Sunday 26 April 2009

Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Going Inwards |

The bulk of this weeks Torah portion discusses the details of the affliction of Tzara’at. It is a common misconception that Tzara’at is the disease of leprosy, or is some sort of bodily infection that can be cured by medical means. However, after reviewing this week’s parshah, even on a superficial level, one can be certain that the “disease” of Tzara’at is far removed from any sickness that exists within the realm of nature.
The Torah starts off describing the different forms of Tzara’at that one may find on his body. One who notices a lesion on his skin and suspects that he may have contracted the disease would notify a Kohen (Jewish priest) in order to arrange for an examination. If it turns out that the blemish is in fact Tzara’at, the Torah tells us:

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Parshat Tazria-Metzora: Going Inwards

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