Sunday 26 April 2009

Israel Matzav: Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

This is from the Washington Post's report of US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's congressional testimony on Thursday. I discussed another aspect of her testimony here.

Clinton took flak from some lawmakers about the administration's efforts to keep its options open regarding the creation of a Palestinian unity government. The government is split between Fatah, which controls the West Bank, and Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas, which the State Department considers a terrorist group, won Palestinian legislative elections in 2006, but the United States has refused to deal with the group until it meets conditions, including recognition of Israel.
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Israel Matzav: Congress may restrict aid to 'Palestinians' to prevent Obama from dealing with 'Palestinian unity government'

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