold an election rally in the poor district of Islamshahr. Of course the stunt worked and as predicted, large throngs who would not miss the opportunity of getting fresh juicy oranges for free, turned up. There was however one problem. The oranges were Israeli oranges with obvious 'Jaffa' labels still on them!
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Israel Matzav: Ahmadinejad goes Zionist!

Israel Matzav: 'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.Now that he's no longer running for President (or is he?) Mike Huckabee seems to get it (Hat Tip: Hot Air).

Mike Huckabee stakes out a position well to the right of both parties in an interview with an evangelical magazine:

WORLD: What about Israel and the Palestinians? Any hope there?

HUCKABEE: I've been to Israel 10 times; I've also been to virtually every other country in the area. This may put me in such a small minority, but I think this two-state solution is nonsense. If we're trying to get these two warring factions to occupy the same piece of real estate with two political entities layering over each other, that's absurd. We wouldn't tolerate it and they're not going to tolerate it. We shouldn't try to prolong the sense of that happening. [Israelis] not only have a right to existence, which is a fundamental agreement dating back to the early 1900s in the Balfour Declaration, but a right to a secure homeland. The tiny sliver of real estate they occupy, surrounded by people who are hostile to them, is really a very vulnerable place for them. Hoping for this two-state solution is simply not practical.
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Israel Matzav: 'This two-state solution is nonsense' says... Mike Huckabee?

Israel Matzav: Olmert spokesman Mark Regev didn't like the name "Cast Lead"

Olmert spokesman Mark Regev didn't like the name "Cast Lead"

Haaretz reports that Ehud Olmert spokesman Mark Regev, an immigrant from Australia, did not like the name "Operation Cast Lead," which was given to Israel's Gaza operation. The name came from a Zionist Chanuka song by Haim Nachman Bialik that describes how a father bought his son a cheap dreidel (see picture) made out of cast lead for Chanuka, the holiday during which the operation began. The operation's Hebrew name was oferet yetzuka, which translates into English as cast lead. (Yes, I know the dreidel in the picture is only good for use outside of Israel - it's 4:20 on Friday afternoon!).
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Israel Matzav: Olmert spokesman Mark Regev didn't like the name "Cast Lead"

Israel Matzav: Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

This is from the Washington Post's report of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony on Thursday. I discussed another aspect of her testimony here.

Clinton took flak from some lawmakers about the administration's efforts to keep its options open regarding the creation of a Palestinian unity government. The government is split between Fatah, which controls the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas, which the State Department considers a terrorist group, won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, but the United States has refused to deal with the group until it meets conditions, including recognition of Israel.
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Israel Matzav: Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

Israel Matzav: Parts of Ahmadinejad's Geneva speech were censored before being published

Parts of Ahmadinejad's Geneva speech were censored before being published

Writing in Friday's New York Post, Amir Taheri reports that parts of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic diatribe at the Durban II conference in Geneva on Monday had to be censored when they were published for the media that was present to avoid violating Switzerland's strict anti-hate speech laws.
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Israel Matzav: Parts of Ahmadinejad's Geneva speech were censored before being published

Israel Matzav: Netanyahu tells Europe they can't dictate to Israel; Czech PM Topolanek agrees

Netanyahu tells Europe they can't dictate to Israel; Czech PM Topolanek agrees

Earlier this week, the European Union suspended talks on upgrading relations with Israel, because Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu refused to bow to the mantra of the 'two-state solution,' and refused to force Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria to seek European permission to procreate by saying that he would put a full stop to 'settlement expansion' in existing Jewish towns in Judea and Samaria. As a result, the Europeans have canceled a summit between Netanyahu and European leaders that was scheduled for June, and suspended talks on upgrading Israel's relations with the European Union.
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Israel Matzav: Netanyahu tells Europe they can't dictate to Israel; Czech PM Topolanek agrees

Israel Matzav: Heartbreak: Netanyahu US ambassador candidate favors 'unilateral withdrawal'

Heartbreak: Netanyahu US ambassador candidate favors 'unilateral withdrawal'

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's leading candidate for ambassador to the United States, Historian Michael Oren, who was a college classmate of mine at Columbia, told an audience at Georgetown earlier this month that the only way to 'save' Israel as a democratic Jewish state is to 'unilaterally withdraw' from most of Judea and Samaria.

Oren, a Middle East expert and senior researcher at Jerusalem's Shalem Center, gave a 90-minute lecture entitled "The Gaza Crisis from an Historical and Personal Perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Answering questions from attendees, Oren voiced his opinions about possible solutions to the conflict and the policy Israel should take. He emphasized that he does not represent the majority of Israelis.

"I may be the last of the standing unilateralists," he said. "The only thing that can save Israel as a Jewish state is by unilaterally withdrawing our settlements from the West Bank," and waiting for a new Palestinian leadership.
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Israel Matzav: Heartbreak: Netanyahu US ambassador candidate favors 'unilateral withdrawal'

Israel Matzav: What we should learn from Durban II

What we should learn from Durban II

Claudia Rosett has a great column in Forbes about what she terms the Durban II debacle (Hat Tip: Instapundit). The whole thing is worth reading, but I'd like to highlight the part where she explains what's wrong with the United Nations:

So, after all the controversy and drama, what was the Durban Review Conference really about?

The debacle this week was, above all, a natural product of the U.N. system. The real basis for fighting racism is neatly summed up in five words from the U.S. Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." But in the U.N. calculus, it is not the equality of individual men or women that matters most. Instead, the U.N. tends to exalt the "equality" of sovereign states--as if there were no difference, say, between North and South Korea; Iran and the U.S.
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Israel Matzav: What we should learn from Durban II

Israel Matzav: Ominous news from Bolivia

Ominous news from Bolivia

For several months now, Bolivia has been acting like Venezuela's little brother; among other things it broke relations with Israel in January over Operation Cast Lead. This week, there has been ominous news from Bolivia as the authorities have gone out of their way to shut down a local Chabad House that is very popular with Israelis in the town of Rurrenabaque in northeastern Bolivia.

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Israel Matzav: Ominous news from Bolivia

Israel Matzav: Israel to 'lose' Arab support on Iran

Israel to 'lose' Arab support on Iran

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday that the Arab countries need Israel to 'enter into discussions' with the 'Palestinians' in order for the Arab countries to 'deal with' Iran.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned Israel on Thursday that it risks losing Arab support for combating threats from Iran if it rejects peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Clinton said Arab nations had conditioned helping Israel counter Iran on Jerusalem's commitment to the peace process.
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Israel Matzav: Israel to 'lose' Arab support on Iran

Esser Agaroth - Some Thoughts On Israeli Independence Day 5769

Erev Shabbath Qodesh Parshath Tazri'a-Metzora/Rosh Hodesh HaSheni 5769

A piece by Tzvi Fishman, blogging on Hollywood To The Holyland, prompted me to write the post below. He begins...

People occasionally ask, where is it written in the Torah that we have to build a State? Apparently, they are not familiar with the words of the giant Torah authority, the Ramban, who repeatedly stated that we are commanded that the Land of Israel be in our hands, and not in the hands of any other nation....
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ESSER AGAROTH - Some Thoughts On Israeli Independence Day 5769


Yesterday evening I went to a book launch of Daniel Gordis' new book, Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End.The book is brand new, and as regular readers will know, I'm a wee bit behind on my reading, so I haven't read it yet. Danny's lecture, however, was interesting. He started by saying we should talk about why Israel needs to be here and what the Jews are supposed to do with it; then he said that most of the things we need to achieve don't need to wait for peace, so we really should stop waiting and do them. Apparently the book is his list of goals.

Had he intended this to be an internal Israeli discussion, he'd have written the book in Hebrew, and I'll bet he'd have written a different book. In writing in English, it seems to me, his real discussion is what Israel can and should be for the Jewish people. Though he didn't come out and say this last night, I got the impression he's addressing what he percieves as a widening gap between Israelis - who have zillions of fervently-held opinions about those questions - and American Jews, who are feeling estranged by us rambunctious cousins.

Which might mean the book isn't really about Israel at all, but rather about the Jews outside and how they look in, or don't look in, or should be looking in. Unless the book is very different from how its author presented it - the only way to know is to read it.
taken from;Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (


Claudia Rosett explains why the fiasco of the United Nations "Durban II" conference was inevitable given the way the UN understands the world:

The debacle this week was, above all, a natural product of the U.N. system. The real basis for fighting racism is neatly summed up in five words from the U.S. Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." But in the U.N. calculus, it is not the equality of individual men or women that matters most. Instead, the U.N. tends to exalt the "equality" of sovereign states--as if there were no difference, say, between North and South Korea; Iran and the U.S.

As an aside: The person who almost single-handedly convinced the Useful Idiots that Ahmedinijad never said Israel should be destroyed - my old friend Juan Cole - seems to have managed to get through this whole week with nary any mention of the event. A blogger's prerogative, of course, to talk about what one wishes and be silent on other matters.
taken from:Yaacov Lozowick's Ruminations (

Stop Raping Israel: Psych!

Thanks to Gloire over at "Worst Case Scenerio" Iran's recent "Army Day" parade was severely curtailed.

Mullahopolis originally planned to feature a message of Air Superiority at Army Day with like all available fighters, and combo fighter/ground attack jets sweetly doing the flyby by as various despotic fans and control freaks harangued attendees.

The message may have been intended to prove that Preacher Command controls the skies and rowdy rumors of Little Satan's aerial prowess were totally overblown.

Except "Army Day" was disappointing with only a few jets and choppers hanging out.

Why cause?

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Stop Raping Israel: Psych!

A National Perspective - Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut |

We could live our lives filled to the brim with Torah, personal growth, chessed (kindness), maasim tovim (good deeds), perfecting our middot (character traits). We could even be involved in tremendous community work bringing loads of Jews back to their roots. We could be building up our community, starting up new kosher restaurants and cafes. Building new shuls and mikvas.

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A National Perspective - Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut

Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Going Inwards |

The bulk of this weeks Torah portion discusses the details of the affliction of Tzara’at. It is a common misconception that Tzara’at is the disease of leprosy, or is some sort of bodily infection that can be cured by medical means. However, after reviewing this week’s parshah, even on a superficial level, one can be certain that the “disease” of Tzara’at is far removed from any sickness that exists within the realm of nature.
The Torah starts off describing the different forms of Tzara’at that one may find on his body. One who notices a lesion on his skin and suspects that he may have contracted the disease would notify a Kohen (Jewish priest) in order to arrange for an examination. If it turns out that the blemish is in fact Tzara’at, the Torah tells us:

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Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Going Inwards