Sunday 26 April 2009

Israel Matzav: What we should learn from Durban II

What we should learn from Durban II

Claudia Rosett has a great column in Forbes about what she terms the Durban II debacle (Hat Tip: Instapundit). The whole thing is worth reading, but I'd like to highlight the part where she explains what's wrong with the United Nations:

So, after all the controversy and drama, what was the Durban Review Conference really about?

The debacle this week was, above all, a natural product of the U.N. system. The real basis for fighting racism is neatly summed up in five words from the U.S. Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." But in the U.N. calculus, it is not the equality of individual men or women that matters most. Instead, the U.N. tends to exalt the "equality" of sovereign states--as if there were no difference, say, between North and South Korea; Iran and the U.S.
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Israel Matzav: What we should learn from Durban II

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